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Security Stronghold was a big update for free players, it didn't add a need for bank space because the weapon that you could get at the Stronghold was weak (comparable to a bronze scimitar), and the boots could be worn. I believe that the Stronghold of Security was very important because it could teach newer players about the dangers of scamming, with a little incentive.
This is the only portion I have any comments about. The bolded part is only half true. The weapon was weak, yes, but it also gave a new teleport ability which is why people kept it.




exactly, and many many of my friends have like 10 of each peice so when one tele runs out they can easily make another - thats 5 spaces (bottom peice, middle peice, top left peice, top right peice, 1 full staff)


Thanks to the amazing talent of Jopie211 for the sig!

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It takes up about 3-6 spaces because you will have the runed sceptre pieces, the weird skull pieces, the full staff and leftover halves that cannot be joined.




Also, there will continue to be a f2p. It isn't one of those things that jagex can cut, because if it does, it won't get a lot of new members.

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exactly, and many many of my friends have like 10 of each peice so when one tele runs out they can easily make another - thats 5 spaces (bottom peice, middle peice, top left peice, top right peice, 1 full staff)
Actually, it only has to take up 3 spots. You can have the one full scepter and have the full handle and full skull. You don't have to leave them in the 4 separate pieces. However, that is still 3 spots.
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The worse thing about the bank space in f2p is when you decide you want to stop being amember and just be f2p for a while. I had to drop all my p2p items and more, including Zammy robes and my H.A.M robes. JaGeX, WE NEED MORE BANK SPACE!!!

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Let me ask you this... Is two more rows of bank space, which could be done in a days time, really too much to ask?... Just think about it for a moment, before you go bombarding me with the whole "you dont pay, you dont deserve" statements. Now, because I've said it so many times before, think about the incredibly small amount of time it would take to do this, and compare it to the time that Jagex spends on a single, simple, graphical update. Compared to even the most minor graphical updates, encoding 12 more bank slots could be done at a snap of their fingers.




Now you should have some understanding of how little time and effort it would take to do this.

This is true, Blossom2581 showed that it would cost Jagex under $500 to give all players another row or two of bank space, but Jagex still won't do it. Jagex would rather pressure people to join members, which allows them to make millions of dollars, than pay $500 and give people less reason to become a member.




Lol?... How many times do I have to say this? People don't get membership for a little more bank space! They get it fot the quests, skills, armour, weapons, mini-games, and increased map areas... Compared to that, no one cares about 12 new bank slots when they're buying membership. Please stop repeating that lame argument, that I've adressed at least 50 times.




Now, think about all the arguments that were made, saying we should just buy members. Answer me this; why would any sane person spend their money, no matter how much or how little, just to get a bit more bankspace? Every year, Jagex does some sort of update that benefits F2P, that doesn't necessarily help P2P any. Rather than some big, drastic update like the Stronghold, would it be too much for Jagex to add 12 new bank slots to the ever-so-small f2p bank?
Security Stronghold was a big update for free players, it didn't add a need for bank space because the weapon that you could get at the Stronghold was weak (comparable to a bronze scimitar), and the boots could be worn. I believe that the Stronghold of Security was very important because it could teach newer players about the dangers of scamming, with a little incentive.




Like it was said several times above, the sceptre is used for teleporting, and alot of F2P'ers carry it as a P2P'er would carry a teleportation tablet. And since you can only store one completed sceptre, people have to store the seperate parts and pieces, so they can put it together whenever they need it.




I don't think so, and that's why I've started this campaign. Jagex has been seemingly turning a blind eye to the need of this one particular update, even when it's so incredibly simple to do, that could greatly benefit F2P and P2P alike. That's why I've come to show them how this minor update would be appreciated by both F2P'ers and ex-P2P'ers, and how much it would benefit the old time players of Runescape - who just dont have the time to waste their money on membership - in storing their ever increasing horde of items.


Increasing free players' bank space would please everybody except Jagex, because it reduces the pressure on free players to pay for bank space. The only thing that Jagex seems to care about is making money.




Erm, yeah.. Please read my first statement in this post.






You also said that it was mentioned that it would only cost Jagex about 500$ to make such an update. Let's say that's true, which it may or may not be, since it probably does sum up the general cost of it. Now, if you would please remember this little fact, the owners of Jagex are billionares... They're richer than most people could even dream of. What would $500 be to them, compared to the thousands of millions they have already? That would be like a man with $100, giving away a nickel. It isn't that much. Just the adverts pay more than enough for this meager update.






