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I don't see why you have to make it your life's ambition to destroy this campaign! Does asking for some more friggin' bank space cause you extreme agony? Are you really that much against an extra row of space that you willingly waste our life and time with these stupid flames. Do us all a favor and take your aggressions out somewhere else.




P.S. I don't see how the Civil War ties in with this thread. It's absurd...



Follower of Guthix. *points to avatar* Aww yeah..


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Oh no don't get me wrong, I wasn't defending the campaign, I was defending moonshadow when she got called a "Confederate Republican."


I would also like to point out that the 'mages' of RS constantly complain about how inferior they are to other combat styles. They haven't gotten rigged up at all, despite their complaining on the OFFICIAL RS forums. So why do you think complaining in F2P banks is going to change anything for the better?


And yes, my attack on the 'PMod/Muting' actually was accurate, because on the front page in the pictures, the mod says Jagex told them not to get involved in the 'pixel protest,' which means A. Jagex has decided not to take action on the mods that are involved because the pixel protest is petty to them. or B. Jagex has changed it's mind and is not against pixel protests in F2P banks so long as they do not disturb the more important players of RS, because F2P does not pay, and Jagex would not be losing anything.




So now the question I pose to you is this.


What are you doing to MAKE Jagex give you bank space, now that I have PROVED that they are aware of your campaign, because clearly at least one player moderator had the sense to ask before he acted?




Perhaps the 'pixel protests' are actually for recruiting people to your campaign, and I misunderstood? If you are thinking, then the pixel protests are actually just recruiting 'ceremonies' because the report abuse button is answered by machines.




So how do you plan on making Jagex give you bank space?






The world doesn't work based upon 'Right and Wrong,' it works completely and totally on decisions and their values in impact.


For clarification. I am a HE, not a SHE.


Tell me, where is it?? Show it to me, I have been through it, and I have not seen it.

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And yes, my attack on the 'PMod/Muting' actually was accurate, because on the front page in the pictures, the mod says Jagex told them not to get involved in the 'pixel protest,' which means A. Jagex has decided not to take action on the mods that are involved because the pixel protest is petty to them. or B. Jagex has changed it's mind and is not against pixel protests in F2P banks so long as they do not disturb the more important players of RS, because F2P does not pay, and Jagex would not be losing anything.
Nowhere in those pictures does anybody say anything about JAGeX being against it. All that is is one player moderator being extra cautious. And if you look again, there is a consistent silver-crown joining in the chanting. Surely if JAGeX had said anything, all of the player moderators would have known?
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I don't see why you have to make it your life's ambition to destroy this campaign! Does asking for some more friggin' bank space cause you extreme agony? Are you really that much against an extra row of space that you willingly waste our life and time with these stupid flames. Do us all a favor and take your aggressions out somewhere else.




P.S. I don't see how the Civil War ties in with this thread. It's absurd...


I've been gone a few days, nice to see that this is still going pretty well.




The reason I quoted that post is because I agree. If you don't like this idea, why do you feel it's necessary to come in here and keep flaming?




If you just posted a simple "I disagree", then I'm sure we would have left you alone. But you didn't. You said you agreed, but you sure aren't acting like it. :-s


Or you could've just ignored it. Read the first post, think the idea isn't that good, then just exit. No harm done. You don't waste your time and get into this debate, we don't have to reply. And if this idea really does suck, then just don't post and let it die. Simple.


(Of course, I'd doubt it'll die.)




So a little note to all future disagree-ers, and maybe Prankster should put something similar at the top of his first post...


If you don't support, either please post a simple "I disagree", ignore this thread in the future, or take your time to think of a good argument that has not been used.


In addition, Prankster, maybe you should compile a list of commonly used arguments and list them in the first post, saying that they should not be used.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Woah, your writing style kinda makes me think that its a girl. Sorry Moon, wasn't insulting you.


See the pictures with Mod Tim543, he says 'sorry, I don't think I should attend this' which suggests* that he posted in the mod centre, because thats the 'private forum' for mods to ask about how to handle things.




And penguin, he did that a few times, but I don't really consider that fair, because he didn't post a link to show how things turned out.

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lol people, are the fights over this relly worth it?




some say yes, som no its not like a wrong answer will curse you to whoever knows what








debat not yell. and i think this isa good idea :o

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And penguin, he did that a few times, but I don't really consider that fair, because he didn't post a link to show how things turned out.




