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Level 102 F2P Hazardmaster Hacked


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since when do u need to be a HACKER to make a keylogger? 10year old kids can make them.




You werent hacked , you just got some keylogger from a AdultsOnly site/msn or anyother place. Dont acept every FREERSMILS.e3e (CAUTION - executable file) file :roll:




Thats what it sounds like to me as well. Well... the keylogger part at least.




No point in speculating how the logger was planted, he could've gotten it so many different ways (not all of which shed him in a negative light).




I need to stop being so lazy and add my Signature again. Seems like I need to start pointing it out again.




Edit: There it is... *Points to Sig*


R.I.P Shiva

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Even if you have the hardest password to guess and the most complicated PIN, that's only going to slow hackers down, you have no idea what they are capable of. ON-topic: Sorry to hear that man, hope you get back on your feet.
It's apparent that you don't know much about these kinds of things. If hackers could just go around hacking whoever they wanted, everyone in the highscores would get hacked several times a day. The reason is because people "hack" rs accounts using keyloggers. They are very easy to prevent but somewhere along the line this guy messed up. It can happen you just have to be careful and scan often.
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u sed pin and pass was changed so how did u get online to ur account?!




I said I changed my pass and pin after. My pass was changed but I recovered it. The hacker didn't know my pass.




Thank you all for your support. I thought about quitting, Moopy, then I thought about how you got abck up and rememebr your Karil :P




Mcneelson, I'm not that stupid... :roll:



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depends how lazy you are... With me, i change my password once a week, so if I do get keylogged it might not really matter. And ya, for training I never bring my expensive armor, when I'm showing off it's usually close to a bank so I always bank my items before logging out. However, hackers can do a lot of things; they're like viruses, they'll always catch up to the most recent trend. All you can do is try to swerve clear of them.




On topic: Sorry you got hacked, I felt it before too, due to the fact that I hadn't changed my password for 4 months at that time

Head Coach of the G!X Black Scrim Team 2007

---Wolfenstein Enemy Territory Internationals---

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Although its a nasty thing to happen , your not totally innocent for being "hacked"




Firstly hacking is impossible, all computer accesses to each runescape server are remote, being the closed system that it is, the only way you can actually hack character information is by having a direct linkup with the server and your computer, meaning youd have to be within the runescape server room :)




The only way people can gain your details is through keyloggers, which are transfered through downloadable files, If you have configured your firewall/proxy/antivirus sufficiently, there is no chance that anyone (unless they've had 10+ years of experience) can gain access to your computer information by sending a keylogger through your system directly.




Most keyloggers attach themselfs through your index directory and most keyloggers will be gotten rid of if you run a detailed computer virus scan 3/4 times a week. A defragment and disk cleanup once a week helps too :)




I guess the most important thing is that you dont download any information from the web in any shape or form unless you know the site is secure.

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i dont believe this story just read all of hazard masters posts in this topic... it doesnt make sense he said his pass and pin were changed then i said he logged in after they were changed somehow then he said he changed them and the hackers didnt know his pass... lol wtf i think hes just trying to get attention


(\/) 42.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

(O.o) cabbage rools

(><) my sig is cool, if you agree put this in your sig. *is too lazy to animate*

^the bunny is back! yay!

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it your fault man you do it something wrong no1 got hacked in runescape only 10 and 11 years old because they put a password like that 1111 or 1234


to dont get hacked i suggest you must use very hard password with capital letters and numbers and yur password must be 12 letters at least 16KAl1f26rrZ no 1 will guess it .....and never play in friend house or a computer used by a lot of people because they use keyloggers and always run your antitvirus because some websites and most of them fan sites of runescape when yu enter to them u donwload spywares without you know and this spywares steal your password and never tell or type your password only in http://www.runescape.com and dont forget recovery questions something hard no1 will guess like the nickname of your mom boyfriend ..jk lol thats all sorry for my poor english bye


*im sorry for you*just work on minning and smithing and yull be fine


Whether hazard's story was true or not doesn't matter, you just need to keep your pointless bull to yourself.

I am a tree.

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sucsk for you but your wernt hacked your were keylogged mostlikly get it right




sucks you lost your account/items i lost mine for 4 months then got back thanks fearless for telling me to fill out another recory thing





Aefx(started 11/1/2002) Cb: 200 TS: 1900+
Bmms--Jr(Started on 1/24/06)(Banned 11/13/09 ) Cb: 119(pre-eoc) TS: 1700+
Bmms(Started 8/?/2001)(Banned 1/24/06 ) Cb: 101(pre-eoc) TS: 1350+

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keep this as a lesson and learn from what these people have said hazardmaster. And shame on you people who acted rude against him, he just lost his stuff! And even if he "was" faking it all, keep the flaming thoughts to yourself and don't even post it. If you don't have anything good to say, then don't say anything at all.




First of all we have to define what hack means in this context:




1. To write or refine computer programs skillfully.




2. To use one's skill in computer programming to gain illegal or unauthorized access to a file or network: hacked into the company's intranet.




If it matches one of those (probably the second), then some person hacked your account.




Furthermore I can say that people could've also cracked your account, but I'm unsure if that's possible or easily done on Runescape.




To prevent things like this from happening, follow these people's advice, and also remember to CHANGE password once in a while.




I have never been "hacked" ever on any game at all, I've played Runescape for 5 years now with breaks and other games as well so I have a hard time understanding how people can get their accounts hacked.

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As many people have said and as stated on runescape knowledge base, you were hacked because a mistake YOU made somewhere along the way, either accessing a dodgy site or a trojan attached to an email, you need to find out what it was that caused it or you will get hacked again.




It is near impossible to crack your login even using cracking software, and trust me people who can crack your login would not be attacking a runescape login.




Cracking software will attempt to use every word in the dictionary as a password so if you have a password like "brian", "dynamite" or "password" yes it happens, 15 years as a computer engineer if the computer was password locked and the user wasent there we would use password as the password, 20% of the time we could get in, you are easy pray.




3's for e's and the like are well known and offer no extra protection.




I would be very surprised if Runescape would allow multiple login attempts on an account without ringing alarm bells.

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I'm so ticked. No emoticon to express my feelings.




All my savings were in my inventory. At the market. I will not say how much. I just lost my cash and some quite useless stuff. I am left with like nothing.




No cheapskate hacker will stop me though, I'll keep playing. I got my skills and brains, and 2 1/2 years of RuneScape experience. F2P pride. Pin and pass both changed. No idea how anything would be able to get me. Virus walls are up.




Do you play on a Public Computer Ever? Have you downloaded any shifty Rs program ad ons lately? Can any of your friends be able to guess your recovery questions...even your password? Was it the same password as what you might have for some other forum, or site which people might know you there as an Rs player?




Dunno If that helps or if its just an annoyance! :lol:




You'll get over it....its only a game...I went through the same thing a couple of times as well! :lol: :wink:

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