As for the weekly rallies idea, I'm unable to plan anything like that until I get these real-life issues straightened out. But don't worry, there will be more rallies.



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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I'd like to let you all know that I am still a bit inactive from my recent real-life issues. I'm hoping to become active in here once again in the next week, two weeks tops, and from there we can continue the rallies. Thanks for your patience.



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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Ok, if you want more bank space pay $5 for membership, now I know what you're going to say, "Believe it or not, real life comes first", well if you don't have $5 per month to spend on a game, don't play it. Sell your computer, that will save you at least $25-$30 dollars per month in electricity, next get rid of your high-speed internet line, another $20-$30 dollars saved there. Next since you sold the comp, you now have money to pay off your computer bill, you know the bill that some of you may get each month because you didn't have the money to pay for it then, so you got payments for it. That now eliminates $30-$60 dollars per month. Now since you arn't using your time for a computer game, get a job. I know it may have been said many times before, but hey, you now have the time for it. You now gain another $15-$30 dollars per day (without taxes). Now look at this, you now save $75-$120 per month, or $900-$1,440 per year. Now add the job money in and subtract taxes (funnest thing taxes hun(I used 30% income)) thats $346.15-$692.31 per month or $4,153.80-$8307.72 per year. Now look at that, you now have an extra $421.15-$812.31 per month to spend, now you have another $5,053.80-$9,747.72 per year to save for later in life. Thats how much you save a year, and rs costs $60-$120 dollars per year. So ask yourself, "If I can't pay $5 per month, should I be playing, especially when I can save this much?" Also, I know how cheap it would be to add the space but hey this is exactly what they're thinking at Jagex, well maybe not exactly, but close. I arrest my case.

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You know, you're getting really annoying using arguments that have been used many times before. And those arguments don't work, as if they did, this thread would be well over.




Since you appear to be too lazy to go look for it yourself, I'll re-argue back...




@Kingmaniac - That's just flaming. I'm not going to bother making an actual argument against you, but rather ask a few questions...Why do you call this whining but call other demands made by members suggestions? Last time I checked, there was no difference. And what if people aren't old enough to work? Believe it or not, there ARE actually people younger than you.




@Lorsung - You did your math out, you thought out your argument, and you didn't flame. So I won't be too harsh on you. But just a few things...You say to sell your computer...So if you don't have a computer, you're going to have money to pay for Runescape...Yet no computer to play it on...How does that work? I know you were speaking hypothetically and all that, but I don't understand how anything you said in your post helped.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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@Lorsung - You did your math out, you thought out your argument, and you didn't flame. So I won't be too harsh on you. But just a few things...You say to sell your computer...So if you don't have a computer, you're going to have money to pay for Runescape...Yet no computer to play it on...How does that work? I know you were speaking hypothetically and all that, but I don't understand how anything you said in your post helped.




The whole point of what I said is this, if you don't have $5-$10 to spend per month, don't play and save a lot of money, then at a time when you have more money, the get everything back and play.




P.S. your sig is wrong, you have pi as 3.141592653589798462, it should be 3.141592653589793238462, you're missing 3 numbers between the last 9 and the 8, you should have 93238 instead of 98

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You added two extra digits, which wasn't a mistake. But actually, I DID make a mistake. I put 3.14159265389798462, while it should be 3.141592653589798462. Stupid long numbers, I can't find mistakes easily.




And okay...I see your point...Although I'm pretty sure everyone has $5-10, even if they don't have a job...Now, the reasons why they don't use that money must be told by the people that don't pay yet have the money. Which isn't me.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Ok that whole first post had to deal with the origional posters comment of...

Do not post in here just saying "You dont pay, you dont deserve it." I'll just have you know that not everyone can waste 5$ a month on a game, and no one is going to pay just for some more bank space. Believe it or not, real life comes first, and real life requires all the money some people can get.




