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Simple world select refresh method


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:-) I saw a thread on help and advice asking how you do this. Thought I'd post it here too... it might be well known, but maybe not.




When you click one of the arrows, it not only re-sorts, but also refreshes the page. If you keep re-sorting by the same sort method, it in effect just refreshes the page over and over. This lets you get into world 1 or 2 or any other crowded world without going back through the detail select.




If you need to get into 66 (law running), sort by number of players, and look down the first few top entries.




Archive of wisdom??




*crosses fingers*




:oops: :P

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I was not aware of this, but it's more or less a common sense thing now that I think about it. But it doesn't seem any better than clicking the browser's refresh button or hitting F5(if in Internet Explorer).

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I was not aware of this, but it's more or less a common sense thing now that I think about it. But it doesn't seem any better than clicking the browser's refresh button or hitting F5(if in Internet Explorer).




go try hitting F5...




then look at what is on the address bar. It refreshes to that URL. So, when you hit refresh, it just goes back to runescape.com





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Guest sword_kill11

I find it's just easier to save the runescape worlds page (save it early in morning when few are on so all worlds are open). Place it on your desktop, and you can click and go directly to any world since you saved the page when all worlds were open :)

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lmao.... oh man I about died laughing.




Ok guys, so I stated the obvious. I am in the wrong. I admit it.




Now, can we have a flame fest?? :D :shock: :lol:




(no seriously! like I really mean it!)




flame away! Until the mods of locking ruin the fun.

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lol! nice pic


btw i figured that out about 2 months ago


it helps me ALOT


i dont see why u guys have to flame him... some people.. like one person that posted here many not know...




DK Drops: 65 Rings, 9 Muds, 44 Axes, 8 Seers

Dragon Drops : 2 Chains, 2 Legs, 2 Skirts, 9 Meds, 6 Halves, 1 Spear, 20 Axes, 9 Boots

God Wars Drops : 3 B Hilts, 1 Z Hilt, 3 B Boots, 1 A Skirt, 1 A Chest, 4 B Tops, 1 B Tasset, 1 Steam, 7 Shards

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yup i knew about this... i think i posted it recently in help and advice too lol :P thought it was pretty common knowledge though

-= weasel =- rsname: moosewalker ~ top 10000 player :D

newscape300x50qz7.giffull qp - always willing to chat add me...

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*tosses meesa anti flame shield and yells you should be allright with this*


that was my thread but ndont go and call me a noob i have played since rsc


not evryone knows this i think this thread is a good thing on the other hand


this wont get into the archive of wisdom sorry meesa


At the moment i can't really see the full form of the muffin.
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I find it's just easier to save the runescape worlds page (save it early in morning when few are on so all worlds are open). Place it on your desktop, and you can click and go directly to any world since you saved the page when all worlds were open :)




My favorites are




world 1


world 2


world 3


world 66




2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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well i didn't know this- thanks for posting.


the world i go on (69) is rarely full anyway


that captain obvious guy needs to get a dress sense :twisted:

Runescape nick : Fat_Slug

Owner of Ears, Scythe and a 10 year veteran cape :D



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