I have no idea what you're saying, please clarify?


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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I support i have been F2P a long time and the bankspace annoyed me like [cabbage], also when I was too poor for a while and also my skiller also needs more [cabbage] bankspace soon.






I fully support!












P.S.: Yes I use normal grammar...

Name is Seth161991,

Private is always on!


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I believe 99% of FTP players will agree on expend bank space to a total of 75 - 100, due to unfair treatment on wasting our bank space on useless stuff.

FTP player.


85/90 smithing. 12,000,000/100,000,000 coins.

Total hacked and scammed losses:

1 billion coins +/- (Not in today's currency).

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Only gonna answer to a couple sections. I don't see reason to get into more...




And even if there was no monetary hurdle to giving more space to f2p, there's also the fact that the most vocal portion of Runescape players (members, because they can post on the forums) by far majority wouldn't support the bankspace addition for f2p, considering that if f2p were eliminated in totality, all that money could possibly go towards p2p players.


I actually know P2P'ers who would quit RS if their F2P-limited friends couldn't be on with them. And BTW, do you know what would really be happening if F2P didn't exist? Jagex would have too few incoming members versus the higher amount of outgoing members, and RS would eventually die. 99% or more of the potential P2P'ers out there don't want to play a totally web-based game they can't properly check out first, and they won't want to play it even more if they feel pressured harshly.








So from the angles I see it, it doesn't benefit anyone but f2p players to give them more bankspace.


Actually, it would be quite the opposite. It would benefit both P2P'ers and F2P'ers greatly to be able to have more bankspace in F2P.




Let's go with an example case, the "Ex-P2P'er" who might want to go P2P again, but has to wait a while to save up the IRL $$$ to do so. They'd also like to play, but with the current F2P bank size limits, they'd have to drop a lot of P2P items that they just can't lose for any one of an endless number of reasons. But, with an increased F2P bank space limit, they might be able to continue playing depending on their current bank space load amount. So there's at least one good reason for increased bank space in F2P.






Now, here's another example as to why F2P should get more bank space that benefits P2P in the process... Let's say that some P2P'er wants to give an honest non-macroing F2P friend a really big job, and says to them something like:




===========BEGIN EXAMPLE JOB CHAT============


P2P_Person: Hey, could you get me the following?


  • [*:3jbgqw5i] 1K Iron Ore
    [*:3jbgqw5i] 2K Coal
    [*:3jbgqw5i] 1K Logs (Normal ones)
    [*:3jbgqw5i] 15K Feathers
    [*:3jbgqw5i] 2K Swordfish


F2P_Person: I wish I could, but I don't have the bank space... =(


============.END EXAMPLE JOB CHAT.============




At the moment, any F2P'er who really uses all their skills (yes, such as me) can't handle that tall order because we're at our bank space limits, which is why I ended that example job chat that way. This also means that the P2P'er who wants the items has 2 options:


  1. [*:3jbgqw5i]Get Jagex to give F2P more bank space so their friend can handle the job.
    [*:3jbgqw5i]Find someone else, and end up paying more gp in the process.


Personally, I could be certain that both the P2P'er, and the friend F2P'er, would both rather for more F2P bank space in this situation for F2P and P2P alike. P2P'ers can count on F2P'er friends, but they can't count on strangers (doesn't matter if the stranger is F2P or P2P), so there is yet another reason for F2P to get more bank space.








So, chris1216, like to hop on board and support, now that I have shown that more F2P bank space can benefit P2P??? :) ... BTW, you're one of the first I've seen in a while that didn't give me a headache to reply to. Thank you, a lot. :thumbsup:




~Mr. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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I also want to add as I've said before, members would get at least the same as f2per's if not more.


Well said, Id_Suge. +1, I agree! =D>




~Mr. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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I also want to add as I've said before, members would get at least the same as f2per's if not more.


Well said, Id_Suge. +1, I agree! =D>




~Mr. Devnull


Any F2P update is a P2P update, and, P2P would probably get double the bank space anyways. I think people forget that P2P would also be getting the space + more.




So, this idea gives members 12 or more new slots, and, we have quite a few of them come in and complain about it. o.O It doesn't inconvenience them that F2P also gets a little space along with theirs, and, it does give them more bank space. Honestly, I don't see why people are so opposed to the idea? I will reiterate a point again, it is not like the spaces are being REMOVED from the P2P bank space.

