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If u could have 1 super abilty what would it be


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I want the power of Morphing! I wouldn't need flight powers, I can just turn into a bird. I wouldn't need to be invisible, I can just turn into a bug.


You only have to type four extra keys for me to not think "ur" an idiot.


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Like alot of people have mentioned, I'd like Telekenisis. ^_^ I'd also like the ability to rewind time, like on Prince of Persia. That would be awesome!




Like, in any social situation, I could just say whatever I wanted to someone, and then, rewind time and say the right thing. :D That would be sweeeeeet!

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Like alot of people have mentioned, I'd like Telekenisis. ^_^ I'd also like the ability to rewind time, like on Prince of Persia. That would be awesome!




Like, in any social situation, I could just say whatever I wanted to someone, and then, rewind time and say the right thing. :D That would be sweeeeeet!




Hehe on test days I'd pick the skill to know the right answer to everything (except for the questions that would be major spoilers like.... What's the purpose of life... What's the question that is answered 42...)


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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Like alot of people have mentioned, I'd like Telekenisis. ^_^ I'd also like the ability to rewind time, like on Prince of Persia. That would be awesome!




Like, in any social situation, I could just say whatever I wanted to someone, and then, rewind time and say the right thing. :D That would be sweeeeeet!




Hehe on test days I'd pick the skill to know the right answer to everything (except for the questions that would be major spoilers like.... What's the purpose of life... What's the question that is answered 42...)




:lol: With my amazing ability to control time, on a test day, I would simply climb on top of my desk and say, "Attention, fellow members of my class: can someone tell me all of the answers? That would be awesome." Or I'd just stand up and look at everyone's paper. Then, just as the teacher is yelling at me to go to the office, I'd simply rewind time, remembering the answers I'd accumulated, and quietly complete my test. :D

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I'm doubtfull...


ok, so first I'd have the power to have all powers, does it count? :D


Ok... so lets say it doesnt count because the powe of having all powers is too owning.


I'd like to be imortal, but not just not die, be able to keep a certain age for ages, because being imortal with 10.000 years wouldn't be good.


I'd like also to have freeze time power, and teleportain power, so I could be in 2 places at the same time, do all stuff I want, get loads of money buy my own country and maybe later, with my 20 years (imortal power) I'd be rich enough to buy humm... my own planet? :shock: Nah, just by having my own country I'd be happy.


With all this money and power i'd negociate with God, or who gives the powers a new power... maybe a invisible skill. And with this one I'd infiltrate the secret base of secret power development and steal the power of getting through things.. like that girl in X-Man. Ahh, Id do a bunch of things with each new power ;)


But between all this action and the first option, i'd tick with the first one. :D




Immortality would beat Bernard's ability big time.


Who is Bernard? :?





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1. Psychic powers (Maybe then I'll actually understand how women can go from extremly happy to pissed off in an instant)


2. Pyrokinisis


3. Telekinisis




Others I would want:




The ability to fly


The ability to morph into whatever form I want


The ability to go through objects


The ability to control time




Healing powers



~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~

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Who is Bernard? :?




I can't believe you don't know Bernard and his magical watch! :o


Meh man... That was when I was a child, a little small human :lol:


Yeah, I remember him, but he depende on his watch to freeze time, we need to fucus on time freezing by mind, just think of freezing, and PUFT! done! :D





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Immortality would beat Bernard's ability big time. So I'd stick with it.


Who'd want to live forever?




People who never seriously thought about immortality.








1) To be able to enter somebody's mind (as in combining the ability of reading minds and using my mind to make people go mad by creating voices in their mind)


2) The ability to move faster than the eye can see (I can finally punch people who make me mad and never get caught)


3) No pain (mental and normal)


4) What some other guy said before, the power to touch the True Source (The Wheel of Time series)

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Who is Bernard? :?




I can't believe you don't know Bernard and his magical watch! :o


Meh man... That was when I was a child, a little small human :lol:


Yeah, I remember him, but he depende on his watch to freeze time, we need to fucus on time freezing by mind, just think of freezing, and PUFT! done! :D








i still dont know who bernard is :( .




4) What some other guy said before, the power to touch the True Source (The Wheel of Time series)




it would be pretty awesome, wouldnt it? actually i was thinking the other two would be cool too, insane amount of luck, with memories from all the great military leaders in the past, or being able to communicate with wolves and have super sight, smell and hearing.



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Bernard of Bernard's Watch fame. It's a children's TV programme, in which a boy callen Bernard has a magical pocket-watch with which he can start and stop time... but, of course, he can still do things while it's stopped. He, of course, gets into various tricky situations, and solves them, of course, with the aid of the watch. It was a lot of fun, as I recall.

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the ability to do any martial art at a master level




super strength, but not like big bulgy muscles, so i can trick people into thinking i'm really weak then break their jaw with a single punch




super speed, but not like stupidly fast so i move in a blur, just really fast like so i can do the 1 hundred metres in about 10 seconds


99.99999998465% of the world's population is not me, if you are the 0.00000001535% that is me, put this in you signature


-"being famous is like being a woman, if you have to tell people you are, you aren't"

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Wow... Me and my friend had this discussion a few days ago :shock:




1. The able to break things


2. Super Healing


3. Super Strength




Can i have a fourth? if so, Teleportation.

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The only thing that really makes me wish every now and then is the ability to have real pokemons. I'm not the greatest pokemon fan and never was or will be, but just having creatures like those in the palm of your hand would be downright sick.




Like during winter, having a Rapidash go around melting the snow through the path would be damn useful. Or when I have a heavy bag or when I'm late, I can ride easily.

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The only thing that really makes me wish every now and then is the ability to have real pokemons. I'm not the greatest pokemon fan and never was or will be, but just having creatures like those in the palm of your hand would be downright sick.




Like during winter, having a Rapidash go around melting the snow through the path would be damn useful. Or when I have a heavy bag or when I'm late, I can ride easily.


Having Real pokemons?


Imagine if one of them does not obbey you, it would destroy your house... haha!


I've never tought about having real pokemons... I imagine myself with a Mewtwo floating by my side gointo to school, meh...





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The only thing that really makes me wish every now and then is the ability to have real pokemons. I'm not the greatest pokemon fan and never was or will be, but just having creatures like those in the palm of your hand would be downright sick.




Like during winter, having a Rapidash go around melting the snow through the path would be damn useful. Or when I have a heavy bag or when I'm late, I can ride easily.




If I didn't know you have already gotten through puberty I'd say a couple of things right now :lol:


^The most disturbing signature on Tip.it^

Last.fm|HELLY KAYLA!|Oh the mehagurtz!|#Siencemakers

"they care less about their spelling mistakes then I." - Lionheart

"apinagez... let me

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If I didn't know you have already gotten through puberty I'd say a couple of things right now :lol:




Pssh :P You have no idea how much suffering I go through every winter walking to school :cry:




Oh, and I wouldn't mind having a few Nurse Joys around either :P

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