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Chances of randoms. way of doubling your chance. Proven.

Guest sc4ttered

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Guest sc4ttered

in each server, there is only one varrock. only one faldor, only one wilderness.




there is also only one mime stage, one pinball area, and only one drill demon camp.




something most people might not notice at first, or take into account is that you are always alone while doing a random, there is never anyone doing the same random as you at the same time on the same server.




People are constantly getting randoms, and I'm going to guess that sometimes we get randoms while someone is already doing that random and it gets canceled out.




SO, to heighten our chances of receiving these randoms all we have to do is.. go to the world with the least amount of players, and that should increase your chances by alot.




if you where first on world 1 -2000 players


then went to world 59 - 1000 players




your chances of certain randoms would double because there arent as many people already doing that random.






DONT KNOW IF THIS HAS ALREADY BEEN POSTED, just thought i would share.

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in each server, there is only one varrock. only one faldor, only one wilderness.




there is also only one mime stage, one pinball area, and only one drill demon camp.




something most people might not notice at first, or take into account is that you are always alone while doing a random, there is never anyone doing the same random as you at the same time on the same server.




People are constantly getting randoms, and I'm going to guess that sometimes we get randoms while someone is already doing that random and it gets canceled out.




SO, to heighten our chances of receiving these randoms all we have to do is.. go to the world with the least amount of players, and that should increase your chances by alot.




if you where first on world 1 -2000 players


then went to world 59 - 1000 players




your chances of certain randoms would double because there arent as many people already doing that random.






DONT KNOW IF THIS HAS ALREADY BEEN POSTED, just thought i would share.




Well, it is believable, since macroers could go there without anyone noticing.




And also don't forget each server has one Ardougne, one duelling area, and a lot of greater demons.




Yeah, thanks anyway this is a great guide.

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i had:


bob with 5+ ppl


maze with 2 ppl


tele matrix 9 ppl


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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i had mime and drill sargent , and frogs(teleported to the cave) with other people




you get more randoms by doing something repetitive for many hours not by going to a world with few people

[omg] who cares if its nerfed or fixed....

you people will argue over the color of a green apple if it was a topic on this fourm god.

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good attempt. Tho I have never been Mime, Maze, Freaky Forester or grave digger with other it seens other people have.

^^^ Another Ownage Post! :lol:

RSN: Busted Fool

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R.I.P. The Old Nite 1961-2006

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i've had like 3 people in a maze once(was almost done with it and then a guy from the same place i was earlier was in the maze)


the maze one was about a year ago




all the mimes i've participated in had at least 1 other person too, even if that person just finished




these were long ago




and i had an evil bob(fish) with another person

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I did the frog event (being turned into frog) with 6 other ppl :|




And ive never been to mime event .. :(

Why do we bake cookies, but cook bacon

99/99/80+ looking for monster hunting group

RS07: mb nb

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I think there are multiple Mime, drill demon ect.. My point being, Why just have one? Just like our houses, everyone has one if they want, not just one person at a time:P

[Admin edit: We cant have this on a g-rated forum]

Yeah, Im Strong..


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I've been in a maze and in a Drill Demon random event with another person before.




Woah, I never knew Tip.It had that sig. I'll keep it since it's cool (and to make people wonder what was in my sig).

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So let me get this right if i do something for many hours i will get a random event? i have gotten frogs once but i didnt know what i would get, so i just dropped the token. I have been praying for then for months and never got them. :(


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