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Nice comic...


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ft060710.gif©Bill Amend










Way too realistic. (If you don't know what I'm talking about, just go to Ebay.com and lookup "runescape gold." It will be a sad sight.)




Any comments?




This just in: Jagex hires the worst fmods. I posted an edited version of this only mentioning the foxtrot comic, and now I am forum banned. I looked at the "banned" message, and went to my message inbox. Guess what? NOTHING. So now I have no way of finding out what the hell I did or how long this will last. God, I hate that damn mod. :wall::-k Ban over. :D




Fine print: I did not make this comic. I got this from http://www.foxtrot.com [/b]



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I saw that one this morning! Couldn't help but feel kinda sad about it...gold farming being so common that it makes it to the comics page. This might encourage people to go buy game currency and stuff...



XXXX says I'm a noob. And then keeled me with his troop of lvl 100 CW buddies.

Yay for being a Dead Noob. XD

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I saw that one this morning! Couldn't help but feel kinda sad about it...gold farming being so common that it makes it to the comics page. This might encourage people to go buy game currency and stuff...







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Losers trying to get real money.. Yeah it really is sad that it's true.. Oh well. There will always be idiots in this world.

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Lol.. this is happening lots these day's on lot's of games... sad people are so desperate for money and some times they even scam the person buying the gp because their so desperate. That's mean and childs-play. >_>


Mage Goal: 55/60

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that is my favorite comic ever. the only one that can make you feel like an idiot when you are reading it. :lol:




that one is way too true. i was bored one day and i did the runescape search on ebay and found way too many people that were selling runescape gold. ebay needs to start banning people that do that or something.



The Internet: where men are men, women are men, and children are the FBI.

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on WoW you can actually make quite a lot of money if you know what your doing.. no i Dont farm, just saying...



Yes I am a girl. No, I won't be your girlfriend. :oops:

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Lol.. this is happening lots these day's on lot's of games... sad people are so desperate for money and some times they even scam the person buying the gp because their so desperate. That's mean and childs-play. >_>




seems like the people buying are more desperate

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very nice sorry about the forum ban,




jagex needs to lighten up a bit and learn how to laugh


I agree they go way overboard on almost everything + more. :roll:

fan of her's.
You know what I hate? People putting an apostrophe on a personal pronoun. STOP IT.
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very nice sorry about the forum ban,




jagex needs to lighten up a bit and learn how to laugh


I agree they go way overboard on almost everything + more. :roll:




Free lawyer pl0x? They haven't said how long this will last, and it's been roughly 24 hours.



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lmao that last frame is very very good :lol:


reminds me of an old comic i saw with a child pushing on a pull door to get into school even though it was a school for gifted children :lol: get it??? if not just look for it somewhere


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