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Pre Quiting - Treasure Trail Event !!!


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Can you give a more specific date? And can you give event time in pacific time? I can't make it unless it's a weekend.

I've beaten the Heroe's Quest, oh yeah! Ummm, now what? I know, magic training! How FUN is that? Yippee!


And that was my waste of space called a sig.

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I believe thats 3:00 eastern standerd time USA. Unless I made a calculating error. (more than likely)


If that is true. ill double check my math i probably wouldnt be able to come and volunteer as an event mod. But sounds fun.

~Greetings from across the River Styx~

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When - next satereday,02/09/6 ,20:00 GMT




that suppose to be spet 2nd 2006? but i dont know the time




um could someone explian that to me :? for someone that leaves in est zone




Dunno if it's been posted cause im only on the first page but..




20:00 GMT


15:00 EST


14:00 Centeral


13:00 The other one, is it mountain?


12:00 Pacific

92/99 Fishing | 119/120 Combat | 92/99 Firemaking | 94/99 Fletching | 1878/1900 Total | 85/85 Slayer | 80/80 Prayer



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This sounds like a brilliant idea, i love it!! :thumbsup:





++ Event moderators should have a uniform so that nobody gets false clues from people pretending to be moderators.




i agree. but also make a list of the event mods on the 1st page just so ppl no hu is an event mod for definate.



Barrows: 2X Ah Skirt - 1X K Coif - 1X V Skirt - 2X K Top - 1X G Skirt - 1X V Brassy - 1X V Helm - 1X T Helm

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i agree. but also make a list of the event mods on the 1st page just so ppl no hu is an event mod for definate.




dont worry,anything will be taken into considuration(uniform,mods,event password etc..)


I will update the final details as soon as i'll be back on wednsday

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I'll try to be there. I don't know if I'll make it. Depends on how my range/mage training goes in the next few days :P

Pirate Rosetta stone. Learn a language while you scape.

Sounds interesting, but these days how many people really speak Pirate?

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woot. sounds fun; ill come. is matok your rsn as well? id like to add you so you could remind me when it is :P




Edit: oh nvm your rsn is shavital :o

Then fork out money for the full version.

Ooooh f2p'ers just got BURNED by a Tip It mod! :twisted:



listen to Bubsa sing! \:D/ ->http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=309164

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So um.. 15:00 EST time would be...3:00am ?






If so, i'm afriad to say, I won't make it. :uhh:




15:00 is 3:00 -PM- lol, unless you happen to be 12 hours behind/ahead of EST and you were expressing your dissapointment in a roundabout way :P

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i'll be a mod if there are any spaces left, contact me on popx2004


if i can


99.99999998465% of the world's population is not me, if you are the 0.00000001535% that is me, put this in you signature


-"being famous is like being a woman, if you have to tell people you are, you aren't"

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