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Blue107: Let me start by saying I've read a lot of your posts. You are ignorant and your posts containt so much crap and misinformation they're hardly worth replying to, but I'll do anyway.




WoW is where you find the super nerds, its where zezimas off spring reside




What a useless, dumb, comment (surprise surprise :shock: ). There are people who play tens of hours a day as there are people who play a few hours a month. :wall:


WoW is a game where you can play a few hours a week and have fun. I know I did, I only got to level 53 but played for a year and it was good fun. You get most of your abilities after playing for a bit so you know what's the class is like and change it if you wish. Generalizing and saying everyone who plays WoW is a "super nerd" is as idiotic as you are.




and they make up a large portion of the game this late in the stage its hard to get to the top and because people on it are so nerdy they take it so seriously which is why i dont play it




Yeah, you'd know all about the game after playing for a week, right? :roll:


First of all the servers are all seperated, so once they open a new one all chars on that server start from level 1, and there are no 60. About "getting to the top" you can do it in 6 months if you want, since after you're level 60 there's only better armor to be gotten (and getting to 60 isn't that difficult). In RS it would take, what, half a decade?




once you hit majurity(no, not puberty. puberty comes at like 12 and maturity comes in the middle of high school) its not fun anymore




WTF is majurity?




I played alongside people from all age groups, so you're wrong again.






yea, the game is definitely overrated. ill bet you most of the people on this topic have never played WoW but instead say what they hear about it




Yeah, criticize people in this thread who played the game and can actually comment about it while you played for a week. Nope, not hypocritical at all.




And Blue, maturity doesn't start at an exact age. Even if it did, it most certainly wouldn't be at 16. I can name TONS of people my age (heck, even 25+) who are the most immature, moronic people I've ever seen. Maturity starts when you stop being a turd and move on to important things.



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@ Azvy:




I quit everquest II mostly because of the pointless PvP, blah blah blah. Right now i'm actualy playing Guild wars: Factions and Anarchy Online, while I wait for something good to come out.






I do bash the game a lot, but I realy don't like it. Sony was fairly close to getting a decent game for everquest II, but screwed it over trying to copy "WoW's" idea's. It seems a lot of companies now too are sticking to the easy-play idea for MMO's that just brings down what you can do in them.






The only point i'm realy getting across... I guess... is that it is a very over-simplified game.






Oh, and the whole raiding/pvp deal, I was just kind of saying that on average. It does take quite a while. The problem I have with the PvP (as I did when EQ2 did their PvP copied straight from the game), the PvP is pointless ganking. I mean, thats all it was.

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IMHO I'm new here, and probably I'm not objetive, but is my opinion at the moment.




WoW: 60$(one time)+15$ month fee+ÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâÿExpansions?.


RuneScape: 5$ month (if you want).




WoW: Better graphics (more lag, needs a better computer)


RuneScape: Not good graphics, lag isn't a word in RS dictionary.



WoW: 3GB installation (i think).


RS: No installation. You can play everywhere in 1 minute (friend house, cyber etc..)




WoW: You have a minimal 600kb connection?


RS: You only need 56kb modem :D




WoW: ÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâÿHow expansion works? (i don't know)


RS: Everytime new content and improvements.




WoW and RS Community: All the games has some players kids community.




WoW: If you die, don't worry


RS: You will be carefull to not die




WoW: Don't run in my second PC. 800mhz, 32mb video, Linux


RS: Probably ROCKS in my second PC. 800mhz, 32mb video, Linux










I know, as I said, I'm not beeing objetive, but RS is my new toy :-w , and I'm thinking this at this moment. But, if you ask for an other game like RS in a RS forum, what answer do you expect?

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^Not true what you say about RS and lag/graphics. RS manages to be both laggy, and have bad graphics at the same time since it's java. I'd say they are demanding on the same level, since RS doesn't use your video card, only your CPU/memory. You can play WoW even if your CPU is outdated, and have a 30$+ graphics card (combined with 512MB+ ram, though RS needs the same at least). RS was not running smoothly on my 2.0 GHz machine (with 512MB ram).




About the 56k... Have you tried playing RS with 56K? It's craptastic. Plus, who uses 56k these days anyway? and why would you want to? You say RS runs on linux. Great for linux users, but I'm using windows as well as pretty much anyone who plays games (Jagex' reasoning on choosing Java for RS is well poor).




