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Now i know how abyss crafters feel...


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I agree that most abyss pkers are scum. most of the ones i face are just trying to get you with dds.. ok i give credit to the real pkers with ancients etc. but the fools that 1 item with a dds then when you come back for them they tele once they realise you brang a weapon or some runes. i think they should better use their time not trying to kill us abyss runners, at most they get a glory and a few hides.. they could be making that money easy or lvling up their skills. and yea those pouches suck to get back lol

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Abyss Pk'ers, while they are allowed to pk there cause it's the wilderness, are just sad people who are too afraid to go any deeper in.




I've used the Abyss soo much. And i've never been pk'ed. I never take any tele stuff with me either.




If they are on ancients drop an essence (60gp?) and use your glory to tele.




If you get entangled/teleblocked... Well it's never happened to me..




I go up on the small hill to get a look at everything and if its clear i run. Also use the skeletons to your advantage, if one of them is attacking you a PK'er can't get at you. so if theres one i know is going to attack me i run into a skeleton and walk slowly to the mage taunting them... :lol:

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If you get entangled/teleblocked... Well it's never happened to me..
Happened to me once, some guy attacked him (they later teamed) and the next time I was able to WALK away.



Current Goal: Fire Cape, 0-6 at the caves 0-3 agianst the Jad, Lag done me in.

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There's nothing wrong with RC pking, it's just that 99% of RC pkers are noobs who run and pray and teleport when someone comes back armed, those people are terrible.


Running and praying and teleporting are also fair game. If you don't like it, teleblock and snare them like they do to rcers. :P




I've been pked while rcing there a few times. My strategy is to take along a dose of prayer pot. When they start attacking I drink that, protect my glory and protect from mage to help make their snares/freezes fail, and I run. Last time I was killed it was by a guy with 95 mage wearing Ahrim's who entangled right through my black dhide + prayer + good mage/def levels. It also took him two tries, since I'd gotten away from him the first time an hour before. He earned that kill fair and square, got my dhide (I can craft so no big deal) but didn't get my glory. I used the glory to go back right away and get my pouches.




Using house tablets never occured to me. That's a good idea. I think the 'extra step' of going through my house every time would get annoying though. Also, the glory may not need charging but you need to make lots of tablets.




Another way of not risking a glory is to use dueling rings instead. Use them to go to castle wars, take a glory from there to return to edgeville then bank the glory before hitting the wild again. The extra steps also bothered me here, but it works if your construction isn't very high.

Skill total 1750+, combat 102 Ranger.

Like finding safe spots? A Guide to Monster Blocking.

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Has anyone tried the approach of rcing, getting a skull so they think you're rcing, and the next time coming with sharks sup sets and a dds? it seems to work well...

The Zebera is getting faster! The road to 99 Agility

Previous 99s (in order)

Fishing, November 23rd, 2009.

Attack, November 23rd, 2009 (got it about 10 minutes after Fishing)

Hitpoints (well, it was back then), December 28th, 2009

Defence, February 27, 2010

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As a lvl 80 I can't do a lot back, I get TB'ed by people only 5 levels higher than me and I don't even have a combat stat over 70 :oops:. I've never been Pk'ed though (not that they haven't tried), my RoL and my ectohave saved my behind a lot of times. When I'm a bit higher I'll get my revenge.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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Also, with the newfairy abyss, i can get all of the pouches in about 5 minutes and not even be skulled.

(Quit: tallest please come to the death altar, give me 1,337,000,000 gp, a golden tinderbox, and a spade, also steal one of zidanes phats and give it to me.

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Yeah they r annoying


i abby rc alot 53 runecrafting atm


they annoy the hell out of me


heres some tips




Do not wear glory


(have in inventory for quick tellys)


wear ring of life




Bring 1 piece of food




i find that world 42 dosent have alot of abby pk'ers but alot of good pkers that klil them

we have all done this before

one time i woke up sleeping under my bed with a jello and a spoon lol :ohnoes:

Barrow Items: 31

Le MTA vous poss̮̬̉̉de baiseur de m̮̬̉̉re

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abby pking is about even with...using tele runes in lvl 1 to save full brz, now if you tele and pray every time some one attacks you while you abby pk, you are a real ch00b.


he has a phat just cause he is a p mod, now shut up about it
you're right, it's like giving candy to a fat kid and punch him when he eats it
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definetely. i got teleblocked, then sara struck and killed in 3 hits flat. after that i bought more black dhide, got my whip and dds out, 20 sharks, a super set, and tele runes, plus a prayerpot. i went back and owned his frooby little behind... it was so fun. \' \' \'




mmm... sweet revenge.


Noted raw mackerel drop... Wtfh?

Always buying: Watermelon seeds, 2K each. Strawberry seeds, 800 each. Contact Via PM on forums.

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Ugh, I hate RC pkers.


Once, when I was powercrafting cosmos (I hate runecrafting) I was attacked by a level 82 (I'm low combat) with god knows how high a mage level. Got pretty much flattened, and lost one of my glories.


So, not to be disheartened, I switched world and went off again. Made it through three times, no problems. Then, fourth time, wham, I get hit by a pker, mage again. Lost yet another glory.


Now, I don't give up terribly easily, so I switched again, to the quietest world I could find. Meet a mage pker on this world, again, but manage to get past and craft then switch worlds.


This time, I don't even know what really hit me. I was running, and lagged a little. Next thing I know I'm waking up in lumby, minus my last glory.


End of story.




Anyone see why I hate the Abyss and their PKers yet?

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^^^^ lol i had that happen to me once. I clicked on the mini-map, hit a hugh [bleep]e of lag. When my PC recovered, I was in Fally -1 Glory and my pouches :evil: :evil: :evil: . I went to the bank and got another glory, teled to Edgeville and overheard someone saying "...he just stood there while I hit him. I didn't even have to Snare him.." What a nub - he had about 65 mage aswel :XD:

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What annoys me more, is not loosing the glory and dhdie, but my pocuhes.. theyre a real pain to get bk


uugh! =;




thats why you drop them right before you die!! then you tele beck to edge and get them!

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This is one the the reasons why I NEVER visit the Abyss. PKers are so annoying.




One day before I logged out during lvl3 clue someone in full Torag's almost attacked me :evil:




Yeah, the wilderness is wilderness for a reason. It is WILD.




Off-Topic: Watch your pockets. :twisted:

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It's in the wilderness for a reason...




It does warn you people can attack you.




What we don't like is that they attack rcers when they can't do anything about it. =_= and then when you come back and are about to own them, they run or tele or log out. THAT's what annoys us. They are crappy PKers that just want a couple of glories or a Tablet and some ess



Yes I am a girl. No, I won't be your girlfriend. :oops:

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Hmmm all this complaing is making me want to go abyss pking.




1) For those of you complaining about getting pked, don't go.




2)For those of you who get mad when the rcer pkers tele when you come back for your "revenge", that is one of the stupidest complaints I have ever heard, if they think you can beat them, why would they stay and die?




3) If you think you can beat all of these people, bring a dds or another wepon to kill them.

Look its rob!

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