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thought i had a friend in rs


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man i hate stuff like this, i wouldnt even lend out stuff to my best of the best friends. I know its sad but you just cant trust anybody. If it means anything I'll be your friend :) I offer good advice whenever my friends need it. Gimme a PM ingame





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Thats why I am glad my friends trust me and I can trust my friends. One of my friends is rich (to me anyway) and I am poor , so he let me borrow a blue haloween mask for a few moments so I could take a screenie and say I wore a mask. Right after that I gave it back. I gave another friend 1mil (most I've ever had) because he got hacked. After that he made his money back and gave it back to me. At least I know I can trust my friends. Makes RS a lot more fun.

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Just goes to show you: you cant trust anyone.




Yup. For me, I don't really have good RS friends. I just hang out by my self, doing whatever. So I don't worry about it, I never lend stuff.


Exactly like me.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I only trust the people i know irl on rs, makes it a lot easier if they have to see me everyday at school and i keep asking for my item, no ignore list irl.
one of my school m8s in rl stole my d med, i told on him on the princeable and he got in trouble and i got my d med bac :)




Well you really have to make sure its someone you know that lives near you. So you can go knock on their door and get it back lol.

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If you decide to lend items, you should always ask for a reasonable amount of insurance.





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I enjoy training and playing minigames with friends...




but the ONLY person i will lend stuff to in RS is my Best friend in real life. :)

My Accounts:

Cman1989 (Main Account) - Summer_Mists (Secondary Main)

Imake_Runes0 (Skill Pure F2P) - X_Magicka_X (Mage Pure F2P)

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i usually do lots of stuff in rs with friends to make it less boring like right now about to craft nats but sadly dont got anyone to craft with so gonna extremely bored i just like to talk to ppl when doing things so like to have friends there makes funner



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i thought i one of my friends or thought was friend i lended him my obby shield and zerker and thought he was friend so wasn't worried about him stealing i log in next day he at magics cuz he gettin full drag jus needs to shield now he got the chain other day and i tried to message him cuz i changes worlds


and he jus logs off and i know he heard me




Maybe he just got fed up of bad grammar?

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lol my grammer is pretty bad i type to slow for what im thinking usually so i forget words and letters and tell me what parts cuz teachers always tell me to correct grammer in my essays and reports and with the cuz and words shortened i shorten cuz dont want to type whole word usually jus faster amd cuz ive done aim for while dont do much lately easier jus talking to my friends normally but it cursed my typing and made me have to think on how to spell the words instead fo spelling them in shortened way



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i have one friend that i trust and he trusts me. no we never met in real life, only in RS.


i have his cannon in my bank and he gave me green mast to try on :) i also give him stuff that he needs, well if he needs. but he helped me few times with expensive items on mine

1500+ total 89 cmb; 1600+ total and under 93 cmb.

02/04/07 reached all skills 60+ under lvl 90 cmb.

07/19/07 reached all skills 70+ at lvl 93 cmb.

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Hmm... The only people I trust are the people I know IRL. Like yesterday, I lent my D-Long for a battle at the duel arena. He gave it back right after. I wouldn't dream of lending something to someone I don't know in IRL.

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Hmm... The only people I trust are the people I know IRL. Like yesterday, I lent my D-Long for a battle at the duel arena. He gave it back right after. I wouldn't dream of lending something to someone I don't know in IRL.




Thats true to some extent. I would trust some of my oldest friends *Those I've known since RSC and some others from RS2*

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I only trust the people i know irl on rs, makes it a lot easier if they have to see me everyday at school and i keep asking for my item, no ignore list irl.
one of my school m8s in rl stole my d med, i told on him on the princeable and he got in trouble and i got my d med bac :)








You can't really trust anyone with anything... IRL or IRS. Its human nature to be complete... err... "not-nice people"

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I have good friends. Back when my friends use to give me around 5m in items to transfer on accounts.




You do know that posting on forums about you braking RS rules will get you banned on the forums too?




Hope to see you banned soon. I get banned for 3 days for using UBB to allow a cuss word, I wonder if the biased mods will do anything to you when you admit to transfering which is a big no no in runescape.

Attack - 99/99

Defense - 97/99


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Just goes to show you: you cant trust anyone.




Yup. For me, I don't really have good RS friends. I just hang out by my self, doing whatever. So I don't worry about it, I never lend stuff.




Well you have a point there but I do have some great RS friends that i hang with and chat with. But we all know each other and never even ask for items because we know it is not a trust issue, its just the plain truth. Although i agree with what another person said. Yes i have loaned a green phat, full drag, and a lot of other stuff to one person, but he is a great friend that i know in real life and he would never even think of keeping it. Lol or else....

Qizx2- Archmage

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I only trust the people i know irl on rs, makes it a lot easier if they have to see me everyday at school and i keep asking for my item, no ignore list irl.
one of my school m8s in rl stole my d med, i told on him on the princeable and he got in trouble and i got my d med bac :)
Lol, my principle was a marine in Vietnam, and if i told him that, he'd probably laugh me out of his office. :P

- EDR 98% of teenagers have been drunk or around alcohol. Put this in your signature if you like bagels

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I only trust the people i know irl on rs, makes it a lot easier if they have to see me everyday at school and i keep asking for my item, no ignore list irl.
one of my school m8s in rl stole my d med, i told on him on the princeable and he got in trouble and i got my d med bac :)




anton you're my hero

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