The installation of WoW does suck, but the community is better. Game development in RS is slow as hell, I checked it after I quit. Blizzard may be slow, but Jagex manages to be slower.




To sum things up: if you're on 56k, got a seriously outdated comp and want to play an MMORPG that will surely work on your comp (albeit badly), go RS. If you can shell out 50$ + 15$ a month and got a half decent comp go WoW.

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IMHO I'm new here, and probably I'm not objetive, but is my opinion at the moment.




WoW: 60$(one time)+15$ month fee+ÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâÿExpansions?.


RuneScape: 5$ month (if you want).


But you get what you pay for




WoW: Better graphics (more lag, needs a better computer)


RuneScape: Not good graphics, lag isn't a word in RS dictionary.


what are you talking about, in all my time playing, ive laged more in rs then in wow





WoW: 3GB installation (i think).


RS: No installation. You can play everywhere in 1 minute (friend house, cyber etc..)


its a big freaking game!




WoW: You have a minimal 600kb connection?


RS: You only need 56kb modem :D




WoW: ÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâÿHow expansion works? (i don't know)


RS: Everytime new content and improvements.


same happens in wow, except with the new expansion because there will be so much that they cant do it over the net




WoW and RS Community: All the games has some players kids community.


i rarly even see the word noob on wow




WoW: If you die, don't worry


RS: You will be carefull to not die




WoW: Don't run in my second PC. 800mhz, 32mb video, Linux


RS: Probably ROCKS in my second PC. 800mhz, 32mb video, Linux


what do you expect, get witht he times and get a better pc





Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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I've played WoW before, but my computer doesn't like playing it very well. I think it needs more RAM like 512mb or maybe a better broadband connection. :|




So I'm back playing RuneScape, which I don't mind. :D




The chat system and interface in WoW was very confusing, I learnt how to talk was I was about lvl 12. -.-


Plus theres so much crap to install for WoW, I spent like 8 hours trying to install it with problems. #-o

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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2 words ... private server. Wow private servers are really good now and if you find a good one it will be online MOST of the time. You pay $15 for more people, maybe a bit more fun and more stuff working ok ... but in private servers like around 100 max but atleast that way you make friends easier ... I play wow private servers and to be honest I am addicted and really wanna play alot of the time ... some private servers have higher exp rates which to be honest is better. Wanna waste a month lvling to only 10 ??? And like a year to 60 lol? 60 is where I think the fun begins and with some private servers you will reach it in like 2-4 weeks. Then you can raid (bunch of ppl killing bosses) or do instances (alot of ppl killing bosses) Its quite challenging and I would say don't waste that $15 but go on a private server. You kinda get used to maybe some crashes once in a while but its worth it ..

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^Not true what you say about RS and lag/graphics. RS manages to be both laggy, and have bad graphics at the same time since it's java. I'd say they are demanding on the same level, since RS doesn't use your video card, only your CPU/memory. You can play WoW even if your CPU is outdated, and have a 30$+ graphics card (combined with 512MB+ ram, though RS needs the same at least). RS was not running smoothly on my 2.0 GHz machine (with 512MB ram).




Well, i don't have lag, i run very good (2.4ghz laptop).




About the 56k... Have you tried playing RS with 56K? It's craptastic. Plus, who uses 56k these days anyway? and why would you want to? You say RS runs on linux. Great for linux users, but I'm using windows as well as pretty much anyone who plays games (Jagex' reasoning on choosing Java for RS is well poor).




I don't know how works on 56KB, i readed this. I have 2MB connection (the spanish DSL is a S***).And i have a friend thath the only way to connect from home is 56KB because the providers don't want give connection to the zone because is expensive.




I'm using Linux and Windows. But, i don't only use my PC for games, I'm using for job too. Then, if i can play a game from my linux box, perfect. I will play RS instead WoW. WHat is the problem? I'm who take this election as you are free to play WoW instead RS. We are friends in two options ;)




The installation of WoW does suck, but the community is better. Game development in RS is slow as hell, I checked it after I quit. Blizzard may be slow, but Jagex manages to be slower.




