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higher level materials costs


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my last thread got locked because it was confused for a rant but heres the prices for the higher levle materials








bit pricey? meh








ps i have NOT seen another thread with this information so dont lock please because people really need to know this to plan for thier building

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Buying a Steel Dragon to protect the dungeon chest costs 10 million geepee, so I would have to say that's the priciest item. But it's a good drain from the current economy :)


By The_Jeppoz :wink:

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Friend didn't look at the prices of gold leaves before he bought. Then he got so mad and said he quit construction for forever.




Ha! Now thats funny :D

The self-proclaimed king of bronze.

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Buying a Steel Dragon to protect the dungeon chest costs 10 million geepee, so I would have to say that's the priciest item. But it's a good drain from the current economy :)




yea to a point but i hope they do eventually lower the prices on some of this stuff personaly im only going to be making one of each of those highest items... im going to just train with oak because its most cost effective for the time after i get my portals up and running im going to start another money making engine and just keep going till i can afford a few more of my desired upgrades as it is i have my kitchen and workshop nearly completly upgraded.. but some of the other stuff is oing to wait a looooong time unless the prices come down





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Buying a Steel Dragon to protect the dungeon chest costs 10 million geepee, so I would have to say that's the priciest item. But it's a good drain from the current economy :)
Gah... I can't tell if you're serious or not. :oops: Someone help me out?




Yeah she's serious it's in the KB




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Buying a Steel Dragon to protect the dungeon chest costs 10 million geepee, so I would have to say that's the priciest item. But it's a good drain from the current economy :)




The demonic throne is more expensive than the steel dragon. The demonic throne takes 25 magic stones and if they are 975,000 each, that would be 24,375,000 gp.




Kind of suprised at the costs of the magic stones.

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I think Jagex came out with these prices to combat the prices of rares. They want other signs of wealth and the prices of the rares should be going down.




The prices won't drop dratically because of the level restrictions because you can get these status symbols whereas a level-3 and own a p-hat.


- Affliction - 100 Combat - 9/15/06

Merchant / Skiller


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I accidently bought four and almost cried!




For the record high alching them gives you about 60k back :cry:




So if like myself you accidently buy them, just feel like an idiot and use them when you get a high enough level.

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If you accidently buy them, just try to sell them to high level players. Since the price does not change, marble will be 325k no matter if you buy from store or another player. So they'll buy from you for maybe a little less, but close to what you paid for.




Just be patient.


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I think Jagex came out with these prices to combat the prices of rares. They want other signs of wealth and the prices of the rares should be going down.




The prices won't drop dratically because of the level restrictions because you can get these status symbols whereas a level-3 and own a p-hat.




yeah u can actually people can make the items and be sold to other players hence the work bench

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I think some of the prices are way out of whack but perhaps Jagex will take a wait and see attitude then make necessary adjustments in time. Who knows? Maybe one day i will be able to afford a demonic throne. However, at those prices I will probably quit playing the game before that occurs. Not to mention, having a huge opulent house is cool to show off to friends but what would the point be in spending millions and millions when only your friends can see? If that is your game a phat would still seem to be the way to show off to the public.




Just a few things to think about......

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Buying a Steel Dragon to protect the dungeon chest costs 10 million geepee, so I would have to say that's the priciest item. But it's a good drain from the current economy :)




The demonic throne is more expensive than the steel dragon. The demonic throne takes 25 magic stones and if they are 975,000 each, that would be 24,375,000 gp.




Kind of suprised at the costs of the magic stones.




eesh looks like im gona be sitting on the floor :lol:



Just to be different.


Think about it. A freaking Dragon Cane with a Dragonstone gem.

The spec will simply your character equiping a glove and beachslapping the enemy, who will break down and do the Cry emote for 10 seconds straight.

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I think some of the prices are way out of whack but perhaps Jagex will take a wait and see attitude then make necessary adjustments in time. Who knows? Maybe one day i will be able to afford a demonic throne. However, at those prices I will probably quit playing the game before that occurs. Not to mention, having a huge opulent house is cool to show off to friends but what would the point be in spending millions and millions when only your friends can see? If that is your game a phat would still seem to be the way to show off to the public.




Just a few things to think about......




Technically, it works the same way as private chat, so if it's set to public then anyone can visit while you're there.




So it might be you have to promote your house as a tourist attraction. If the dungeons turn out good enough, you might even be able to charge...




Personally, anyone wearing a phat - especially a level 3 - is just showing off what a noob they are :wink: .

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I think some of the prices are way out of whack but perhaps Jagex will take a wait and see attitude then make necessary adjustments in time. Who knows? Maybe one day i will be able to afford a demonic throne. However, at those prices I will probably quit playing the game before that occurs. Not to mention, having a huge opulent house is cool to show off to friends but what would the point be in spending millions and millions when only your friends can see? If that is your game a phat would still seem to be the way to show off to the public.




Just a few things to think about......




Technically, it works the same way as private chat, so if it's set to public then anyone can visit while you're there.




So it might be you have to promote your house as a tourist attraction. If the dungeons turn out good enough, you might even be able to charge...




Personally, anyone wearing a phat - especially a level 3 - is just showing off what a noob they are :wink: .




yh a demonic throne shows the ultimate player. I'd make both a crystal and demonic throne in my house


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Can demonic Throne be Flatpacked or whatever? I wonder how much it would go for.


if it can... and theres only one of it in rs. 1 blue phat does the trick :D


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lol one of the biggest pvp updates of the year, and tip it is discussing granite
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it says steel dragons can be used for pvp (wildy?)



"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

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