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OH NO! The ghosts! O_O


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I've had my fair share of creepy experiences.




Once, it was the middle of the night and I got out of bed to go to the bathroom. I opened my door, and was surprised to see that there was a little bit of light in the hallway, cast by a new light that Mom had plugged into a nearby outlet. I was about to step out when I got the chills; I felt like I was being watched by a something that was powerful and extremely malevolent. I backed up, and a shadow, blacker than the blackest night, proceeded down the hallway, towards my dad's room. It was so dark, it hurt to look at it. Dx




I closed my door until the highly creepy feeling went away, forced myself to attempt to forget it, and went to the bathroom as I had intended to.




The next morning when Dad woke up, he complained of a sore throat. This persisted for several months until Mom finally made him have his blood drawn.




It turned out that he had leukemia.




I don't believe in ghosts, but sometimes I do find it hard to not do so.




Have any of you had any 'paranormal encounters', if you will? Would you be willing to share them with me? =D

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J'adore les langues.


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My Dad and I are dead serious about our old house being haunted. There were noises in the middle of the night and the classic stuff. Also, when we first got our new house, I wasn't used to it and as I was walking down the hallway, the sound I made echoed and it sounded like someone was behind me. It scared the hell out of me.




Btw, my Grandparents actually lived in a real haunted house. The guy who owned it before them was a railroad conductor and after he died, they bought the house. In the middle of the night, you could here the sound of a train so loud that it sounded like a train was going through the middle of the house and yet, there were no railroads for miles...

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Ghost aren't real. This is what I believe.





Well i don't think any of you have heard this before.. it's rather classified information.. but anyway..




Our planet sits on the edge of a galaxy known as the Milky Way. Since the explosion which triggered the beginning of everything, the universe has been constantly expanding outwards with aftershock tremors constantly washing over us in waves.


The Milky Way is traveling at several thousand km per second and the estimated speed the universe is expanding is close to the speed of light.


When you hit light speed your physical structure expands and begins to phase out into subspace. So when you hit light speed you are actually traveling forward in time.


Because most of the aftershock of the forming of the universe is traveling faster than its expanding it hits the edge of the universe. This actually causes the Subspace/Time spectrum to bend backwards to which the waves wash back over the universe in the opposite direction.




wtf does that have to do with ghosts you say?


When the waves wash over earth they pick up discharged matter and continue to the end of the universe. They then get bounced back off the edge of the universe and wash back over earth causing the matter to be discharged back onto the planet. This discharge you will see as Ghosts or shimmers of matter which existed a long time ago.


Depending on how much and how charged the matter has become you could see such images for up to a minute or two at a time, but there's no real need to worry about them. They are simply shimmers from the past, nothing more.

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Ghost aren't real. This is what I believe.





Well i don't think any of you have heard this before.. it's rather classified information.. but anyway..




Our planet sits on the edge of a galaxy known as the Milky Way. Since the explosion which triggered the beginning of everything, the universe has been constantly expanding outwards with aftershock tremors constantly washing over us in waves.


The Milky Way is traveling at several thousand km per second and the estimated speed the universe is expanding is close to the speed of light.


When you hit light speed your physical structure expands and begins to phase out into subspace. So when you hit light speed you are actually traveling forward in time.


Because most of the aftershock of the forming of the universe is traveling faster than its expanding it hits the edge of the universe. This actually causes the Subspace/Time spectrum to bend backwards to which the waves wash back over the universe in the opposite direction.




* does that have to do with ghosts you say?


When the waves wash over earth they pick up discharged matter and continue to the end of the universe. They then get bounced back off the edge of the universe and wash back over earth causing the matter to be discharged back onto the planet. This discharge you will see as Ghosts or shimmers of matter which existed a long time ago.


Depending on how much and how charged the matter has become you could see such images for up to a minute or two at a time, but there's no real need to worry about them. They are simply shimmers from the past, nothing more.




sounds like a bunch of bollocks to me, though a link would be nice.








