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[ Poll ] Obby Sheild Or Rune Defender?


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Rune Defender ftw!


And shepherds we shall be, for Thee, my Lord, for Thee.

Power hath descended forth from Thy hand,

that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command.

So we shall flow a river forth to Thee,

and teeming with souls shall it ever be.

In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.

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I like the Obby Shield. And for the people who don't want to spend the money, go kill Tzhaars for an hour like I did to get mine.


Don't free Durial. Put this in your sig if you believe in justice.

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Rune Defender, only cus i sold my obby one.




lol, i did the same thing.




I prefer to use a combination of obby shield and rune when dueling but i prefer the defender

Wondering what to do with life .....

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Rune Defender + 5


Obby + 4




Obvious isn't it?




for now id say obby shield mainly coz im stuck at addy defender


can someone pls clarify ... how are the rune defenders stats compared to a zammy book?





R00n defender 0wnz!1!!111

If anyone remembers me... PM ME. having nostaligia issues D:

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I'd say rune defender...




obby shield is only better if you are fighting monsters using ranged, especially in multi-combat areas... I am talking about dagannoths in lighthouse or possibly tok-xil's in fight caves.

Got fire cape at the 17th of June 2006

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rune defenders cost too much




obby shield is great for training but gotta pk with defender




defender takes around 5hrs to obtain. 5hrs is around 5mil in my time.




shield is only 500k




Oh yh right buy an inexpensive set of mith armour, get tokens from it. Fight cyclopes, obtain enough drops to cover the amount the armour cost and more, gain experience from fighting cyclopes.




[sarcasm]Yeah seems like a waste of money to me[/sarcasm]


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Lets look at this logicly, right?




Why would one go for an Obby shield? Range defense and strength.


If you wanted range defense, you better stick with a crystal shield, as its much more potent at that.




If you are using the obby shield for strength now, tho, you're better off using a defender.


Not only do you get the same strength bonus, but you hit a lot more often too (ive noticed the difference)




So obby shield has become inferior to the 2 more obvious choices




Rune defender for doing lots of damage without regard for defense


Crystal shield if you want range defense


Dsq if you want any other defense.

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Lets look at this logicly, right?




Why would one go for an Obby shield? Range defense and strength.


If you wanted range defense, you better stick with a crystal shield, as its much more potent at that.




If you are using the obby shield for strength now, tho, you're better off using a defender.


Not only do you get the same strength bonus, but you hit a lot more often too (ive noticed the difference)




So obby shield has become inferior to the 2 more obvious choices




Rune defender for doing lots of damage without regard for defense


Crystal shield if you want range defense


Dsq if you want any other defense.




Or obby for a mix of all?

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