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Of Runescape and its Comparison to Real Life


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Now. We all know there are three deities in Runescape: Saradomin, Guthix and Zamorak. It seems like Saradomin was intended to be like the Christian God and Zamorak Satan, although personality traits somehow overrides this similarity. Now...




Which deity, Saradomin or Guthix, do you think is most similar to RL's Christian God?




I personally think Guthix, as Saradomin has some major character flaws: such as being a hypocritical pompous old man who likes to hear people say how good and kind he is. Guthix, however; seems much more "to-the-earth" like: he is more stern, controlled, firm; and also boosts much more power. He also does not forcibly impose his values on people like Saradomin does.




By the way, Zamorak is nothing like Satan. I don't recall Satan being a sarcastic (even likeable) kind of guy: at least, as the world portrays him.

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Firstly I would like to say welcome back, I haven't seen you around the forums for a while and it is always an extreme pleasure to read your posts.




I have to say that some aspects of both gods are similar to the real life Christian god, but I think it will take a serious debate with a lot of research into the history of these gods to surface the true similarities.


You haven't mentioned Zaros, I am afraid my knowledge on the gods is limited so I am ujnsure whether he is applicable to this discussion.

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Armadyl, but we don't know about him much; and neither of Zaros. I am merely saying which one you think is more similar. Obviously, the Chirstian God is completely perfect, so none of the Runescapian deities can be completely compatible.




And thank you.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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Of course. But the question here is whether Saradomin or Guthix is more similar to the Christian God. Give a reason if you can, please.

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Well it can't be trying to reflect Christianity because that's a monotheastic religion.


I don't see Zamorack representing Satan because Satan isn't a God.


I don't see any reason to suggest Sara/Guth are more representative of a Christian god than they are a Jewish god or Muslim one.




I don't think the Gods in RS are trying to represent any mainstream religion, it was just convenient for the storyline to have a Good guy, Bad buy, and Middle one (and now they're trying to expand the game, the other ones).




As far as which God is most like the Christian one... i dont know enough about rs history to say.

In a little hilltop village they gambled for my clothes

I bargained for salvation and they gave me a lethal dose

I offered up my innocence, I got repaid with scorn

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Peace, my friend. This subject is for entertainment and speculation only. Don't be too formal and serious.

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i have a feeling its sara because hes like the good guy and rl god is like really good as ppl say but as u said in the 1st post guthix doesnt make ppl follow him but i still think saradomin


abd zamorak isnt much like satan like u said b4


thanks to mitsubishi64 who made this sig

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There is no connection between RuneScape and real life (from what you think it is). This is because all religions are different in the number of dieties that there are, such as Christians only having one, and RuneScape having three.




There is absolutely no comparison on those levels unless your imagination was forcing it.

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...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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Well, any fantasy world needs a good and evil god.




There's a flaw here relating to the discussion, though:




Saradomin is called the "God of Wisdom" by JAGeX's own sources, not expressly stated as a good god.




Similarly, Zamorak is the "God of Chaos".




Where wisdom equates solely to goodness and chaos evil, I can't for the life of me see. As it is, JAGeX is too inconsistent with the gods. I don't even see why Saradomin and Zamorak are constantly fighting; it's not in their stated roles.

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There is no connection between RuneScape and real life (from what you think it is). This is because all religions are different in the number of dieties that there are, such as Christians only having one, and RuneScape having three.




There is absolutely no comparison on those levels unless your imagination was forcing it.


You're a newb I thought you quit lol? You better be online during the first week of june.

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I am forcing my imagination, actually. The purpose of this thread is to use your imagination and think: which Runescapian deity is most similar to the Christian God?




I don't see why people are taking this so seriously though.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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Saradomin, hes a god of wisdom, described as being the 'Good Guy' but the problem is that hes related to the God of Chaos, Zamorak, I am not too sure actually but I remember reading this in 1 of the first members to Gods talk letters JAGeX published.




If any god would have to resemble the Christian god, which I seriously doubt, it would have to be Saradomin cause he also forces or persuades people to believe in him. And as far as I paid attention in Religion Classes I believe the bible states stuff persuading or either forcing people to believe in him. (Only believe in 1 god, me. Believe in me or burn in hell :o )

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Saradomin has some major character flaws: such as being a hypocritical pompous old man who likes to hear people say how good and kind he is. [...] He also does not forcibly impose his values on people like Saradomin does.




Err, I think you just described your Christian God there...

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Saradomin has some major character flaws: such as being a hypocritical pompous old man who likes to hear people say how good and kind he is. [...] He also does not forcibly impose his values on people like Saradomin does.




Err, I think you just described your Christian God there...




Agreed , sort of :P That is basicly my view on the christian god lol

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Armadyl, but we don't know about him much; and neither of Zaros. I am merely saying which one you think is more similar. Obviously, the Chirstian God is completely perfect, so none of the Runescapian deities can be completely compatible.




And thank you.




The christian god isn't completely perfect. (And yes, I'm a faithful Christian.)

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