Personally I don't belive in ghosts and such and don't think I ever will.

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Well I'd probably get perma banned if I gave you a link. Anyways this dude is really smart and knows what hes talking about, but yeah even before I read that still didn't believe in ghost or spirits much.

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Wow. Some of these stories are really creepy. :?




A friend of mine's family moved into a new house once. So, I spent a few days with them lending a hand in moving their stuff from the old house to the new house.




On the last day of moving, we all slept in the new house. This house has been around for a long time... A really long time. I woke up in the middle of the night that night and wanted to go downstairs to the kitchen for something to drink. As I was walking down the stairs, I literally bumped into something that sent me sprawling down the rest of the way. When I looked up, I saw this huge, impenetrable shadow. It was darker than the rest of the shadows, and it was sort of shaped like a human. :? I just sat there, staring up at it. It seemed to walk the rest of the way up the stairs and disappeared. :? Quite creepy indeed.

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Dude no offence but it was probably just your dad getting up to get a drink of water or something. That explains why he went into your dads room. I mean it was the middle of the night ofcourse he would look like a shadow!


A. Knives is no dude...


B. If her dad sent her sprawling down the stairs, don't you think he would check to see if she was alright or at least say something?!

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Dude no offence but it was probably just your dad getting up to get a drink of water or something. That explains why he went into your dads room. I mean it was the middle of the night ofcourse he would look like a shadow!


A. Knives is no dude...


B. If her dad sent her sprawling down the stairs, don't you think he would check to see if she was alright or at least say something?!






his post was meant for rilha...

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Ghost aren't real. This is what I believe.





Well i don't think any of you have heard this before.. it's rather classified information.. but anyway..




Our planet sits on the edge of a galaxy known as the Milky Way. Since the explosion which triggered the beginning of everything, the universe has been constantly expanding outwards with aftershock tremors constantly washing over us in waves.


The Milky Way is traveling at several thousand km per second and the estimated speed the universe is expanding is close to the speed of light.


When you hit light speed your physical structure expands and begins to phase out into subspace. So when you hit light speed you are actually traveling forward in time.


Because most of the aftershock of the forming of the universe is traveling faster than its expanding it hits the edge of the universe. This actually causes the Subspace/Time spectrum to bend backwards to which the waves wash back over the universe in the opposite direction.




* does that have to do with ghosts you say?


When the waves wash over earth they pick up discharged matter and continue to the end of the universe. They then get bounced back off the edge of the universe and wash back over earth causing the matter to be discharged back onto the planet. This discharge you will see as Ghosts or shimmers of matter which existed a long time ago.


Depending on how much and how charged the matter has become you could see such images for up to a minute or two at a time, but there's no real need to worry about them. They are simply shimmers from the past, nothing more.








The Universe is estimated to be 14 billion years old. That makes the radius of the Universe some 14 billion light years wide, and the diameter 28-ish billion light years wide. I'm assuming the Universe is a giant Sphere, since "The Big Bang" would release energy and matter in all directions, there is really no other "shape" it could be. Assuming your theory were possible, this "matter" would have to be traveling faster than the speed of light, which is impossible in itself. The Universe is expanding at the speed of light, therefore your "matter" would never be able to catch up. The Universe would have to be not expanding at all, and I'd love to see you tell that one to scientists.




It's just another completely dumb thing disbeliever's grasp at to explain what people see. A much easier explaination would be to say it's people's subconscious playing tricks on them, but noooo, we have to make up some huge scientific theory that essentially sounds moronic.