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I will reiterate a point again, it is not like the spaces are being REMOVED from the P2P bank space.


I bet they saw that sentence and some internal fuse blew that should not have. So they think that P2P is going to get [bleep]-ed over when they really are going to have quite the nice bonus happen!




ROTFLMAO! :lol: :XD: :P




~Mr. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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Anyway if jagex is going to give us more bank space, jagex will also give them extra to make it fair for them on that single update.


So what is wrong for more bank space in FTP?


Anyway if FTP have more bank space PTP will denifit more in the end.

FTP player.


85/90 smithing. 12,000,000/100,000,000 coins.

Total hacked and scammed losses:

1 billion coins +/- (Not in today's currency).

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Anyway if jagex is going to give us more bank space, jagex will also give them extra to make it fair for them on that single update.


So what is wrong for more bank space in FTP?


Anyway if FTP have more bank space PTP will denifit more in the end.




Maybe it can become a hidden update along with a new skill or something.


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Anyway if jagex is going to give us more bank space, jagex will also give them extra to make it fair for them on that single update.


So what is wrong for more bank space in FTP?


Anyway if FTP have more bank space PTP will denifit more in the end.




Maybe it can become a hidden update along with a new skill or something.




This is also possible.

FTP player.


85/90 smithing. 12,000,000/100,000,000 coins.

Total hacked and scammed losses:

1 billion coins +/- (Not in today's currency).

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Oh no don't get me wrong, I wasn't defending the campaign, I was defending moonshadow when she got called a "Confederate Republican."


I would also like to point out that the 'mages' of RS constantly complain about how inferior they are to other combat styles. They haven't gotten rigged up at all, despite their complaining on the OFFICIAL RS forums. So why do you think complaining in F2P banks is going to change anything for the better?


And yes, my attack on the 'PMod/Muting' actually was accurate, because on the front page in the pictures, the mod says Jagex told them not to get involved in the 'pixel protest,' which means A. Jagex has decided not to take action on the mods that are involved because the pixel protest is petty to them. or B. Jagex has changed it's mind and is not against pixel protests in F2P banks so long as they do not disturb the more important players of RS, because F2P does not pay, and Jagex would not be losing anything.




So now the question I pose to you is this.


What are you doing to MAKE Jagex give you bank space, now that I have PROVED that they are aware of your campaign, because clearly at least one player moderator had the sense to ask before he acted?




Perhaps the 'pixel protests' are actually for recruiting people to your campaign, and I misunderstood? If you are thinking, then the pixel protests are actually just recruiting 'ceremonies' because the report abuse button is answered by machines.




So how do you plan on making Jagex give you bank space?






The world doesn't work based upon 'Right and Wrong,' it works completely and totally on decisions and their values in impact.






I'm going to reply to the last part of this post, but before doing so, I'd like to make one thing clear.




All arguments about political nonsense and personal issues that has nothing at all to do with the campaign must end here. There is a pm system, try using it. Please do not get the people in this thread off topic so much that another mod has to come in here. I'd appreciate self control on this matter.




Now in actual reply to the post:




The rallies... The entire idea of the rallies was to gather as many supporters online in the same spot at the same time to A) show Jagex that there are people that actually do care about getting a bit more bankspace, B) spread the word of the campaign to other people that do not use Tip.It, and C) to allow me to see how many supporters there actually are that would use their time to come to such an event. All three of those reasons have an enormous effect on the campaign, even though the average Tipiter may not realize it. The turnout at the rallies, the posts here in the forums, and other certain aspects all allow me to plan the next campaign related events accordingly.




How do we plan on 'making' Jagex give us bankspace? We obviously cannot "make" them do anything. But what we can do, however, is tip their hand by the voice of the general audience. If enough supporters actually do show their support for the campaign, and query Jagex about the lack of bankspace, then they will have to take notice and do something to ease the chaos that's been growing since the start of the campaign.




As for the matter on pmods "muting us all", which is so commonly mentioned, you should know that there is a fair number of pmods that actually do support this campaign. While they cannot openly show their support, they do do some work backstage to help promote the campaign, and offer their support and suggestions. We have not had a single incedent with mutings at any of our rallies, even when pmods did appear that had no idea the rally would be there.