Now my next arguement is for the people that have the money but think it's a waste. I'm going to go back to Elizabethan Times. You know the time of Shakespear, the Globe Theater, Romeo and Juliet. In the globe theater there was 3 levels you could sit in. The first is basically pesants they had to stand on the ground they paid 1 penny to go there, the next is slightly richer people they had like stadium seating but hard wood benches, also they were 1 story higer than the pesants who were on the ground and you paid 2 pennies to get there, and the third level is the richest people they had individual seats, and were 2 stories above the pesants they had to pay 3 pennies to get there. I am going to put everyone on the third level, because we can pay for electricity, internet, and a conputer. Lets say you want a little more, then you could get a seat cushion for your seat for an extra penny. You could have a better experence than everyone else, you were better. Now the same applies to rs, you all want more bank space, pay for membership its not much more added on to what you are paying now. You get a better experence that the free people, and it's not much more. Now here's a suggestion, it kind of goes along with the whole globe theater thing, instead of getting the full members experence, maybe you can change your plan, instead of trying to get something more for free, on top of what your already getting free, you should try to get a bank space increasement plan, like pay $1 dollar per month for the bank space a member gets. Not just the 12 you want, but the full bank space. Then you get to play in the non-members worlds with more bank space, and without everything that comes with membership. And hey it's $4-$9 cheaper. Thats part 2. This is my revised version which I think is much better than the origional. I will come up with a third arguement for this also.

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Ok if everyone's waiting for me to post my third arguement, I'm flattered, but don't. Someone's gotta post eventually. Try to fight me, tell me what you don't understand about my arguements. Maybe I've won and people are seeing the light, I don't know, I'm just here to not have people try to get more for free.

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Ok if everyone's waiting for me to post my third arguement, I'm flattered, but don't. Someone's gotta post eventually. Try to fight me, tell me what you don't understand about my arguements. Maybe I've won and people are seeing the light, I don't know, I'm just here to not have people try to get more for free.




First of all, I'd like to ask you to not spam my thread with meaningless posts such as this.




Secondly, in response to why somebody hasn't posted to argue with you -- People do have lives, you know... They can't just stare at the computer all day, just so they can reply to you whenever you post your little arguments.




And no, you haven't "won".... Lol. You really crack me up, thinking that just because you've repeated an argument that's been said ever since the making of this thread, that you "won", and that our opinions would suddenly change. Wow, I've gotta tell you... That statement just made my day.




I think the entire part of this that you fail to grasp -- even though I've said this at least two dozen times (quite literally) -- is that encoding 12 new bank slots would require so little effort, and so little cost, that it could be easily paid for by just a few days worth of adverts, if not one day. If you want to see a further explanation of what I mean, just look back in the bloody thread. I'm not going to repeat myself for yet another random guy that thinks he can "win" a debate. (Lawl)



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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Also, we might not have replied because we don't want to repeat something we've posted a bunch of times before.


Your first post was original, your last two were spam. I usually don't respond to spam, but when I do, it isn't pretty.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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I think the entire part of this that you fail to grasp -- even though I've said this at least two dozen times (quite literally) -- is that encoding 12 new bank slots would require so little effort, and so little cost, that it could be easily paid for by just a few days worth of adverts, if not one day.

I think I've posted this before too, but Jagex probably couldn't care less if they could make 12 new free bank spaces for $5. They designed the free game to make people want to join members for new quests, areas, skills, and so that people joining members wouldn't have to cram all their items into their tiny bank.



"If you have nothing constructive to say, don't say anything at all."

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First of all, I'd like to ask you to not spam my thread with meaningless posts such as this.


The third post wasn't spam, from date codes, at least 6 posts are made every 24 hours, no one was responding so I said something, now you have posts.





And no, you haven't "won".... Lol. You really crack me up, thinking that just because you've repeated an argument that's been said ever since the making of this thread, that you "won", and that our opinions would suddenly change. Wow, I've gotta tell you... That statement just made my day.


Ya, like I said, I wasn't sure if anyone was actually reading this after my posts.





I think the entire part of this that you fail to grasp -- even though I've said this at least two dozen times (quite literally) -- is that encoding 12 new bank slots would require so little effort, and so little cost, that it could be easily paid for by just a few days worth of adverts, if not one day.


What you fail to grasp, is I already said that I knew that it would take very little effort to program the codes in.


...Also, I know how cheap it would be to add the space...