That said, I have a genuinely "haunted" house myself, actually. I even have a picture of the family who lived here before, in the late 1800's, early 1900's...They had a little girl who fell out of her window (my room...great...) and died, and in their "family picture" you can see a white-ish smokey (it's a friggin' ghost, how else can I explain it?) little girl who appears to be either just standing there, in a dress approperiate of the era, or spinning around in the yard, while the rest of the family is standing on their porch. They make no indication that this "little girl" as we call her is there, such and laughter, smiles, pointing, anything. Infact I don't think a single one of them is smiling. :P People have argued with me before that it's double-exposure or it's smoke from the camera man's cigarette (assuming he even smoked, and then assuming he was smoking while taking the picture :roll:) and even went so far as to say I made it myself, even though I have limited computer knowledge and ZERO photo editting knowledge. :lol: I know how to use MSPaint, that's it. :( :Edit: - I thought I should add, I got this picture from a history museum in Minnesota. For a small price, you can go to the place and get a picture of your house way-back-when if they have one. They happened to have one of ours from the family photo apparently, and we bought it and noticed years later that the "little girl" was there. I should scan it and post it...*shrug*




Plus, multiple member's of my family have seen and heard this "little girl" in my house and we all joke about it. I've seen her in our kitchen, where she ran right past me after a drawer I was going to open opened by itself. This also happened to my mother (the drawer thing) several times. My mother has never SEEN her, that I know of, but she has heard her laughing in my room before when I wasn't home. It woke her up and when she came to look, noone was in here, so she looked outside and there were no children around, so she was confused. That was the first "encounter" anyone had, I believe. I have yet to have seen/heard her in my room. My mom also has had her pull on her blanket's while she was sleeping, as if to wake her up. My dad also has seen her in our upstairs hallway (outside mine and their rooms) once. My uncle was sleeping here one night and also saw her running around the coffee table as if she were playing. He said "What are you doing?" to "her" because he thought it was very early morning (was still dark outside) and one of my cousin's little friend's was sleeping over, so he thought it was her. When he asked this, she just kept running around the coffee table and eventually stopped. He had closed his eyes and when he heard her stop (yes, she was making noise, foot steps and such) he opened them and she was gone. In the morning he assumed it was my cousin's friend and asked her what the heck she was doing, and she said she wasn't doing anything of the sort of what he explained. My mom then simply said "Oh, so you met the little girl ghost, did you?" and we all laughed at him. He thought we were joking. :P




Finally, she can also get kind of angry sometimes, I think. Our phone was thrown from it's charger onto the floor once. EVERYONE saw that and noone wanted to touch the phone, lol. A candle was also pushed onto the floor with force. These things didn't "fly" accross the room, but they didn't simply "fall" either. They went just as you'd expect a small child to throw something, kinda' wussy-like. :P The phone only ended up 2 feet away and the candle was probably a bit more because it was higher off the ground. If anyone wants to say I'm lying, you may feel free, but I've told this story on tip.it before aswell. Couple years back, I'm sure. If anyone has an explaination for those two events alone, I'd love to hear them. :lol: Keep in mind gravity couldn't have played a part (our phone is on a desk, as is the candle, they're not hanging on the wall).




So yea...I'm done. Enjoy reading. :lol:

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Ghost aren't real. This is what I believe.





Well i don't think any of you have heard this before.. it's rather classified information.. but anyway..




Our planet sits on the edge of a galaxy known as the Milky Way. Since the explosion which triggered the beginning of everything, the universe has been constantly expanding outwards with aftershock tremors constantly washing over us in waves.


The Milky Way is traveling at several thousand km per second and the estimated speed the universe is expanding is close to the speed of light.


When you hit light speed your physical structure expands and begins to phase out into subspace. So when you hit light speed you are actually traveling forward in time.


Because most of the aftershock of the forming of the universe is traveling faster than its expanding it hits the edge of the universe. This actually causes the Subspace/Time spectrum to bend backwards to which the waves wash back over the universe in the opposite direction.




* does that have to do with ghosts you say?


When the waves wash over earth they pick up discharged matter and continue to the end of the universe. They then get bounced back off the edge of the universe and wash back over earth causing the matter to be discharged back onto the planet. This discharge you will see as Ghosts or shimmers of matter which existed a long time ago.


