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|\/\/|vThe Four Elements: [Final Update - pg. 3 still: Nyx]


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hey...hes kinda hot..... lol


Leave your temptations in your head lol .. he's not hot lol, the fire one is




lol...I think we are scaring people..... :-w


yeah u guys realy scare me :ohnoes:




ontopic: nice work on the fire and water ones. realy like the fire one because... dunno... go on with the good work ;)

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Firstly, id like to tell you that this work you have done is amazing. to make something of this quality, on a none-profecional program, is simply a show of pure talent and a willing mind.




I simply can not wait to see how the others come out. And again, great job.


=D> =D> =D>

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Hm that's odd, LOL I thought photoshop was a professional program XD It sure is way more complicated than MSpaint haha




Anyhow after around 250 layers of photoshop fun I'm finally done with the project... with the completion of Nyx. Although my anatomy is still getting out of hand -.- ...and my shading may be off in places...and the painting parts [mainly elements] aren't as realistic as I'd like...ON the other hand...I've learned a new way of colouring...or organization as I should put it. Er well thanks for all the helpful comments lol. The naked man part was fun. Haha brought out the few girls on RS I never knew existed. O.o But then again half the female population on runescape are actually guys right?




I believe that's all the art for me this summer...Now I have LOADS of homework to catch up on...and a SUSHI *hearts* party tomorrrow haha...and camping this weekend. I'mah die when school starts. [where the heck is the head banging on the brick emoticon??]




Another cool thing about drawing is that once you're done...and you look back on the sketch [ http://img75.imageshack.us/img75/8493/anatomyjx3.jpg ], it turns out so different!






*Important Question*: Which group picture is better? The four section cross style or the horizontal shot? I need to know since I'm submitting a group shot XD






Horizontal shot:










All four, section cross style:




















The Elements (Close-ups):














































The Individuals:






































Detail shots:



























[sig inserted here....in few days]

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Lol agreed - Although the fire one is kinda hot! :thumbsup: Eh? Everyone get my joke? :lol:




thats probably the worst pun i've heard lol. :lol:


Great work, i like the 4 in the grid formation, the borders seperating them look good. Were'd you get the names btw? i noticed Ra was the egyptian sun got (correct me...)


"A disbelief in magic can force some poor souls into believing in authority and business"

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I didn't name them XD








I used a tablet and photoshop + pen tool. With the pen tool, neeeeever use the "Simulate pressure" checkbox. It's pretty much useless. LOL one of my very first photoshop drawings ended up like this: dbq4.jpg




LOL it blows neh? Well you get weird distorted lines by checking that box......


So um if you just stroke the lines with the pen...then afterwards if you zoom in and erase the ends of the line for a "tapered-off" effect..it'll look better. Speaking of lineart XD No naked man this time. LOL that was the first and probably LAST time








Significant difference from my first pic huh? I guess if you do the pentool-stroke-then taper edges-way...you have balanced and controlled lines..only thinning out at the ends and where you wish. GEE that probably made no sense..but then again it's like 3:35am. I'm REALLY going to bed now. Maybe a lineart tutorial in the future for mouse users...

[sig inserted here....in few days]

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it made sence, when i do drawing like that i use the curved line tool, its cool.




just noticed thats animated heh, cool.




if not a nude man then a nude woman please lol.






100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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