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Edit: When you beg from your parents a week straight one thing after another, do you get what you want? Or do you get punished?
Depending on what kind of things I am asking for, it could go either way... Well, except the fact that my mom doesn't punish for such a stupid reason. If it is small items (like bank space would be a small update), then I would get them straight away and nothing more to be said. If it was something big (such as a new skill), it would be granted only on a birthday, but as I said, no punishments would be handed out. But, as was said by penguingeek3, I don't really see the connection between begging your parents and getting Jagex to take notice.
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Yeah good job prankster, besides making an even bigger fool of yourself, whether or not others will recognize you for a complete idiot, you have succeeded in misunderstanding again. Look at your snapshots fool. You have the chat names blurred out, but you have forgotten to blur out the names of those on your friends list. NOT THE ONES WHO WANT TO BE SHOWN. THE NAME OF THE PERSON, TIM 53 W/E ON YOUR FRIENDS LIST.






More things to back me up? A player moderator, probably one of the few that I will ever respect, most likely due to the situation, agrees in the snapshot. He, like me, is FOR bank space, but finds your approach immature.

I don't think I should come...Sorry I couldn't help
Maybe this fool will catch on with me saying he didn't edit his picture correctly now. Time will tell :thumbsup: Face it, your ideas on spamming up banks everywhere isn't going to do F2P much of a favor. Continue far enough, and what will happen? Jagex gets punished by hundreds of people logging on at the same time and giving them money? Or F2P having to suffer from looking at fools spam up the place. Or maybe Jagex will take yet another approach, as F2P and P2P so suffered with Rune Essence Autoers.




Jackle, you amuse me. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about...




For starters, you've just stated that your entire stream of spam in here is because of "a bad editing job" I did. Honestly, does that have anyhting to do with the campaign? No, not really. You just don't have anymore arguments to jab at us about the campaign, so you decide to point out every miniscule detail in a snapshot. :lol:




And no, you interpreted the picture entirely wrong. Tim was at the rally to support it, and join in. What you see him saying is because of a message from Jagex Moderators (that was posted in a post in the pmod centre), stating that pmods should not try to attend the rallies. Tim decided to leave rather than risk his pmodship, which I agreed with and let him leave without comment. It's not that he thought it was an immature approach, as he fully supported the campaign and rallies. So gf, but don't spam up my damn thread with your lousy little posts that troll about things you have absolutely no idea about. I'm getting tired of your spam, immature comments, false accusations, and plain stupidity. Any more of your posts here after that have any sign of flaming or spamming will be reported. <.<



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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I was f2p for about a year. I got up nto lvl 70 on f2p and I didn't have many/any problems with ank space.




However, (before you can spam me =p) that was a year ago and times have changed, more holiday items and so on.




12 more may be a bit too much to ask for. (after all if there were a million f2p thats 12m bank space #-o )




Maybe 6? With 6 you could put in :




Your top piece of armour














Which would actually be quite helpful :thumbsup:






Anyway, good luck! However, runnig around shouting more bankspace probobly wont get much Jagex attention! :-w

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12 more may be a bit too much to ask for. (after all if there were a million f2p thats 12m bank space #-o )




Maybe 6? With 6 you could put in :




Your top piece of armour














Which would actually be quite helpful :thumbsup:

Actually, the convenient numbers are 4 (finish the row) and 12 (finish that row + add one), but even just the 4 would be greatly appreciated by me.
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12 more may be a bit too much to ask for. (after all if there were a million f2p thats 12m bank space #-o )



-I'm pulling my numbers out of nearly nowhere. They're sort of educated guesses. In a way.-


Last time Jagex released a number, I believe there were one million members. Shouldn't be much higher right now...Maybe 500K more at most. I doubt it.


Anyways, P2P got 48 bank space once. Maybe 24 more a month or two after.


That's 72 spaces in a few months. 72*1000000 = 72000000.


Now, there are maybe 6 million F2Pers. Maybe a million or so more. I don't think Jagex has ever released a number, so I don't know for sure. Anyways, assuming there are 6 million F2Pers...12*6000000 = 72000000. F2P would get the same amount of bank space for the first time in years as P2P gets in a few months.


And if Jagex makes it so you have to do a quest or something to get bank space, that lowers the number a lot. Maybe down to 3-4 million. Now we're even less than P2P.




But still, yes, anything would be appreciated.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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12 more may be a bit too much to ask for. (after all if there were a million f2p thats 12m bank space #-o )



-I'm pulling my numbers out of nearly nowhere. They're sort of educated guesses. In a way.-


Last time Jagex released a number, I believe there were one million members. Shouldn't be much higher right now...Maybe 500K more at most. I doubt it.


Anyways, P2P got 48 bank space once. Maybe 24 more a month or two after.


That's 72 spaces in a few months. 72*1000000 = 72000000.


Now, there are maybe 6 million F2Pers. Maybe a million or so more. I don't think Jagex has ever released a number, so I don't know for sure. Anyways, assuming there are 6 million F2Pers...12*6000000 = 72000000. F2P would get the same amount of bank space for the first time in years as P2P gets in a few months.


And if Jagex makes it so you have to do a quest or something to get bank space, that lowers the number a lot. Maybe down to 3-4 million. Now we're even less than P2P.




But still, yes, anything would be appreciated.


There are 9 million F2P accounts. Maybe 1M of them are macroers. But, we don't know if they count macro accounts in this number. maybe another million or a half a million have quit, so, there could be at leas 7-7.5 million active accounts.

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Add rares (1 maybe two bank spaces) and older holiday items like bunny ears and rubber chicken. I support 100% :thumbsup:



"One has not only a legal, but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws."-Martin Luther King


"The Kingdom of God is anarchy"-Nicolas Berdyaev

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Add rares (1 maybe two bank spaces) and older holiday items like bunny ears and rubber chicken. I support 100% :thumbsup:


Yeah, a rare slot there too. They might be covered under holiday items, so, some holiday items can only stay in bank or inventory. There goes the "Destroy holiday items and reclaim them from Diango, there is your bank space" idea. On that note, destroying reobtainable holiday items isn't enough.




Notice how rare it is for this thread to be on page 2?

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All ftp items ever/ftp bankslots=~13


All items ever/ptp bankslots=~12






I'll put this in one question...




Would you please clarify your statement? :-s




~Mr. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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wonder when jagex is gonna catch on... :-k


From what I hear from one of my p2p buddies, Jagex is totally ignoring this thread. Looks like we'll have to take action with a rally or something. :-k




~Mr. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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All ftp items ever/ftp bankslots=~13


All items ever/ptp bankslots=~12








Please clarify your statement. :wink:




i think he's saying that there's a higher proportion of f2p bank space to items than there is p2p items to p2p bank space... or maybe it's the other way around. #-o

100% f2p 8-)



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From what I hear from one of my p2p buddies, Jagex is totally ignoring this thread. Looks like we'll have to take action with a rally or something. :-k




~Mr. Devnull




ya, hows the next rally planning coming along? im anxious 2 attened 1!

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All ftp items ever/ftp bankslots=~13


All items ever/ptp bankslots=~12








Please clarify your statement. :wink:




i think he's saying that there's a higher proportion of f2p bank space to items than there is p2p items to p2p bank space... or maybe it's the other way around. #-o

The way it is written, it is, in fact, the other way around. It is items to bank space.
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