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okay, yes that'd be nice to have more space for my f2p account.....but the spamming thing was kinda unessary... jagex might not like that..... and then you might not get more space. but hey, if a risk your willing to take.

Hexiled Razz. Player since March 8th, 2005.

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I do believe it's a risk that many people are willing to take. I don't believe Jagex will deal out any major punishment, so long as people keep the spamming down and only say something per 7-10 seconds.



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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Im definatly on the bandwagon with this one... ive been playin for over 4 yrs... been a member at least 5 or 6 different times and i always hate throwing away my member items, right now i have my dragon weapons and armor in my bank taking up 11 slots because i cant part with over 1.5 mil worth of items. but to make up for the space they take up i cant store ore, fish, gems, or logs nothing to make money off of. I even had to drop my full zombie and parts of my camo gear just so i can have one free space, got that jagex just one free space, in my bank.












count me in for any petition and ill try like crazy to get on for that rally












F2P needs more bank space!!!!!

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I just found out, I might be busy March 24th. :(




I'll do my best to make at least part of the rally though. I hope to hopefully see you all there.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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I might be there, I hope I can. I'm on Spring Break then, otherwise its a definate no.


July 28, 2009 - 9817 to 99 Hunter
March 14, 2010 - 27,605 to 99 Fishing
June 26, 2010 - 2000 Total Levels Reached
August 19, 2011 - 26,541 to 99 Mining
March 29,2012 - 2200 Total Levels Reached

March 27, 2013 - All skills 85+

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all i have to say is...




















First of all, putting your message in big underlined letters doesn't get you noticed any more than regular font. Secondly, I've heard this same argument over and over and over again. I'm going to stop responding to these repetetive arguments from now on, until someone can provide concrete evidence as to why F2P shouldn't get a little more bank space.












On another note... I'd like it to be known that I have a martial arts camp from 10:00am to 2:00pm that day. I don't believe it will effect my attendance, but in the case it does, just continue with the rally as planned. Simply wait in the top floor of the bar until the exact starting time, and start typing those bank space messages! If I can't be there in the very beggining, I will be there soon after the start at the latest.








See you guys at the rally. ;)












Days Until Rally: 17 days!



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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Well... Jagex definately needs to give F2P several more bank spaces.




If they don't do that, they should at least make a random event item storage place where if you drop or destroy your random event items you can get them back.(much like the holiday storage that Diango has)




I'm and F2P and running out of bankspace quickly. Jagex definately needs to do something. <.<

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I agree with you saying F2P has far too little bank spaces.
















Members are paying for the game, Runescape costs money to run, Jagex will NOT approve of F2P bankspaces, and this is why:








People annoyed of too little bank space will do one of 2 things. Quit, or Buy Members. The choice is yours. Alot of people will argue that not everyone has money for members. When you signed up to play runescape, you agreed you were over the age of 12. Meaning you should be able to form 5 dollars within a month. If you dont have that money, get off you [wagon] playing runescape and get a job?








I can understand your complaints.. But F2P'ers are doing nothing for Jagex but taking up space. You should be glad that you get to play and have what you have for FREE!








Im not here to offend anyone, merely state my opinion








Much love



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I agree with you saying F2P has far too little bank spaces.




Members are paying for the game, Runescape costs money to run, Jagex will NOT approve of F2P bankspaces








Money from Members paying supports Members Server. Money from advertisements paying supports F2P server. PERIOD. Jagex just won't take small bit out of their profit to add a little something to help out F2P. and i'm tired of people saying "You get what you pay for" junk. It'd be one thing is jagex gave f2p more bank space, new skill, more worlds, tons more quest, more cities and towns and along with more items...then I say we should pay for it. it's just BANK SPACE. all we are asking for


Thanks to the amazing talent of Jopie211 for the sig!

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The post 2 before me is the first good argument I've heard against the f2p bank space rally since I've started watching this topic(nearly a month ago). If there was good reasoning, i would see this as a good opinion,and it would make sense(unlike other flaming on this forum). But i still belive in this cause,and I'm still heading to that rally :thumbsup: :D :lol: :mrgreen: =D> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Bufoman, I'm guessing you didn't mean to post that here? ::'












Acula, there are just a few flaws I see in your argument. First off, I don't think a very large percentage of members became members because of the bank space. If I ever became a member, it would be for the vast increase in quests, skills, and mini-games. Secondly, not everyone wants to waste $5 on a game, especially if it's just for a little more space to store some random event clothing.








As for us taking up space, you're quite mistaken. Our servers are paid for by the adverts we sit through every day we play. No one knows the exact sum of money it makes for Jagex, but it has been said by them that the money maintains the F2P servers. Period.








Jagex is a business, as you all know. You should also know that Jagex wouldn't keep the F2P servers running unless they made some sort of profit. It's my belief that they make this profit from the adverts, which also pay for server maintanance. It would not be so out of the way, or cost so much money to add 12 more bank slots to the F2P bank. Jagex could regain any lost money in possibly a weeks time at max.








You also say you don't mean to offend anyone. I'm just pointing out the part about "get off your [wagon] playing runescape and get a job?", could very much be conceived as an insult. You might want to look into that claim that you're not trying to offend anyone. ;)



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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