Which makes me think you just kind of read the post ahead of you and post, which is kind of what it looks like you did, which makes me lower your intelligence a notch or two lower. If you had actually read my posts you would have seen that I said I knew how little effort it would take. And before I respected you for what you were doing, I just wanted to know how you would take to a little intelligent argument and respond in an intellegent manner to defend your idea. Now that I have realized you can't, I have absolutely no respect for you or what you are trying to get done. Now if you actually read the previous posts, understood them and had even mentioned or made a small hint you had read them I would have been ok with this. I actually congratulate you, penguingeek, you actually read the first and second post. Also, I don't really see the second post as spam, because it gave you another option, another suggestion instead of getting something for nothing.




Now here is my third argument.


Now as for the adverts you look at, those are there so that Jagex can make up the cost of having free servers.


The reason you don't have adverts on the members worlds is because we're all paying for the cost of running servers. I don't think you understand what the cost of running a server is, or all of Jagex. For a server that has 2000 slots it would have to be a custom made server, roughly about $1990 dollars per month.(this is taken from 199 per month for a 200 slot server*10 for 10 times the slots) This would equal $286,560 per month for just owning the servers.(1990*144 servers) Now operating costs, lets go easy on this, lets go with the servers consuming about 4000 watts per hour or 4kWH. All servers running 24 hours a day, all month that adds up to to 414,720 kWH used by all servers in 30 days.(4*96*144*30) Now lets say the price of electricity per kWh averages to $.10 that would mean that they spend $41,472 per month on electricity. Now lets talk about storage, each server probably costs about $100 per month to safely store, that equals about $14,400 per month in storage. Now insurance, another $100 per month per server, another $14,400. Next we have antivirus software, that averages $10 per month per server. This takes $1,440 per month. Now the major money drain, Jagex Staff, Jagex employs about 3,000 people worldwide (working on building maintenance, game updates, graphics, website management, forums, customer support, exc), about a medium sized business. Now each of those people make about $20 dollars per hour. Each employee works 160 hours per month. Now that makes Jagex wages about $9,600,000 per month.(160*20*3000) Now I'm going to leave out all other factors effecting costs for them. They're total expenses are $9,958,272 per month. Now lets go for income. About 5 million people play rs per month, lets say roughly 28.5% are members, that's 1.425 million people. Now the income from them only equals $9,262,500 per month.(average of $6.50 per month for membership) Now lets say Jagex has 150 different adverts, for each advert Jagex gets about $5000 per month to put up that's $750,000 per month they make off of ads. Jagex only makes $10,012,500 per month, a profit of $54,228 per month or 1.0054% profit per month. That's not a lot for a growing company, now they have to have money for the shareholders, and for emergencies. The whole point of that is, Jagex isn't this rich company you all believe it to be, it's probably got more money than you'll ever make in your lifetime stored away, but to a growing company it's nothing. They don't have the money to be giving you something more to the free people for free. That's how corporations work, if the free version is too good more people will want to play for free, thus making the company add more servers increasing their costs and eventually driving the company into the ground. So basically it's not that much more to get membership, or just get it or do whats been suggested hundreds of times, destroy your holiday items, that will free up about 10-15 spaces, depending on how long you've been playing, also get rid of costumes you don't wear. Don't just tell Jagex you need space, take a picture, actually show them that the space is nessarry, your supplies, your armor/weapons, everything and show a freed up bank picture, with as much eliminated as you dare get rid of. This will actually show them how little you can save. Well I would really hope you respond to this, and don't think it's a flame or spam, it's not intended as a flame or spam, but as something with a point. This is also my last arguement aginst this.




P.S. to poster of topic, I have dial-up, the first page kills my bandwidth, could you compress pictures or make them in in JPEG instead of PNG, easy to do, just open them in paint and then save them in JPEG, it will only take up about 1/4 of the bandwidth.

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Wow, that's some personal estimate on what you think they actually spend.




I, on the other hand. Don't think they spend anywhere near that. And have a much larger profit margin. Like having 3,000 full time employees being paid $3,000 a month? I highly doubt that.

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Lorsung, I don't have the time to argue with you right now as you may want me to have. Real life calls, and I only have the time to skim through the posts in this thread.




As for the entire "respect" aspect; What the hell are you talking about?...




Let me see if I understand this correctly.




You at first respected what I was doing, and tried to start an intelligent argument.




That's great. I wish that more of the people that posted in here did that.




