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Imagine if runescape had a real-time fighting system like some other role playing games like Oblivion. Would anyone actually go to fight the KQ and the KBD? Those monsters would probably look really good if put in high def and a real time fighting system(which we know will probably never happen) So discuss what you think of this.

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Well if its gonna be real life. We gonna need to buy the game on cd or download it because than its gonna be too big.




probly true :-k

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Runescape is a real time fighting system. The difference is, that Runescape is in a slower, I guess I could say framerate when it comes to fighting. While most games have at least 18 calculations per second, Runescape has maybe 3 or 4. You can't attack in Oblivion as fast as you click, you still have to wait.




Turn based fighting systems imply that when it is your turn, you can decide what to do, you can choose to sit there and do nothing. In this case you can wait as long as you possibly want to consider and think through your next action.




It might be argued that Runescape is a hybrid system such as the one used in FF7. There you get a certain amount of time to perform an action, and while you can wait to do anything, the enemy will still perform their actions.




However, I still see Runescape as a real time combat system. Adventurequest is more of a turn based one. A real time combat system, with a terrible frame rate.

RSN: Mutashi

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I'd pay $50 for a really good high quality runescape version, then an easy $5 a month for p2p, or just stay f2p. :)


if it would come out as cd, updates would be harder, propably no "p2p" as they would propably take out monthly fee, as everyone must buy it to get and then updates would also have to be like once every week, now it comes pretty much whenever :D

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