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The gp of DOOM!


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if he ran by me and you picked it up that means you were part of the group of ppl that wanted him to kill you which means he ran by you therefore you died




wewt 1geepee again i wonder if this will pay for a coffin Coffin4Sale.jpg


(\/) 42.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.

(O.o) cabbage rools

(><) my sig is cool, if you agree put this in your sig. *is too lazy to animate*

^the bunny is back! yay!

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As you stare at the coffin, somebody walks past and "accidentally" shoulders you into the coffin. You land on the coffin and the top slams shut behind you. As you lie in the coffin, people move it and bury it. Signs are put everywhere, asking for your last know whereabouts. I simply ignore them and walk to the shop where the coffin was and look around. I notice 1gp on the floor, and like the first time, I pick it up, toss it into the air, catch it and walk off......


Dai jou bui!


The full stop and comma are your friend....


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When walking down the street, you stumble upon a goose...


"Hi" the goose says. You begin to giggle, finding it funny that a goose just said hi to you. All of a sudden a big dude appears... and gives you a hug.


You are very confused as the guy really are the goose just saying hi to you, when an evil chicken appears... It attacks you but you put protect from magic on thinking "Omg, this is just a chicken" when you notice that you are out of prayer. When you try to run away there is a low lvl player closing the door for you... you fall to the ground holding your gp in the hand.. the last thing you do in life is looking at you gp with a tear in your eye, thinking "It's so beautiful..."

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It was a good thing that i was wearing no armour and the only thing i had in my inventory was the coin. I respawn in lumby, with the 1gp.....problem is, I am trapped in a coffin. I start using the 1gp to cut my way out.......slowly....


Dai jou bui!


The full stop and comma are your friend....


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Well, it looks like I didn't die....mainly because I am a zombie....




anyway, fgfuyfyuiuy0 walks off slowly...holding the 1gp in his left hand. I follow him to the lumby general store. As he looks at the items there for sale, I pickpocket him and take all his money, including the 1gp.




I sneak off, into varrock palace. I walk onto the roof and look back. It turns out I'm not alone......


Dai jou bui!


The full stop and comma are your friend....


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You may have hit me, but you only hit a 1....and now your skull sceptre has been destroyed because it was poorly made. I chase you in the mine, constantly attempting to hit you with my pickaxe. You run for the portal. You are 1 step away when you feel like your are falling. The mine starts tilting upwards. You look around, and watch me as I hold a pickaxe handle. You wonder where the head has gone...until you see it, sticking into your back.




I take the head out, fit it onto the handle and leave.....almost forgetting to take the 1gp with me.....


I step into the portal....and I am back at the rune shop.


Dai jou bui!


The full stop and comma are your friend....


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  • 2 weeks later...

You fall into a meat grinder and are cut up into tiny little bits, which are then fed to a pack of hungry dogs. The dogs are all eaten by a large bear, which explodes. I take the 1 gp, but trade it to a noob, since I read the forum and was warned of its danger.

There's no sig here. Move it along...

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Jagex interprets this trade as you exchanging runescape items for real-world items. Your account is forever banished from this plane.




Oh, and the noob is killed by a mugger :)

Fear the frog reaper. Hypercubes make the frog reaper happy ^_^



Or else I shall feast upon your soul!!! :twisted:

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u start cutting willows wen ur ax flies off and severes leg. u crawl to hospital on the way u get covered with chicken feed on the ground, doc says u need egg, u go to chicken farm and get assaulted by chickens. then...KABAM!!! 100 evil chickens com and do a 1000 damage on u cauz u had no armor and chicken feed makes them angry ( cause they eat meat not feed, chicken feed offends them ) 100 x 1000 = 100000!!! after the amzizing kill, i find a 1gp, WOOT WOOT!!! ::'

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and while ur still at the farm getting the 1gp i send in my massive army of zombies and 1 zombie, thats carrying a shovel, walks up behind u, and hits a 100 on u and then takes the 1gp away from u. then my loyale zombie gives the 1gp back to me!! :twisted: lol :lol:

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you decide to take the money to LAs Vegas bt get lost and stumble upon a place called Neverland Ranch. Michael kills you with a chainsaw and sodomizes your corpse




geepee yay

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You get instantly pked by Zezima, who does not need the gp, throws it away. A fish eats it, gets eaten by a kitten, that kitten plays with it until a dog walks by. The dog takes the coin, brings it to his boss, who throws it away (useless, only 1 gp), i take it.

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