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Whip scammers maybe!!!


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What's the deal with ppl pming all the time asking me to be in movies. Is it a scam or what?




They ask me to leave everything in bank except whip and to follow them into wilderness, is there a technique ppl r using to try n steal my whip or r they legit tryin to make a movie?

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If you were real slick you could try bringing high alch runes and alcing 1 real quick.. but if you lagged or were too slow then your out like 2 million.




reckon i could get away with that might give it a try!! lol

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wow i think this guy has some common sence!!! You are smarter then 90% of the runescape population!




Most people see nothing fishy about bringing their best item into the wildy and would make a topic about how they lost their whip...

RSN: Bantam222 [105 combat] [1578 total level]


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Yes, they're scammers. While you're fighting they will "accidently" drop 4 of some random noted item which protects over a whip, usually mystic tops. Then they kill you.




What you keep is based on high alchemy value.




Yeah it is scamming.






BTW, I wonder what you would keep longsword or pickaxe if that would be the case...........




Because pickaxe and longsword have same hi alchemy value (only exception is bronze) :-k

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You could always bring food, and when they get you low HP, right as the Mystic tops or whatever appear, eat a shark, pick up a top, eat another shark and teleport away. I've read on here about someone bringing ahrims and stuff with him when someone tried this scam, and the guy killed the would-be scammer.



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look in other post at bottem easy 400k



"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

My new site. [bETA]

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This is what you do-


Report them


Pm a trusted friend and tell him your location at the time of the attack.


Get him to log in at that spot when you see the mystic tops, if this is done over MSN it is extraordinarily more efficient but you could also have them hop from another world.


They log in, they pick up the tops and you split it later :P






Worked for me


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some newbie attacked my main in the wild


the guy used tb on me then died, dropping 4 dragon longs






then he switched chars and logged onto an ancient mage.




i realized right away what he was doing, and immediatly dropped the dragon longs. lucky me ^^


Excuisador 90 att 46 def 99 str @ 100.89cb

Ar--edhel 84 def 85 hp 93 range 92 magic @93

FarCry - retired

Ar-edhel 99 att 99 str 99 hp 99 range 97 magic @117

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I don't think stackable items can protect over anything besides other stackable items. (An exception may be notes.)

mssigqc5.jpgI do English to Japanese and Japanese to English translation for free! Just keep it under 5 sentences, and PM me to use my fluency in Japanese to your advantage!
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Someone once tried that, but they didnt go deep wild. they went to 2. So I brought food. He dropped em, i ate a shark. Someone passing by picked em up :x

well today at 11:30 am 14 years ago i was born.. wo0t!!!
At 11:30 you should start holding your head underwater wo0t!!!
Stop acting such a moron.
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lol i would follow the guy ... when they drop 4 mystic tops or whatsover i would pick 3 of them up and be happy to die 8-)




I wonder if you could make money off this, find enough stupid scammers/lurers and don't get fooled and just keep whip and 3 mystic tops every time

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