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Got any good tips you want to share? Little things that make a big difference.




Or feel free to just read the helpful hints. Some of these you may know, some you may not. Hopefully you get a couple good ones out of this thread. It'd be nice if you contributed though.




I have a couple:




-When training combat, i use the drag axe special with 2 super attacks, rather than an attack and strength pot. It's cheaper.




-Get 75 thieving(gem stall) if you find you pass through ardougne (farming, slaying, etc.) alot. It's not that hard, and you can build up a lot of gems if you grab one everytime you go through.




-If you are caught stealing from a stall, quickly click the stall again before the guard/knight attacks you, and you will be successful.

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Invest in the rares market if you have the money! :P




Training at Experiments is one of the best places for xp! They have 100hp with 400xp. Though they don't drop anything besides bones, you will make great xp out of them. Must of completed Preist in Peril, The Restless Ghost & have started Creature of Fenkenstrain to be able to access the area in which the Experiments are located! :wink:

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Even better than 2 super attacks is a stat restore pot.


They're very cheap, and wont lower your increased


stats, only fix your lowered stats. If you still want the


increased attack, well .. A stat restore and a super attack


is cheaper than 2 super attacks.




Also, when you have to use runes to steal a monster respawn


(most of you probably know what I'm talking about) the curse


spells using bodies and souls act faster than elemental spells.

My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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Super Stat restores restore more prayer than a prayer pot.


But i'm not sure if a holy wrench works for super restores.


And if you have done/started recipe for disaster, its closer to a bank if you respawn in lumbridge, as opposed to falador.


Also when high alching, its faster if you alch, click again, so you have the alch spell ready, and when the 3rd gold ball closes, click again. Thats the fastest way to alch, without loosing any time.

18/22 skills at or better than 60.

1300+ skill total.

Barrows:Torag's Helm x2, Guthan's Helm, Guthan's Warspear, Dharok's Greataxe, died to dharok, Guthan's Platebody, Ahrim's Hood. All in a total of 104 runs.

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Super Stat restores restore more prayer than a prayer pot.


But i'm not sure if a holy wrench works for super restores.


And if you have done/started recipe for disaster, its closer to a bank if you respawn in lumbridge, as opposed to falador.


Also when high alching, its faster if you alch, click again, so you have the alch spell ready, and when the 3rd gold ball closes, click again. Thats the fastest way to alch, without loosing any time.




Thanks. :)




*goes to switch respawn*

My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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Even if you can't afford training with super attacks, defence and strengh potions, you should atleast buy regular pots 5gp a dose and 50 for defence at the warriors guild.


I wonder when we'll get similar train faster options for range? mage has the wizard mind bomb already.




other than that, use your kingdom to get you some free profit without work at all. Even if everyone put all their production into coal, i doubt the price would lower much.

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Random Castlewars tip: If someone is holding their own flag inside their doors, use the Dragon Spear's special to push them back into their base so they lose the flag. \' \'




Nice tip about the 2 Super attacks. I'm running low on Super Strengths, might have to try that out...

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1. Unfortunately Jagex consider this tip to be macroing for some reason. So don't do it. Post on page 3 confirms.




2. When safespotting for range take a few water and body runes and a earth staff. Before you start rangeing the monster cast curse on it. It will draw the monster to your spot without leaving your arrows spread everywhere and lower def by 5%. EDIT: Credit to Kashi on this one too. I didn't notice, but she's already given it as a tip.





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Yes, many people know these already, but I'll post them anyway.




*If you are building a Portal room in your house, it can be difficult choosing which teleports to have in it. Remember, you can build 2 Portal rooms, which can give you up to 6 different teleports.




*Wear Ring of Charos (U) to charge your lyre for a Raw Bass instead of a Raw Shark. Raw Bass can be bought in Fish Shops, if you're too lazy. ;)




*Rogue's Den is great if you need to get some Cooking done. Bank guy is usually next to fire, and lots of nice people there. Thieve safes for gems if you need a break.




*If you need fast and cheap Herblore Xp, buy Harralanders and use Lumby Chest (requires that you started Recipe for Disaster Quest) to buy Chocolates you can ground to dust. Water-Filled Vials in Ardougne store, 12 gp each, those might require some world hopping.




I'll post a few more later.

You're accusing me of bigotry, how ironic. It's a nice attempt at argument, but your responses are facile and asinine, if not diatribe. Who's arrogant now?

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1. Unfortunately Jagex consider this tip to be macroing for some reason. So don't do it. Post on page 3 confirms.




2. When safespotting for range take a few water and body runes and a earth staff. Before you start rangeing the monster cast curse on it. It will draw the monster to your spot without leaving your arrows spread everywhere and lower def by 5%








Best ones yet...I will be keeping them in mind! =D>




Edited quote to match edited post - misterxman

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*Wear Ring of Charos (U) to charge your lyre for a Raw Bass instead of a Raw Shark. Raw Bass can be bought in Fish Shops, if you're too lazy. ;)





Thanks - I didn't know that.


