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The gp of DOOM!


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But my crash was near my respawn, so as you run away in the distance i catch your silhouette on the hills. I chase after you and shoot you as you descend the ridge. Mine again...



I need a new siggy, get round to doing it later.



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But it realises its mistake since at no point have I ever called it a gee pee, and kills you instead while resurrecting me.



I need a new siggy, get round to doing it later.



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then i long range you from a mile off, and as you are almost dead, i take a ddp++ and shove it into your stomach, and leave it there.




as you are pierced and poisoned, i take the gp, and walk off as you die from loss of blood and bieng consuming poison. i go back to my house, i fire my cook, and have a nice quite evening sipping tea and staying warm by the fire place......


By mr_horse72 at 2007-07-31

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And whilst reveling in the glory of your newfound coin, it slips down the drain. Frantically, you search for it, ripping and tearing at the grates with your fingers and teeth, to no avail. Eventually you give up and sit back down in your chair to sip some more tea.




A few minutes later, you begin hearing a low rumbling. You look around; nothing. It continues, growing louder and louder by the minute. You get up to search the room for the source, yet find nothing. Then, for some reason, you look down into the drain. Putting your ear up to it, it seems to be getting louder. You've discovered the source! You reach your finger down into the drain one last time to try to retrieve the lost coin.




Out of nowhere, a grimy, slippery hand slides over top of yours and grabs you. It pulls, yet you're still stuck outside of the grate. You begin to feel an excruciating pain as your skin separates from your bone and muscle. Crackles of ripping flesh resound through the air. In a manner of time, you are pulled through the tiny grates and swallowed whole by darkness.




The teacup falls to the floor.








Sniff, sniff. The smell I smell is horrid. Where is it coming from? I take an interest in it, as I've never smelled this odor before. As I neared closer the sewer grate, the smell grows stronger. With my fingers clamping my nose shut, I come closer. Through all the garbage and waste, I see a faint glimmer of something shiny. My interest piqued, I make a desperate and disgusted lunge for the object.




I grab it and run as far as possible on one breath as I can from the rancid stench. Finally able to sit down under a large yew tree, I take the time to rub the grime and sewage off the object. A coin! How lucky of me. Putting it in my pocket, I carelessly trot away towards Draynor, happily pondering what to do with the coin.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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That long post you wrote forces it way down your throat and I take the gp.


Sigs by: Soa | Gold_Tiger10 | Harrinator1 | Guthix121 | robo | Elmo | Thru | Yaff2

Avatars by: Lit0ua | Unoalexi | Gold Tiger .


Hello friend, Senajitkaushik was epic, Good luck bro.

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Inappreciative desecrater!




And whilst reveling in the glory of your newfound coin, it slips down the drain. Frantically, you search for it, ripping and tearing at the grates with your fingers and teeth, to no avail. Eventually you give up and sit back down in your chair to sip some more tea.




A few minutes later, you begin hearing a low rumbling. You look around; nothing. It continues, growing louder and louder by the minute. You get up to search the room for the source, yet find nothing. Then, for some reason, you look down into the drain. Putting your ear up to it, it seems to be getting louder. You've discovered the source! You reach your finger down into the drain one last time to try to retrieve the lost coin.




Out of nowhere, a grimy, slippery hand slides over top of yours and grabs you. It pulls, yet you're still stuck outside of the grate. You begin to feel an excruciating pain as your skin separates from your bone and muscle. Crackles of ripping flesh resound through the air. In a manner of time, you are pulled through the tiny grates and swallowed whole by darkness.




The teacup falls to the floor.








Sniff, sniff. The smell I smell is horrid. Where is it coming from? I take an interest in it, as I've never smelled this odor before. As I neared closer the sewer grate, the smell grows stronger. With my fingers clamping my nose shut, I come closer. Through all the garbage and waste, I see a faint glimmer of something shiny. My interest piqued, I make a desperate and disgusted lunge for the object.




I grab it and run as far as possible on one breath as I can from the rancid stench. Finally able to sit down under a large yew tree, I take the time to rub the grime and sewage off the object. A coin! How lucky of me. Putting it in my pocket, I carelessly trot away towards Draynor, happily pondering what to do with the coin.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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Near draynor, you accidentally stray into the Manor nearby. Suddenly, as you walk through the dead gardens, vines suddenly shoot out and trap you, while the undead trees pummel you to bits. As i come along, fully protected, to visit Ava, i see the gp. I walk on...



I need a new siggy, get round to doing it later.



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The grammar police arrest you for redundant word usage and unneeded commas. The gold is taken into evidence, which I proceed to borrow without asking and no intent of return.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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but then you get arrested


not on the terms of you stealing the coin but on the terms of writing very large posts which was read by the president who got bored and fell asleep


in front of the UN!




while you are being nagged away the coin falls and i am 1gp short to pay for my tea and pick it up and run away without paying for my tea!

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but the police realise their mistake and catch up with you. Since I happen to be a cop, i take the gp into custody and get it 'locked up'. You can guess where it goes now...



I need a new siggy, get round to doing it later.



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thats when i tele in front of you, with a hook attached to my missing arm, and i slash your torso open. as you bleed to death, i snatch the coin, thinking that its to powerful to keep, i go to horviks place and had him smith the golden coin into a gold ring, and sold it to the jeweler in port sarim, as i leave the store, i pocket my money i got from the "cursed ring" and made my way west back to my home.....


By mr_horse72 at 2007-07-31

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but as you run away the jewler realises what had happened but you have already left




and i walk in and buy the ring and go to varrock bank in world 1


the coin feels that it wants to kill because it is now a ring so outta nowhere like a hundred pianos drop onto all the people and they die dropping all the armour!




i bank it all as the ring drops pianos onto ppl trying to enter the bank


i am rich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yeah, until a gangster shoots you and takes the GP to his secret hideout, there many more gangsters are located. You have to be a member of the gang to get inside, and the only way to become a member of the gang, is to prove to the gang leader that you can do five crimes in a row, without getting caught by the police.

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So i steal 5 newspapers.




I get immunity for turning over my gang to the police, and i escape to camelot with the gp.



I need a new siggy, get round to doing it later.



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but when u sit at a coffe shop a person from the son of a gangster reognises you and he walks over and his gun floats up and kills you and the coin flings itself to the gangster who pays for his tea with it and i was the guy who served him the tea!




P.S we are slowly movin away from the rules of the game (the coin does the killing not us!)

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A [bleep]e flies up and throws dds's at everyone, and while they fly through the air, their special attacks activate. The [bleep]e vacums the coin into the [bleep]e's internal storage room, but the [bleep]e begins to blow up, due to some 'unnatural' causes....

Pretty much done with rs now

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But it doesn't like it's new postion and melts, burning your hand away. Then, as you gasp in horror at your ashes on the floor and your severed stump, it reforms and slips into the pocket of a passer-by. (Me.)



I need a new siggy, get round to doing it later.



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Unluckily you happen to stray into a great battle btween two opposing clans. You are hit from both sides by devasting magic and ranged attacks. As you collapse, the battlers mysteriously disappear... I pick the gp up from it's pile of bones.



I need a new siggy, get round to doing it later.



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Seeing your recently aquired wealth, thousands and thousands of noobs swarm the general area around you, completely voilating your personal space. They each take turns bitting chunks of your flesh off one by one, until finally, all thats left is a hefty pile of gp! Seeing this horrible ordeal while walking by, I kill all of the noobs with one swipe of my mighty sword and take all of the gold for myself.

Penguin Power!


^The last great war of the Wilderness....

Yeah, I don't have a cool signature, so the MSSW3 sig will have to do....

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