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Is it possible to actually be BAD at Runescape?


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Lol my friend got a guthan spear, and dlegs drops.. so he about 10m cash. ...untill his brother downloaded a keylogger, and he lost it all.




...but he bounced back, and decided to inveest in rares, so he bought an easter egg.. guess what he did with it..










Lol. :lol: I wonder how much health those eggs heal, and how did it taste? (Ask him :D).


ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D> :P =D> :P man thats gotta suck..................buts freakin halraious....... :P

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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It's hard to do, but ya, it's quite possible.




And Bubsa, geez, I'm gone for a month and your post count shoots up by 1000 :shock: .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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I dont think its possible to suck at runescape. Dropping your items was probably just naiivity on your part, not being bad.




Whenever I glance at your avatar I think bad thoughts :oops: .




I lose my D-Baxe, my friends full blue mystic (lol), and 100k (my whole savings... I know it's sad) in a F2P world... You can't blame me though I was F2P at the time!! Lol...

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Well, would it be fun if we always won? If we had invincibilty (god powers) we could just get what we wanted-without working and the game would be boring.




That would actually be very fun, so long as you're the only one who was invincible.

My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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I know exactly how it feels to eat an easter egg :oops:




You feel like writing a topic "the day i ate 3m" (they were 3m at the time i bought em)

world2isntthathardby4.pngI think merchanting is extinct....

lordofthehauntedminestextcb6.png Completed haunted mine at level 75.

Barrows Drops: Dh platelegs, Guth helm, Karils cb, Torags legs


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ha ha! Smavey lost sara armor!




Well I think it is possible to be "bad" at runescape if you never achieved to anything, but then again if you never achieved to anything then you have achieved the achievement of not achieving anything. My head hurts.

A reflection is just a distorted reality held by glass and your mind.



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Lol my friend got a guthan spear, and dlegs drops.. so he about 10m cash. ...untill his brother downloaded a keylogger, and he lost it all.




...but he bounced back, and decided to inveest in rares, so he bought an easter egg.. guess what he did with it..









Yuck a four year old egg. :-X

Quit RS, combat 104, total 1651


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Lol my friend got a guthan spear, and dlegs drops.. so he about 10m cash. ...untill his brother downloaded a keylogger, and he lost it all.




...but he bounced back, and decided to inveest in rares, so he bought an easter egg.. guess what he did with it..












haha yeah i hate losing rares. That's happened to me when I was a bit more of a newb than i was now (a good 4 years ago :D) and I made a newb and went to a fake rs site where I would "get super rich". I used my lvl 3er, but nothing happened and i figured it was a scam. :(




Years later I had a lucky green mask and a santa hat in my bank and i was scared that I would get hacked so i put them in a mule account. I decided to use my lvl 3 as my mule.




I compleatly forgot i gave the password to my mule to a scam site, and as it turns out a month later i log in and the two rares are gone :(

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Lol my friend got a guthan spear, and dlegs drops.. so he about 10m cash. ...untill his brother downloaded a keylogger, and he lost it all.




...but he bounced back, and decided to inveest in rares, so he bought an easter egg.. guess what he did with it..












haha yeah i hate losing rares. That's happened to me when I was a bit more of a newb than i was now (a good 4 years ago :D) and I made a newb and went to a fake rs site where I would "get super rich". I used my lvl 3er, but nothing happened and i figured it was a scam. :(




Years later I had a lucky green mask and a santa hat in my bank and i was scared that I would get hacked so i put them in a mule account. I decided to use my lvl 3 as my mule.




I compleatly forgot i gave the password to my mule to a scam site, and as it turns out a month later i log in and the two rares are gone :(




I think it's a case of bad memory/not thinking about something befor you do it. You do actually suck at it. You just dont think.




and about the easter egg.... good job!! :thumbsup: now the price will go up even faster! \:D/\:D/ =D> =D> :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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