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Get Ready Here Comes Jad!!!


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I can't play it I get a popup saying it contains unexpected data and may be corrupt.




Same for me, the extention for the file is still .wav btw






Maybe thats the reason. My server doesn't allow .wav files to be uploaded... so I just named it .wav but its actually a mp3 file. Maybe firefox doesn't like that?




embed hidden="true" type="application/x-mplayer2" src="http://condor85.awardspace.com/Retribution.wav" loop="false" volume="100" AUTOSTART="true"






thats i'll im using for the coding to play it... i've never made a webpage in my life until today... so you gotta help me out. just trying to do something nice for the tip.it community. um... i really want this to look cool... cause you can't really "practice" ingame with jad... cause it takes 2 hours to get to him.




I was hoping to make it look a little nice... make it so you had to click the actual pictures range or magic button... maybe have a time limit? perhaps i'll try flash, lol.




I have a test on wednesday... so i can only work on it for a few hours, but im thinking about a revamp on thursday.


I skill. If you skill you should join.

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Apparently I'#m never gonna be able to do fight caves unless I get real lucky,




I have no sound on my computer that I play rs on, and the comp with sound lags soo bad, I'de be dead 10x over before I could put a prayer on. :(

92/99 Fishing | 119/120 Combat | 92/99 Firemaking | 94/99 Fletching | 1878/1900 Total | 85/85 Slayer | 80/80 Prayer



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Apparently I'#m never gonna be able to do fight caves unless I get real lucky,




I have no sound on my computer that I play rs on, and the comp with sound lags soo bad, I'de be dead 10x over before I could put a prayer on. :(


you dont have to listen to music to know if he uses ranged or magic. youre just gonna have to be lucky at the first hit and for the rest of it you need to concentrate in his movements. that will tell you what to pray against

proud leader of luna

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I got 8 ranged sounds in a row and thought it's always the same. :P




Nice idea, a flash game about this would rock (for 5 seconds...).

Pro Einari (level-119)

Attack 97 Strenght 99 Defence 90 Hits 96

On a break, again.

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:lol: Wish I were a Jedi... own you all I would...






edit: problem fixed

You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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hehe it's pretty nifty :) problem though is that's it's inaccurate because jad always starts out with range :wink:




Not for me... I happend to me that twice it killed me on first hit with mage.




How many times does muggi and I have to tell people this!!! If he is off the screen a ways, it will be range, if he is close, you have to *watch his feet ffs*

Knowledge Talks| | Wisdom Listens

~~Heroes Get Remembered, But Legends Never Die~~


Xbox Live & Playstation Network Name: Trojann2

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hehe it's pretty nifty :) problem though is that's it's inaccurate because jad always starts out with range :wink:




Not for me... I happend to me that twice it killed me on first hit with mage.




How many times does muggi and I have to tell people this!!! If he is off the screen a ways, it will be range, if he is close, you have to *watch his feet **






1) Um.. he hit me mage the last 3 times. .... and he was WAY off screen.


Muggi only starts off with range because thats what he always does... but he listens to the sound too... it was him mentioning this that made me make this.




2) This isn't ment to be used teh whole time when fighting Jad. Only for the first hit.... so the watching the feet part, is illrelevent.


I skill. If you skill you should join.

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They changed Jad now, if he is off screen he doesn't attack until you see him... I tried it 3 times ( i already have my cape, went back to check ) and all 3 he spawned off screen and didnt attack until i could see him and watch his feet.

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ok here's how u win everytime


rightclick (not on the pic) and selct "view source"


scroll down to you see


















look for the one that says "goToURLwin" (I highlighted it in red)


And then close that window and you win!


Barrows Drops - Guthans Helmat x2, Dharoks Chest x2, Ahrims Staff, Guthans WarSpear Ahrims Robetop x2, Ahrims Hood, Torag's Legs, Karils Skirt, Xbow - Med (Double) Brassard-Hammers (Double)

Dragon Drops - 1 Skirt... (3 helms)

Dk - Dragon Axe x3, Warrior Ring x2

T.T - Top hat (4.3m) x2

GWD - [bandos] Hilt, Plate X2

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  • 1 month later...
good idea, would be better with an animation of his movement too...




no, cause when he first spawns... u can't see him. u gotta listen to the sound. this isn't a test based on movement... its like some Jedi trick.

:lol: Wish I were a Jedi... own you all I would...


I want to be a Jedi!




You stole my pass :cry:






ty for this.

when you kill a noob..is there creme filling?
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i couldnt hear it lol, but i already killed him :) i managed to survive his first attacks with range prayer on, because its harder to hear supposedly, then hear a higher piched sound, kind of like a magic spell, so hit mage protect and it worked, then as auto-retaliate was brigning me to him i heard the same sound so i knew it was mage again




from there i preceded to own him


July 18th - Drag Med from KBD, 2 trips

July 20th - Dragon Chain from KQ, 4 trips

August 3rd - Dragon Spear from KBD 3 Trips

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condor very nice idea, should help me alot.. but everytime it doesnt play the sound it says: "click here to activate an activex blahblah"




me is confused :uhh:




~proud owner of a fire cape (94 combat) on 26th of july 2006~ 3rd time was the charm!

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well, the reason it doesn't work... is I'm an idiot.




i'm just using embed src code to play the music. does this not work for some browsers? what code to play music? lol


Only works on Internet explorer -.-

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