I hope that does answer some of the common questions posted here. Chances are they'll be reposted at least a dozen times in the next pages to come, and I'll be forced to reply once again. And JustSleeping, while I do respect your freedom of opinions, I do ask that you somewhat control what your posts are actually talking about. Please limit your debates to topics concerning with the campaign, and the campaign only. It gets somewhat aggravating for the moderators to have to come in here and post warnings, and/or clean posts. I've reviewed your recent posts, and they have few references to the actual campaign. If you would like to continue your personal debates on other subjects, please do so by pm. I would appreciate it.








In other news, a small announcement from me:




I might be inactive from time to time for a while. The course of my part in the campaign is sketchy, at best. Please keep any arguments clean, civil, and on topic. Keep showing your support, even when the furute of the campaign and bankspace appears dim. If every revolutionary just got up and quit when things got tough, the world wouldn't be such a grand place like it is now. Spread the word of the campaign to your friends, and tell them to tell their friends. That is the best possible way for you to support the campaign, and help to strengthen it. Don't give up, and don't give in. Jagex knows we're here, and knows what's coming.



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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I'd just like to make a few points about getting updates we don't deserve as f2ph8er put it.




Let us check the Runescape news section first shall we?




November Behind the Scenes




In recent months, we have been looking more and more at how wealth and objects move around the game. Our first update of the month, the Assist System, will continue in a similar vein, and owes a lot to your reports and suggestions. You told us that you wanted a system for offering services to others without actually transferring items. So, with the Assist System, we will bring you that ability. You will, for example, get a high-level crafter to cut your gems for you with no gems ever leaving your inventory! This system will be useful across a multitude of different skills and will be very easy to get to grips with.




Wow! A F2P update! it greatly benefits lower level players such as people who just start the game to try Runescape!




The popular 'Make-X' option makes its way to the Smithing skill this month, so a blacksmith will be able to happily hammer away at an entire inventory of bars without multiple clicks.




Amazing another F2P update!




As a result of numerous suggestions, we will also be making some changes to the skills interface. For one, we will be adding a 'How much xp till my next level?' statistic to each skill, so that you know just how close you are to achieving your goals!




Cool! F2P is also getting this update!




Later in the month, we bring you the 'Grand Exchange'. This new building will be located in the north-west of Varrock and will house a huge new addition to the game: the ability to offer items to buy and sell across ALL servers and to ALL players! You might, for example, go to the Exchange and put a full Barrows set up for sale, for example - then, playing Skullball in Canifis, you might get a message telling you that they have sold and that you can go to the nearest bank to receive payment! The Grand Exchange will allow you to spend more time on the things you enjoy, providing a less time-consuming alternative to selling your items on the Forums or amongst the crowds of Varrock Marketplace.




Now I wonder why F2P is getting a wait! Fourth update! All in one month! How amazing!




We couldn't part from you without mentioning something very, very big on the horizon. The new year brings a stunning new update, and we are so happy with it that we are going to let a few hints trickle out over the next few weeks...




Wow I bet this update is also going to be for F2P and P2P!




I'd just like to point out that we did not beg for any of these things which Jagex has decided to give us as November updates this month. 4/6 updates were for both F2P and members. I'd also like to point out that Jagex is giving us a lot of updates, which probably means that we do have a good chance in getting more bankspace.



Don't give up, and don't give in. Jagex knows we're here, and knows what's coming.




Exactly. Jagex knows that we need bankspace, maybe they are waiting a bit before giving it to us. If they do give more bankspace it would be when the members get there's.




wow, no mutings? how unfortunate. your begging lot dont deserve to speak, if all you do is ask for updates you dont deserve




I'd just like to say that asking is different from begging. So what you are saying is we are begging people yet we ask for updates?




Theres a difference.




What about the members who ask for updates and give suggestions? Are they now beggers because they ask for something? I think not. Just because we are F2P doesn't make us any different than a member asking for something.




If Jagex can give us all these updates then they certainly can give us more bankspace, I think we have a good chance of getting these 12 extra spaces.

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*Wondering are all PTP players so childish*


Childish is such a kind way to put it.




I haven't read through the whole thread, but I suspect all of f2ph8er's posts are in here ... probably made the account just for this purpose. Guess what he'd complain about if f2p went away ... "I've got no one to sell stuff to", or "I really need to get some resources (willows, coal, etc), but no one is selling them".




I was about it insult him ... but then I'll be just as bad as him.

WARNING: Prone to ramble ... but you probably already know that!


1% F2P : 99% RL

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