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Well, I recently got a computer, and figured I would try to first game I saw: Guild Wars. It works.."OK" on my computer but when I found out level 20 is max is kinda made me sad seeing as I had made level 10ish in only a few hours of game play. Computer specs are: 2.0GHz..whatever that means..512 MB system memory...? and the graphics card is Radeon Xpress 200m...any lenthy as in it will take a long while to max out a level is welcomed. I've played Diablo and fell out of that due to the cheats on there.



Marine Corps Base, Camp Lejeune.


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GW is not about maxing out the stats. It's mainly about the pvp side.


I suggest you read up on games before going to buy them, that way you wont be disapointed.

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i used to play gw. its AWSOME. i quit after my 3rd lvl 20. got bored and went back to runescape. try city of villans i used to play city of heroes and it was preety ok. but i still think rs beats em all cause you actually progress.

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I play World Of Warcraft, its a awsome game, although i wouldnt get it unless you can devote some time to it, ive been playing a month and am only lve 18 because i just cant get enough time to really lve up fast. Not to mention the world is exctreamly huge, but you cant just explore it all, because something say, 3-4 lves above you is next to impossible to kill.




Its a good challenging game.


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Guild Wars isn't an MMORPG though, which might be a part of why you don't like it if you're into MMORPGs.




Like Lion, I'd really recommend World of Warcraft. It requires thought and tactics to play well, and is fairly balanced. Fun, and bound to keep your attention for quite a while.

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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Knight Online-http://www.knightonlineworld.com/


Legend of Ares-http://legendofares.netgame.com/


Silkroad Online-www.silkroadonline.net/




Knight Online is a bit slow at first but once you reach level 60 its a blast.Its has huge wars with 500+ people and a great pk system,although too many Turks.Also they did have a macroing problem but I beleive Punkbuster made many macros ineffective.




Ares I just mentioned because it came out in Beta 2 weeks ago.So once the game gets big,you can probaly have already a high leveled character.




Silkroad Online is a pretty fun game.Choose to be a Theif,Hunter,or a Merchant and perform tasks to raise the xp in that level.Although I personally dont like the pk system but all in all its a good game.

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EVE online is the only MMO worth mentioning. Quit putting time into crappy Java games and buy this.


though I would have put it differently, I agree. Been hooked on eve for over a year now. Though, admittedly, it's not for everyone.

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Guild Wars isn't an MMORPG though, which might be a part of why you don't like it if you're into MMORPGs.




Like Lion, I'd really recommend World of Warcraft. It requires thought and tactics to play well, and is fairly balanced. Fun, and bound to keep your attention for quite a while.




Massively Multiplayer




--Check, except for instances, and even then you have teams from anyone in the towns that wants to come with you












Role Playing












--Check (I'd hope so, at least)


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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Guild Wars isn't an MMORPG though, which might be a part of why you don't like it if you're into MMORPGs.




Like Lion, I'd really recommend World of Warcraft. It requires thought and tactics to play well, and is fairly balanced. Fun, and bound to keep your attention for quite a while.




Massively Multiplayer




--Check, except for instances, and even then you have teams from anyone in the towns that wants to come with you












Role Playing












--Check (I'd hope so, at least)


Actually the developers decided whilst making the game that it didn't fit under the usual "MMORPG" title so called GW a "CORPG" or a "competitive/cooperative online role-playing game"

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Primarily, Guild Wars fail to attain a "persistant world" due to the massive instancing (and stuff like switching of characters, advancement, traveling etc etc). Town is not a town; it's a graphic waiting room from where you set up "games". A persistant world is - depending on who you ask - one of the requirements for a game to be truly massive multiplayer (there are purists who claim any instancing detracts from the massive multiplayer experience, but I'm inclined to think they just lack sufficient experience with being on the recieving end of some targeted corpse camping).




As Phil said, ArenaNet doesn't even bother claiming they're selling an MMORPG because they know they're not.

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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Either way, Guild Wars sucks.


Actually no it doesn't. Only some things in the game suck, much like other games.




If you know what's going on in it it's a very good game for a while. Although I think it needed other things to be a great game.




I still think GW was one of the best online games I have played.

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Actually no it doesn't.




Oh sorry.


What I meant to say was it doesn't suck.




It's one of the easiest games to beat, and it takes like two weeks to do it. Once you do it then there is nothing left to do. The PvP sucks, and there are almost no character choices.

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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Actually no it doesn't.




Oh sorry.


What I meant to say was it doesn't suck.




It's one of the easiest games to beat, and it takes like two weeks to do it. Once you do it then there is nothing left to do. The PvP sucks, and there are almost no character choices.


The main point of the game is the pvp and saying it sucks is just your opinion. I'm not saying the pvp beats WoW(I've never played that) but it sure beats some other online games out there (for eg. Runescape, Eve, etc.)




Sure it's easy to get to lvl 20 and finish the pve but it's not meant to be amazingly tough there, it's not meant to be a grinding game.




Almost no character choices? If you have a look there are 8 choices.




I sure had more fun in GW than I did in any other online game, the only reason I stopped playing was because my guild was not heavy pvp oriented. I also didn't have the time to try and join one which was.




Btw, there's no reason to get sarcastic here, can't we just have a normal discussion for once?

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Well whether people consider Guildwars to be MMORPG or not, it's definantly my most favorite game to play right now.




The game is pretty easy to beat and it is easy to max your level out, but the PvP portion of the game rivals any other game out there in my opinion. The PvP aspect of Guildwars and especially the guild battles takes alot of teamwork, strategy and skill.

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I always laugh when someone makes a topic like this. Partly because there is a new one every week, but mainly because when Cadbury finally decided to do something about it, no one posted in his thread =P.

Last.fm: http://www.last.fm/user/Aaronm14/


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And the bible is the big book of lies, call me a racist if you must.

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I always laugh when someone makes a topic like this. Partly because there is a new one every week, but mainly because when Cadbury finally decided to do something about it, no one posted in his thread =P.


Yes cadbury's thread was a good idea. I even tried to encourage it. But unfortunetly it was not active. I'd still like him to try and make it work though :P

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