I can't speak about this because i'm very new, I can only speak about i readed in some webs




To sum things up: if you're on 56k, got a seriously outdated comp and want to play an MMORPG that will surely work on your comp (albeit badly), go RS. If you can shell out 50$ + 15$ a month and got a half decent comp go WoW.




Yes. Is a election. You can play all thath you want. If i want play RS in my Linux i will play RS in my linux. If you wants play WoW in your windows, you will play WoW in your windows, and no problem. If you don't like RS in java because is slower (well, this is thath you said) great to play WoW, you are free to choose what game to play and nobody can say you thath you choosed a wrong option.




But i think you didn't read this line in my post.




I know, as I said, I'm not beeing objetive, but RS is my new toy, and I'm thinking this at this moment.




I..I..I..I..I Is only my opinion. Some people like you (and much others, is a something normal), wants a better game, with better graphics, but I..I..I...I..I (wants more "I"?) like as is. REPEAT. Only my opinion.




what do you expect, get witht he times and get a better pc




I don't need to change my PC because is good for all my purposes now. I will don't change my PC for a game. I search a game for my PC, and all is good.




At the moment, i prefer RS for this. Probably, some day, i will change my prioritys and my opinion.




Remember, You may fun for live, not live for fun (well, this is an expression in spanish and i don't know if in english looks good too)




Cheers, and don't take bad my words ;)

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I do bash the game a lot, but I realy don't like it. Sony was fairly close to getting a decent game for everquest II, but screwed it over trying to copy "WoW's" idea's. It seems a lot of companies now too are sticking to the easy-play idea for MMO's that just brings down what you can do in them.





As someone who spent two years playing SWG - a Sony game - and quit it after they announced a series of sweeping changes that can - at best - be described as attempts to copy WoW, what you said is [cabbage].




I'll happily admit that I prefered to the originial SWG character design system, which - on the surface anyway - was a lot more complex than the one WoW has. I still consider SWG's crafting system to be vastly superior to any other game on the market, WoW included. The graphics were a lot nicer, and much more likely to make one go "Whoa".




But, like someone once said about democracy, WoW has one advantage: It works. And EQ, and SWG, and probably a fair few other Sony products, don't. I've never played EQ or EQII, but during two years of SWG, there was two things that was sorrily lacking; Direction - Sony had no bloody semblance of a clue as to where they wanted to take the game, which is one of the main reasons why they ended up doing a bad clone of WoW - and some actual balanced gamplay - highly related to number one (Yes, this is a not-so-subtle way of saying "Don't bash WoW, bash Sony, 'cause they're the ones screwing up")




The gameplay of WoW, although relatively easy to learn is complex. On a basic level, you need to learn your characters skills, and decide where you want to develop your talents to enhance different aspects of your character. Sounds easy enough, but the playstyles for different talent speccs within a class is radically different, and in some instance, it changes the role of your class entirely. Then, there's grouping up, an executing tactics on different encounters. Fairly easy on the basic level, but it gets harder and requires more and more communcation and cooperation. And then there's the endgame...




Getting 40 people to do what they're supposed to at Nefarian, is hard. It's requires cooperation, communication, and the ability to the a proper post-battle assesment and figure out what went wrong, and how to fix it. Calling that "easy to play" is ridicolously arrogant if you have done it, silly if you've never tried it.

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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2 words ... private server. Wow private servers are really good now and if you find a good one it will be online MOST of the time. You pay $15 for more people, maybe a bit more fun and more stuff working ok ... but in private servers like around 100 max but atleast that way you make friends easier ... I play wow private servers and to be honest I am addicted and really wanna play alot of the time ... some private servers have higher exp rates which to be honest is better. Wanna waste a month lvling to only 10 ??? And like a year to 60 lol? 60 is where I think the fun begins and with some private servers you will reach it in like 2-4 weeks. Then you can raid (bunch of ppl killing bosses) or do instances (alot of ppl killing bosses) Its quite challenging and I would say don't waste that $15 but go on a private server. You kinda get used to maybe some crashes once in a while but its worth it ..




You would be breaking many laws. Good thing you're lying, though. I'm putting my money on your never having have played the game before, though. A year to 60? It took me a month tops my first go.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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I do bash the game a lot, but I realy don't like it. Sony was fairly close to getting a decent game for everquest II, but screwed it over trying to copy "WoW's" idea's. It seems a lot of companies now too are sticking to the easy-play idea for MMO's that just brings down what you can do in them.