Depending on how much and how charged the matter has become you could see such images for up to a minute or two at a time, but there's no real need to worry about them. They are simply shimmers from the past, nothing more.








The Universe is estimated to be 14 billion years old. That makes the radius of the Universe some 14 billion light years wide, and the diameter 28-ish billion light years wide. I'm assuming the Universe is a giant Sphere, since "The Big Bang" would release energy and matter in all directions, there is really no other "shape" it could be. Assuming your theory were possible, this "matter" would have to be traveling faster than the speed of light, which is impossible in itself. The Universe is expanding at the speed of light, therefore your "matter" would never be able to catch up. The Universe would have to be not expanding at all, and I'd love to see you tell that one to scientists.............







First of all how do you know the universe is 28BLY wide. And no its not impossible to go faster than the speed of light.

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well i allways think its just some playthingie from your brain.




like your brain is getting allways energy trough the blood and stuff even when u sleep so your brain can like play things wich explain dreams.




i think a ghost is something your brain makes up when its hyperactive

not everybody wants to hear the bubblegum pop garbage.

im gonna burn in hell and drink all of satans beer.

trashmetal/deathmetal/hardrock/folkmetal die hard

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I didn't have any encounters, but I watch a show on Si-fi channel called Ghost Hunters. Once they were at a prison and in the main hallway, they saw a black cloaked figure run out of the shadows to make it visable then ran back.




I belive in the afterlife, though. Also in Bigfoot and aliens. :anxious:



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not really an encouter but also something very strange:




it was in the night when i was trying to sleep


suddenly i got some kind of dream while i was awake


it was really weerd, i was in some kind of trance


i couldn't move or open my eyes


in my dream(it was in black and white) was a women talking to me but i couldn't hear her


she also pointed at me and came closer, then i woke up




this has happened to me several times, but i always managed to regain control of myself before the dream came accept this one time


Computers will never be above humans because we made them.

That's what monkeys used to say about us.

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First of all how do you know the universe is 28BLY wide. And no its not impossible to go faster than the speed of light.




How do you know that the universe has an edge off which magical time waves can bounce?

Some people are changed by being a moderator. I wouldn't be.

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Ghost aren't real. This is what I believe.





Well i don't think any of you have heard this before.. it's rather classified information.. but anyway..




Our planet sits on the edge of a galaxy known as the Milky Way. Since the explosion which triggered the beginning of everything, the universe has been constantly expanding outwards with aftershock tremors constantly washing over us in waves.


The Milky Way is traveling at several thousand km per second and the estimated speed the universe is expanding is close to the speed of light.


When you hit light speed your physical structure expands and begins to phase out into subspace. So when you hit light speed you are actually traveling forward in time.


Because most of the aftershock of the forming of the universe is traveling faster than its expanding it hits the edge of the universe. This actually causes the Subspace/Time spectrum to bend backwards to which the waves wash back over the universe in the opposite direction.




* does that have to do with ghosts you say?


When the waves wash over earth they pick up discharged matter and continue to the end of the universe. They then get bounced back off the edge of the universe and wash back over earth causing the matter to be discharged back onto the planet. This discharge you will see as Ghosts or shimmers of matter which existed a long time ago.


Depending on how much and how charged the matter has become you could see such images for up to a minute or two at a time, but there's no real need to worry about them. They are simply shimmers from the past, nothing more.








The Universe is estimated to be 14 billion years old. That makes the radius of the Universe some 14 billion light years wide, and the diameter 28-ish billion light years wide. I'm assuming the Universe is a giant Sphere, since "The Big Bang" would release energy and matter in all directions, there is really no other "shape" it could be. Assuming your theory were possible, this "matter" would have to be traveling faster than the speed of light, which is impossible in itself. The Universe is expanding at the speed of light, therefore your "matter" would never be able to catch up. The Universe would have to be not expanding at all, and I'd love to see you tell that one to scientists.............







First of all how do you know the universe is 28BLY wide. And no its not impossible to go faster than the speed of light.