  • [*:1ofviyt5]The Menaphites in Polleniveach give some of the best thieving exp (180k per hour) go down to Polleniveach after completing the feud quest and unlock the maple blackjack. Isolate a menaphite by luring him into a room, close the curtain then knockhim out, pickpocket him twice and repeat. Once you get the timing right you'll be getting loads of thieving exp (recommended only for 80+ thiefs).
    [*:1ofviyt5]Pickpocketing with less armour on increases the chances of you sucessfully pickpocketing an NPC.
    [*:1ofviyt5]Using soundFX can be very useful if you want to train fishing whilst browsing forums (like i'm doing now). Whenever you hear a whooshing sound chances are the fishing spot has moved. Whenever you hear a boing sound your inventory is full of fish. This works for other skills as well such as woodcutting, cooking and fletching.
    [*:1ofviyt5]The quest; a fairy tale pt 1 - growing pains give a pair of magic secateurs as a reward. If you equip these when harvesting herbs, vegetables or hops you get 10% extra yield.
    [*:1ofviyt5]An easy way to get to the entrance of Zanaris is to teleport to Lumbridge and head through the Lumbridge church graveyard and look for the gap in the southern fence. Squeeze through and your in Lumbridge swamps; very close to the Zanaris hut.
    [*:1ofviyt5]If you want to sell lots of items to a general shop you can do it much easier if you put your item in note form and then place it on the 2nd to last row in your inventory (or make sure you don't have to move your mouse to click on 'sell 10' when you right click on it) once this is done go to the options menu and click on '1 button mouse'. Then just keep clicking the item with your left mouse button. If done correctly all you have to do is keep left clicking your mouse button without moving your mouse and you'll be selling 10 of these items each double click. Be wary when clicking lots of times though as the server can't keep up with the clicks and so it may lag badly, this could be dangerous if a random event pops up.


99 Magic, 99 Defence, 99 Strength, 99 Attack, 99 Hitpoints, 99 Fletching, 99 Woodcutting, 99 Firemaking, 99 Thieving, 99 Ranged, 99 Prayer, 99 Cooking, 99 Fishing

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When runecrafting via the abyss you can fletch arrows while you walk. You will sacrifice just 3 inventory spaces for this but you will get loads of fletching xp (you can fletch around 1000 arrows a trip). I got 95% of my fletching xp this way.

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A quick tip for organizing your bank is to set all the items to note and withdraw all of them at once.Then close the bank window,open it,and put them back in.Theyll all be at the bottom of the page so if you have say tons of herblore stuff strayed all over your bank just withdraw a full invent and put it back in,helps save tons of time while organizing a bank.

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Although the Holy Wrench give +1 prayer bonus when drinking a potion, it wont make a difference if you are attempting fight caves




(eg, 20 pray pots - 21 natural recharge a dose, 4 doses per = 1680 pray points gained




19 pray pots - 22 recharge/dose 4 doses = 1672)




just a bit




although this changes over at 21+ pots




(if 22 w/o wrench, the points recharged will be the same)

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When training Slayer, have the same setup with all the items you need for most assignments. These items may include: Whip, Rune Defender/Obby Shield, Guthans, Cannon (w/ Cballs), Super Attack and Str Pots (2 should last 1 assignment). And Always Keep a teleport to your next Slayer Master on you. Most importantly, Keep the inventory the same as much as possible, and know where your things are in your bank.




Efficiany is the key to slayer!




Slay On!

Knowledge Talks| | Wisdom Listens

~~Heroes Get Remembered, But Legends Never Die~~


Xbox Live & Playstation Network Name: Trojann2

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1. When alching I obviously always line up my yew longs with the high-alch spell so I can just click away without moving the mouse. Sometimes through the mouse just creeps off the spell and I end up clicking nothing at all for thirty seconds.




To get around this go to Control Panel --> Accessability Options --> Mouse


and enable 'Mouse Keys' now line up your mouse over the spell. Make sure num lock is on and let go of the mouse. Now you just need to press 5 on your number pad and it will be the equivalent of a mouse click.







Best tip Imo. I also tend to drift away when I alch with my mouse

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keep bank markers in your bank of all your skill items, herb seeds, hammers, bars, ores, chizels, 1 cut and uncut of all gems




when your one herblore lvl away from something significant, id-ing a new herb/making a new potion, go to yannile and buy a few greenmans ales then bank them so that you can do things 1 lvl earlier, and in some cases all the exp from doing it one lvl befor will get you the next lvl you want


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When training Slayer, have the same setup with all the items you need for most assignments. These items may include: Whip, Rune Defender/Obby Shield, Guthans, Cannon (w/ Cballs), Super Attack and Str Pots (2 should last 1 assignment). And Always Keep a teleport to your next Slayer Master on you. Most importantly, Keep the inventory the same as much as possible, and know where your things are in your bank.




Efficiany is the key to slayer!




Slay On!




with houses you can make tele tablets, and tele portals, so you can get to the canafis master quicker then using an ectovial




people using the lost city master shuold make lots of lumby tele tablets, its only one spot




shilo village master users should bring an ardougne tablet, and if they dont have any money from the task (as if lol) just pick pocket a knight to pay for the boat ride and cart ride, or if your theiving lvl isnt high enough for knights, 2 guards will do


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2. When safespotting for range take a few water and body runes and a earth staff. Before you start rangeing the monster cast curse on it. It will draw the monster to your spot without leaving your arrows spread everywhere and lower def by 5%




That's what I was talking about.

My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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Struggling to reach the thieving levels needed for Nate and Craven's tips? Above level 40 and completed recruitment drive?




Make your respawn point Falador and head on over to the guards in Falador square. Pickpocket them, wearing nothing and nothing in inventory. Pickpocket them to your heart's content? Running low on health? Go kill yourself. Literally! Keep pickpocketing away and you'll eventually die and respawn at the castle. Hey, that's 2 clicks away from where you were! Saves money on transport and buying food :)




Accumulated a good amount of coins in doing so? Just before that fatal blow, drop your coins. By the time you die and come back, they should still be there for you to pick up \'

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