And then you go on to say that because I didn't give a hint that I read your previous posts after you posted them, I lost your "respect"?




Lol, need I remind you that I can't be on these forums 24-7? I did read them, but that was after you had made that little "I won" post.




And so now you have shunned the idea of more f2p bank space, just because I couldn't respond right away? Or that I only had the time to skim through your posts, because I actually have a little something called a life? Bud, you really make me laugh.




If I for some reason sound like I'm getting a bit annoyed, it's probably because I am. You've got to see this situation through my perspective:




For 10 months, I have had to argue with countless p2p'ers as to why f2p could use a bit more bank space. During those 10 months, I have had to repeat my answers to the same old arguments every day. Just take a moment to try to imagine that... Every week, I have at least one flamer pop up that needs dealing with. Every day I get an argument that I need to reply to. I'm constantly assaulted with spam and pointless posts that needs dealing with. I've got to tell you, that gets pretty annoying and irksome. I doubt that you can full understand how I feel about it right now, as I seriously doubt you've had a thread such as this last for 10 months, during which you have had to deal with the things I've had to deal with.




Now, that was just the start of it. The real sourse of my annoyance and stress comes from real life issues. I'm not going to go into it right now, because it's honestly none of your business. I can tell you though, that it's gotten me pretty stressed out recently, and kept me tied up. I am unable to thoroughly scrutinize every single post made in here, and take five minutes to type out a well thought out answer. If I could, I promise you I would, but I can't, so I'm not going to attempt to.




You can keep your bloody respect, because I honestly don't need it right now. It's been a long day, and I'm not going to put up with you right now. Maybe in the future I'll have more to say to you, but for now you can just forget about getting an "intelligent" argument from me. If you really want to know what I'd say to you, just look through those 93 pages of arguments in this thread. I guaruntee you it's all there, because I've said it all before.




And also... Where exactly did you get your most recent statistics? They don't look like anything familiar, which leads me to believe you thought up random numbers off the top of your head. Please tell me if I'm wrong. :roll:



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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Uh, now I understand skimming, but it just didn't seem like you had read that much, even by skimming standards. Now I am not completely blowing off the idea of more f2p bankspace, it's stood up for 10 months which is awesome, and if it makes it 11 even better, now I'm just trying to see if it can stand up and come back from what I'm saying. It has and for that I support the idea. Now as for my respect, you have it...kind of... everyone has things going on in their lives, congratuations your normal. Now you never actually answered my post but thats ok. Also it's not just you I'm looking for to respond, it's anyone, when I said I was looking for just you to respond I don't know. No, it wasn't just you I was waiting for a response from, it's any of the 159,487 registered users of tip.it. Next the numbers, I have over shot the members there were only 900,000 in 06, and that was with 5 million players. Now it's about 6.5 million players raising total members to 1,170,000 members, or 18% members. It's on the Jagex corprate website. Next employees, I undershot the pay they get, it's much more. It's $36-40 per hour starting. Now I don't know about number of employees but for a company the size of Jagex, this sounded about right, now that I know how much they're paid, probely less people work there, but about the same price of employee salaries goes out. Now adverts, I was board so I refreshed the page and got 148 different ads. And the price per add, this was gotten through google's advertising price times 1,000 because google's got a lot more ads, and rs's are more where you'll see them. Server costs were from a 199 slot server times 10 for a 1990 slot. Anti-virus prices were from symantic corprate edition, and price divided by 12*144 because it's a yearly subscription. Next electricity needs, $.10 per kWH is average, and 4,000 WH or 4kWH is about 2 normal computers running or one of these servers because they have way more power. Insurance, $100 per computer or $50 per laptop in homeowner insurance, I took computer price. Next sever storage, thats one thing that I don't for sure know about. There that's all my numbers, check them if you like.

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Which makes me think you just kind of read the post ahead of you and post, which is kind of what it looks like you did, which makes me lower your intelligence a notch or two lower. If you had actually read my posts you would have seen that I said I knew how little effort it would take. And before I respected you for what you were doing, I just wanted to know how you would take to a little intelligent argument and respond in an intellegent manner to defend your idea. Now that I have realized you can't, I have absolutely no respect for you or what you are trying to get done. Now if you actually read the previous posts, understood them and had even mentioned or made a small hint you had read them I would have been ok with this. I actually congratulate you, penguingeek, you actually read the first and second post. Also, I don't really see the second post as spam, because it gave you another option, another suggestion instead of getting something for nothing.
I'm really disappointed, at first you seemed to being trying to post decent points with some thought put into them, but now you've started flaming the author of this topic. Don't.




