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Because people refuse/are too lazy to answer your questions correctly. Annoying, isn't it? :-$ \'








What was the impact of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act on large American corporations and labor unions?

Fear the frog reaper. Hypercubes make the frog reaper happy ^_^



Or else I shall feast upon your soul!!! :twisted:

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Oh so it's now ask a question that's very hard to give a smart answer to now is it?








Anyway, the Sherman Anti-Trust Act by literal defintion would mean an act or performance involving actors/actresses to perform a story or emphasise a message, created by something/someone called "Sherman" which is a Proper Noun, to promote Anti-Trust, in other words, to promote the doing of not trusting other people or things. The effect it had on American corporations and labor union was not good, as many employees went to see SHerman's Act of ANti-Trust and did not trust their employers. The ANti-Trust creeated fighting on streets and people not getting things done. Eventually, the AMerican Economy collapsed in on itself. In others countries, due to this depression, were unable to afford food and fund themselves, and the population of the world slowly decreased over the years..... crops died... farmers couldn't buy any more seeds to plant... the plants died so they didn't produce seeds... and Everyone died of hunger and thirst.








Do things that fly walk if they only could fly while things could walk could fly with them?



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Because someone said so.








Why am I trying to get 99 woodcutting when I still need to get my farming, construction, and hunter to 30?

> SELECT * FROM users WHERE clue > 0;

0 rows returned

There's no place like

There are only 10 types of people

in this world: those who understand

binary and those who don't.

This statement is false.

$DO || ! $DO ; try

try: command not found

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Because you want the woodcutting cape.








I'm sick and tired of getting stupid answers, now I need SERIOUS answer to this question, not stupid like last time: Caring about the grammar and not the question itself is answer stupidly.








Why are so many idiots in this thread that answers stupidly then you are supposed to answer smart?

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It is because they think that they are funny and that that will make them more popular which will make them feel better about themselves.








Why do I like to use run-on sentences?

> SELECT * FROM users WHERE clue > 0;

0 rows returned

There's no place like

There are only 10 types of people

in this world: those who understand

binary and those who don't.

This statement is false.

$DO || ! $DO ; try

try: command not found

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The cathode ray tube (CRT), invented by German physicist Karl Ferdinand Braun in 1897, is the display device that was first used for computer displays, video monitors, televisions, radar displays and oscilloscopes. The CRT developed from Philo Farnsworth's work was used in all television sets until the 1990s and the development of practical plasma screens, LCD TVs, DLP, OLED displays, and other technologies. As a result of CRT technology, television has acquired the moniker "the tube" even when referring to non-CRT sets.








A cathode ray tube technically refers to any electronic vacuum tube employing a focused beam of electrons. This article will concentrate on the families of cathode ray tubes used as displays for television, radar, oscilloscopes etc. Another important type of cathode ray tube is the video camera tube.








Is it copyright infringement if I just copied and pasted that from Wikipedia? :ohnoes:

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No, by asking whether it was legal or not you cited the source and are therefore not guilty.








How did i get 100% on my last history test?

> SELECT * FROM users WHERE clue > 0;

0 rows returned

There's no place like

There are only 10 types of people

in this world: those who understand

binary and those who don't.

This statement is false.

$DO || ! $DO ; try

try: command not found

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I wish to plead the Fifth Amendment =;








Why is the right to remain silent not considered an inalienable right?

Fear the frog reaper. Hypercubes make the frog reaper happy ^_^



Or else I shall feast upon your soul!!! :twisted:

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Because most pirates didn't preocupated for this, indeed, they preffered to study important lessons about navigating, warfare, etc..








Why pirates are because they arrrrr IS a funny joke while i donnot like it but i even donnot know.



Behold my blog! Thou shalt visit it and rejoice!

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It could be for a number of reasons... The most likely being that there is a problem with your hardware (what this would be i don't know). Your computer's operating system might also have a bug(s) in it or, tho not likely, you could have set it to do so after being inactive for so long (not sure how you would do this tho).








Why does only one of the 6 computers in my room work?

> SELECT * FROM users WHERE clue > 0;

0 rows returned

There's no place like

There are only 10 types of people

in this world: those who understand

binary and those who don't.

This statement is false.

$DO || ! $DO ; try

try: command not found

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The sperm of a male and egg of a female meet in the uterus after sexual intercourse (or by artificial means, way too much there to go into that). This forms a zygote from the two sex gametes, which develops in the mothers womb, later into the form of a baby. After approx. 9 months the fully formed baby exits the mother's womb, the umbilical cord is cut, and a new human being comes into the world.








Why are two numbers infinitely close to each other equal?

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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