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Adamfostas's Grand Sociopathic Day Out (warning, pictures!)


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Recently on these forums there's been a few posts from people complaining that they have nothing interesting to read while fishing/woodcutting/browsing TipIt at work, and so I thought I'd share with you all one of my fairly recent experiences. I'm a full-on skiller (although I prefer to be called a quester, as that's what my skilling is aimed towards) and have never gone pking. I have also never been pked (aside from one unfortunate incident in full splitbark at the Mage Arena when I was trying to learn Saradomin Strike), mostly because I don't venture into the Wilderness much, as I JUST DON'T LIKE LOSING MY STUFF.




Ahem. However, sociopathy appears to be quite a popular pasttime for many RS players, and so I thought I'd see what they saw in it. To do this, I planned on risking as little as possible and beating up on players at least 30 levels lower than me. There was still the possibility of loss, so I decided to take only things I could bear to lose into the Wild, things I could make again myself. Given my materialist tendencies, this meant full bronze, with matching leather gloves and boots.








I thought I looked rather dashing. I decided to wear my Legends, as it was more valuable than any of my armour and I could keep it with Protect Item. I needed a target-rich environment, full of people at lower levels than me. There was only one place I could guarantee this, and so I set off into the badlands of F2P.








After a lot of running around, I spotted my first target.








Sadly, however, they were able to escape by using the cunning expedient of being 80 levels lower than me, which I thought was rather unfair.




My sociopathic search for people much weaker than me to piteously slaughter continued, without result. There was no-one at the Lava Maze:








No-one at the vents:








And no-one at the bone yard:








I'd been wandering around for over an hour now, and was getting quite bored. I decided to head to the one place I knew there would be people, and let out a battle cry:








I had seemingly wandered into a meeting of the Unmatching Blue Hat Brigade, which meant that I was unable to challenge anyone. However, luckily three level 79s in full rune answered my call:








Unsurprisingly, I died, without even the opportunity to get skulled. After rematerialising in Lumbridge with most of my bronze still in my possession, I handed it to a startled Level 3 and took some time to reflect.




Unless you're pking in at most three areas (in members, green dragons, the abyss, and the mage arena, in F2P, umm, I don't know, how do these guys get their wildy kicks?), there's no-one in the wilderness at all, even on heavily populated servers. This is because the rewards are simply not worth the associated risk.




You've got piddly bronze arrows on the ground in stacks of one, perhaps a stack of twelve coins, a single chaos rune or even, in the far north, a single uncut sapphire. The chest at the centre of the Lava Maze isnt' worth the trouble of getting a Muddy Key and going all the way through. All these rewards need to be increased, in my opinion, by a factor of at least 5. No-one's going to bother going to the red spiders for a single sapphire, but they might for five emeralds and a ruby. No-one's going to the battleground for about ten bronze arrows, but they might for twelve stacks of ten iron.




I'm not arguing that a new area should be added, rather that the current spawns should be increased dramatically. As a skiller, I would go in if I could pick up more gems or similar. But until then, I think I'll leave the sociopathy to others.[/img]

"Join me next week on 'Let's Make No Freaking Sense', when I shall be waxing an owl."

- Green Wing


Barrows Drops: 1x Verac's Flail, 2x Karil's Crossbow, 1x Torag's Hammers, 1x Karil's Leatherskirt, 1x Karil's Coif

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Very funny, with a meaningful ending. :)




I laughed, I cried .. it moved me, Bob.

My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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Yes, I do agree, the rewards in the wilderness should be increased dramatically to create a more high traffic environment. I'm not pk'er, but I understand what you mean. There isn't much of a reason for going out there that I know of.



scientology - I'm just Google bombing, don't mind me.

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This is really good! :D Lol. Yeah I agree with the rewards thing.. i dont even see anyone at the chaos element ne more.. only places I do are mage arena, and drags.

92/99 Fishing | 119/120 Combat | 92/99 Firemaking | 94/99 Fletching | 1878/1900 Total | 85/85 Slayer | 80/80 Prayer



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Good story. I totally agree.




The only rewarding thing in the wild is pking. But even then you need a good account or clan or group of people that are willing to take that risk. Say your a level 3, in the top of the wilderness you would expect to have big rewards. But the truth is, there is nothing...

Training my pure!



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interesting story,it did keep me entertained for a bit while mining rune ess.




btw,why did you bring legends to f2p wildy?




dramatic effect.




i must hate losing my stuff even worse than you, because i set out to explore the wilderness with nothing but monk robes and a rune mace. the only person i saw was a level 14 trying to mage a greater. they did not drop anything good though.




i arrived at teh same conclusion as you did, that the wilderness is safe (no one goes there)


you should have tried the castle with the runes in it, though there seems to always be someone there.


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As well as this is written, I'm standing by my suggestion to get these daily anecdotes out of General P2P. You're a good writer (and no offense meant), but I can't stand people documenting their days, taking away from posts that might have an impact on my RS day. Lastly, if this is a suggestion, it should go in the appropriate forum.




I swear, I'm going to snap. Just one more story, and I'll snap.




... *Twitches*

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What momentous posts are these, that will have a huge impact?




This is the General P2P section - anything at all can go here really. This story was amusing, and brightened my day. Thank you very much. And if people don't appreciate stories, they can choose not to read them. Simple really.

I have to get practically naked when I'm cooking bacon.

I may be immature, but that made me laugh!

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I find that when i want to pk, no one is around. BUt when i want to do something like green drags, it seems like jagex made a new news post "omg! weirdguy0101 is fighting green drag world 130 lvl 20 wildy! everyone after him!"

(Quit: tallest please come to the death altar, give me 1,337,000,000 gp, a golden tinderbox, and a spade, also steal one of zidanes phats and give it to me.

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Not to be a stick in the mud or anything but... Dude your completely wrong.




The point of pking isnt to run up and get gems, it's to kill other player.


Players your level, not 20 under.




If you were to fight full armored in members, or even F2p up high wildy you would find tons of other people in rune that if you killed them all the rewards would be great.

Kb Battousai


Private Chat - ON

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