Ok, you think its possible to travel faster than light do you? Let's explore one part of Albert Einsteins theory of reletivity, shall we? It is plauisible that you could(theororeticley) travel near to the speed of light, but not at it. let me show you why....as you probaley know in 1933 Albert Einstein developed the equation E=MC2( E standing for energy, M standing for mass and c2 standing for speed of light). With this theory he proved that to travel at light speed it would take an infinate amount of energy. Now I fyou can find a never ending source of energy powerfull enough to propel you at light speed...be my guest. But thats not to say you cannot ever travel faster than the speed of light, because you can. In a ceartain medium. When going through air or water in our atmoshere it slows down from its normal 300,00km a second to 298,000km a second, a difference of only 2km. Now light can slow down even more if different medium. Now may I direct you to this quote take fromhttp://www.afrlhorizons.com/




A researcher's achievement would have surprised even Dr. Albert Einstein. Dr. Lene Hau, a Gordon McKay Professor of Applied Physics and professor of physics at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and her colleagues made light stand still. "We slowed light to a complete stop and froze it in place for up to several 1,000ths of a second, an eternity to a light beam," said Hau in a U.S. News & World Report interview.




They have proven That at very cold temprature light can freeze completley for 100ths of a second. Now say you were able to sustain that frozen state? Then say you shot a bullet parallel to the beam of frozen light? Would that bullet be traveling faster that the speed of light. No? because the light isn't moving? What if you made the temprature a little warmer and let the light travel say 10km? Would the bullet still be going faster that light?Chew on that.




If you want to discuss this further be my guest(I'm sort of the authority on this in my hometown




On topic: I don't think I have ever had any parrelnormal experiences...expect when I was having a friend sleep over, and we were in my room and he dared me to do a bloody mary in front of my mirror in the bathroom. I accepted thinking "its only a myth" so I did it, and for those of you who know how it works and what happens at the end...it works.(for those of you who don't know how to do a bloddy mary, you go to a mirror late at night have all he lights off and spin around seven times chanting bloody mary in front of the mirror....then....you'll see)

You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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On topic: I don't think I have ever had any parrelnormal experiences...expect when I was having a friend sleep over, and we were in my room and he dared me to do a bloody mary in front of my mirror in the bathroom. I accepted thinking "its only a myth" so I did it, and for those of you who know how it works and what happens at the end...it works.(for those of you who don't know how to do a bloddy mary, you go to a mirror late at night have all he lights off and spin around seven times chanting bloody mary in front of the mirror....then....you'll see)




I googled the bloody mary thing...


It really works?

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it really works, go try it....




word of warning






scarriest f'ing thing i ever did in my life!!!!!!!!!!!






heres a link for a explanation






note: there are many variations, most of them work, I know mine worked

You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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well one night i was at my friends house we were watching telly real late like 4 oclock and any way got up to go to bed look out side and we saw like a white smoke forming then i rubbed eyes to see if i was seein stuff nope still there but to tired to care lol went to bed :?


Currently playing... WoW - C:SS

Taking a huge break from rs.

http://www.wowarmory.com/character-shee ... ar&n=Nelaz

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If any of those ludicrous Bloody Mary stories really happened then it would be well documented and would have been investigated extensively by the police. But they didn't, so they haven't. It's just a good old case of people being stupid enough to believe anything you tell them - it's no good saying, as that site does, "There are plenty of stories of schoolgirls being found dead at school or dead in the restrooms with their eyes gouged out." - without any evidence it is just one big...fat...LIE.




Oh but wait... The site has red text on a black background... Ooh ominous... It must be true then.




To quote Jim Royle, "my arse".

Some people are changed by being a moderator. I wouldn't be.

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I was kidding, I know its all nonesense, see imnot some stupid person who believes everything I here( :roll: ) it was a joke, plain and simple

You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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calm down......I don't think anyone takes the [cabbage] serisouley.

You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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