Now operating costs, lets go easy on this, lets go with the servers consuming about 4000 watts per hour or 4kwh. All servers running 24 hours a day, all month that adds up to to 414,720 watts used by all servers in 30 days.(4*96*144*30) Now lets say the price of electricity per kWh averages to $.10 that would mean that they spend $41,472 per month on electricity. Now insurance, another $100 per month per server, another $14,400.
All the servers (by your estimation) require 415kwh. 415*.1 is only $41 dollars a month. You multiplied .1 by the number of watts.




Now the major money drain, Jagex Staff, Jagex employs about 3,000 people worldwide (working on building maintenance, game updates, graphics, website management, forums, customer support, exc), about a medium sized business. Now each of those people make about $20 dollars per hour. Each employee works 160 hours per month. Now that makes Jagex wages about $9,600,000 per month.(160*20*3000)
In a recent interview, Andrew Gower said that Jagex has under 300 employees. I'm not sure how you decided that Jagex employees are paid $20 an hour, or that they work 160 hours weekly, but assuming that your assumptions are correct means that Jagex pays employees under one million dollars a month.




Now lets go for income. About 5 million people play rs per month, lets say roughly 28.5% are members, that's 1.425 million people. Now the income from them only equals $9,262,500 per month.(average of $6.50 per month for membership) Now lets say Jagex has 150 different adverts, for each advert Jagex gets about $5000 per month to put up that's $750,000 per month they make off of ads. Jagex only makes $10,012,500 per month, a profit of $54,228 per month or 1.0054% profit per month.
You're wrong right off the bat. Less than a month ago, Jagex posted on Runescape.com that they'd officially reached one million members, although I'm sure people who log on through Miniclip don't see this. If these members pay the minimum ($5 US monthly) then Jagex makes $5 million US every month. And I'm pretty sure that most, if not all of the sites advertised on Runescape, pay less than five thousand dollars per month. I doubt that most of these advertisements pay over a thousand dollars to be shown on free worlds.




Before you post, please try to get your facts right, and don't post random numbers that you thought of while posting.



"If you have nothing constructive to say, don't say anything at all."

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Now operating costs, lets go easy on this, lets go with the servers consuming about 4000 watts per hour or 4kwh. All servers running 24 hours a day, all month that adds up to to 414,720 watts used by all servers in 30 days.(4*96*144*30) Now lets say the price of electricity per kWh averages to $.10 that would mean that they spend $41,472 per month on electricity. Now insurance, another $100 per month per server, another $14,400.
All the servers (by your estimation) require 415kwh. 415*.1 is only $41 dollars a month. You multiplied .1 by the number of watts.


Here's your problem my math here is rignt. 4kWH * 24 hours is 96kWH*144 servers*30 days*$.1 per kWH, which is $41,472. Now I have also posted all numbers.



Less than a month ago, Jagex posted on Runescape.com that they'd officially reached one million members


That is so wrong, on Jagex's website they say that they have over 5 million in 06, so Jagex is feeding us some bs somewhere along the line.




And as for the flameing of the author, I'm sorry, I haven't slept for 3 days (mild case of insomnia, I get those sometimes) and don't really know what a flame is anymore. But if it was a flame, this is what set it off.


I think the entire part of this that you fail to grasp -- even though I've said this at least two dozen times (quite literally) -- is that encoding 12 new bank slots would require so little effort, and so little cost, that it could be easily paid for by just a few days worth of adverts, if not one day. If you want to see a further explanation of what I mean, just look back in the bloody thread. I'm not going to repeat myself for yet another random guy that thinks he can "win" a debate. (Lawl)


What it was was I don't fail to grasp anything, except unlogical emotions, and that I had already said that I knew how little effort it would take, which indicated to me that he had barly even read the posts at all. It just bothers me that yes, he has real life issues, everyone does, but they way you respond to a post borderline flaming someone, it's not good..... Ok that's all I'm going to say. If you want my support you can have it. If you want to respond like you have before ok, I don't care. But anyways, have a nice day, good luck with your life, and this suggestion.

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