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Where did you get your Runescape name from?


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in Star trek the wrath of Khan , the super human sub commander is called Joaquim, but that was taken, so i took out the qu , added an x (it sounded good at the time) , et vwalla! , Joaxim was born

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Hehe...I totally made up mine. :XD:


My username is Krivlad and it doesn't mean anything! :P


It just cam into my mind and I thought it sounded cool enough. 8-)




Power to meaningless names! :thumbsup:


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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In Dungeons and Dragons, and the Forgotten Realms books, the Svirfneblin were the gnomes that inhabited the Underdark.

I really wouldn't call it an era. It was more of a definitive time period during which dinstinctive characteristics were expressed in similar ways.


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Wanted 1992 at the end of sworddude. taken




Tried 192. taken




Hit 1st numer to come to my mind so I was Sworddude198.






Pure name: Def Jam Tank. (not supposed to be a pure at the time) Well my m8 was playin Def Jam Vendetta on my PS2 and I was doin it on my save with Tank. made sense at the time.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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"Zwart" means Black in Dutch.


"Nero" was the name of my cat, and he was ( :( ) a black cat.




So it's actually BlackNero in english, and it does NOT mean BlackNegro, I've been getting alot of people calling me a racist :?

99 Slayer since August 2007.

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I don't really. It's wierd, mins just sem to hit me in the head like a big yellow school bus!!!!!! Mine ae waterfly414 and tutorialist2.




Tutorialist2 was one that I created today. I think it's based on the fact that i created an account that lived on tutorial island. But I forgot that you didn't get the chat box! So I legged it off there as soon as I could! :D


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When i was making my account, i tried many different names and all of them were already taken. So, my brothers BIONICLE was on the table and i had a very stupid idea to put bionicle's name to my account. So my account is now called gahlok kal. Lol.






Everybody knows Lego Bionicle, right?



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well fleb is my word, i made it up (or at least i think i did, it might have a meaning in some language) and since i'm the only one who know the meaning (the meaning changes depending on my mood btw) i'm the prof of it, and thus, a stupid name was created!


~hawt Knight of the Void~


Barrows drops: 3. veracs brassard, torags hammers & dharoks greataxe (double drop)

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Several years ago, I was playing a RPG and they had their own languages (Elven, Human, Troll, ect.) and I had an Elven Enchanter, which I played alot.. It's name was Gwyserirosri, which is my RL-name translated into this fictional-elven language.

Wha.. What..? Where am I?

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Well, me runescape name is just my Real life name + 3, hence Cathal3.




My everywhere-else-on-the-net name is Short Stuf.




I started with Short Stuff, and decided it wasn't unique enough (I like to be unique) so I dropped an f.




Hey presto! \'

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My name? I made 3 accounts, dmastamage, dfastfighter, and drapidranger,


all pures. Then I decided I wanted an all-around person, so named it D Allstar, except I mis-typed it D Allster, so there you go. BTW: Isn't Victor Krum from HP4?

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I chose bionicle because it means part biological part machine and I figured I was a person playing through a machine so there you go.




Bionicle was taken so when adding numbers I accidentally deleted the "e" but it makes my name a bit unique in my opinion not just "bionic man xxx" so there you go.




:thumbsup: Yay randomness! :thumbsup:

Rs name: bionicl00 (00 is 2 zeros)

F2P forever! All my F2P stats are currently at or above 30.


Wow... I just scanned it with my new high tech program called "common sense" and it detected a scam.

87.964% of all statistics are made up.

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Well, originally i got "Heart O Gold" from the Neil Young song "Heart of gold". It is an awesome song. Sadly very few people commented on its origins, infact people alterted me to the fact that it is also the name of the spaceship from Hitch Hickers guide to the Galaxy. The ship Zaphod Beblebrox and Trillian steal and pick Ford and Arthur up from deep space after being shot out of the ....






Heart O Gold was also my first choice and i was completely surprised i got it because i thought it was an awesome rsn and would have been popular...


A big shout-out to o0samurai0o for the awesome sig!!!

Members is hawt

101 Combat

{Live Fast. Die Young. Leave A Good Looking Corpse}

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My names kinda cheesy:








Well, my real name is Toby, and I'm a errr... typhoon? :wall:

Proud Legionairre of the 10th Legion of Kandarin.

Search for "The 10th Legion of Kandarin" on RSOF to join a small, friendly clan!

270 Quest Points and counting

Remember - In the gene pool, there is no life guard. :P

You're not getting my point. If you had an IQ above room temperature you would.
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I am embarresed to admit that I totally made up my name. I wanted something that kind of sounded like a real name and one that was sure to be unique and this came to me. :P



The Internet: where men are men, women are men, and children are the FBI.

First Dragon Drop 5/6/2006 -Dragon Med from Bronze Dragon :D

First Barrows Item From Chest 2/20/2007 - Verac's Brassard :D

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