As someone who spent two years playing SWG - a Sony game - and quit it after they announced a series of sweeping changes that can - at best - be described as attempts to copy WoW, what you said is cabbage.




I'll happily admit that I prefered to the originial SWG character design system, which - on the surface anyway - was a lot more complex than the one WoW has. I still consider SWG's crafting system to be vastly superior to any other game on the market, WoW included. The graphics were a lot nicer, and much more likely to make one go "Whoa".




But, like someone once said about democracy, WoW has one advantage: It works. And EQ, and SWG, and probably a fair few other Sony products, don't. I've never played EQ or EQII, but during two years of SWG, there was two things that was sorrily lacking; Direction - Sony had no bloody semblance of a clue as to where they wanted to take the game, which is one of the main reasons why they ended up doing a bad clone of WoW - and some actual balanced gamplay - highly related to number one (Yes, this is a not-so-subtle way of saying "Don't bash WoW, bash Sony, 'cause they're the ones screwing up")




The gameplay of WoW, although relatively easy to learn is complex. On a basic level, you need to learn your characters skills, and decide where you want to develop your talents to enhance different aspects of your character. Sounds easy enough, but the playstyles for different talent speccs within a class is radically different, and in some instance, it changes the role of your class entirely. Then, there's grouping up, an executing tactics on different encounters. Fairly easy on the basic level, but it gets harder and requires more and more communcation and cooperation. And then there's the endgame...




Getting 40 people to do what they're supposed to at Nefarian, is hard. It's requires cooperation, communication, and the ability to the a proper post-battle assesment and figure out what went wrong, and how to fix it. Calling that "easy to play" is ridicolously arrogant if you have done it, silly if you've never tried it.




I agree that sony never realy got their act together. Honestly, their only good game(s) are everquest (first) and PRE-CU SWG.




I never got the chance to play Pre-CU swg, but the things i've heard about it... Anyways, EQ2 was going in the right direction for a while (removed some of the stupid stuff you needed to do), but was plauged by trying to get WoW-esque stuff.






Than again, I do consider sony worse than Blizzard.




I realize that commanding a large group takes cordination and effort. But the fact is is that most of these raid groups are doing the exact same raids each week, with the exact same kind of stratagy.




Anyways, I realize that we will never agree on the whole WoW thing, but than again, I don't know if some people would like playing through Anarchy Online (for example.) It's all in a prefered playstyle I guess, but it does irritate me when WoW is the only MMO someone has played.






So, to the OP, if you realy do just want something between runescape and WoW, go with WoW if you have the money. I am going to warn you, again, however, that blizard is a very slow companie. Also.. their "expansion pack". Honestly, in my opinion, it's the worst excuse for an Expansion pack i've ever seen. They added a bit of land, new flying mounts (only used in the new land), 10 levels and they coppied classes/races for the 'new' race and classes... Yipiee.....

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Also.. their "expansion pack". Honestly, in my opinion, it's the worst excuse for an Expansion pack i've ever seen. They added a bit of land, new flying mounts (only used in the new land), 10 levels and they coppied classes/races for the 'new' race and classes... Yipiee.....




And in my opinion, you're starting to get ridiculous. You're just belittling everything about the game and the update. "They've added a bit of land"? But... but... they're adding an entire new continent. :wall: Along with two new races (Blood Elves for the Horde, and Draenei for Alliance), a new jewelcrafting skill, level cap raised to 70, socketed items, hundreds of new quests and items, flying mounts (which you will be able to control yourself) - and how do you think it would work if you could use the flying mounts everywhere? Not at all. It's like whining that members in RuneScape can't use their skills in a F2P world, except in WoW there won't be a special realm for those who have the expansion and for those who don't. So it's very logical. Having people fly around on mounts all over Azeroth would make the game very laggy, and travelling around would be way too easy. You could get to your desired location like... 50x faster, and it would completely take away the challenge of getting around, you know.


There will also be new instances and new 20-40 man raids, and lots of other things.


I simply cannot fathom how you can call that "the worst excuse for an expansion pack I've ever seen".




Btw, you didn't answer my question earlier: have you ever actually played WoW? I mean, for more than a week.


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You would be breaking many laws.




Oh noes, it's against the law?! Well, that'll stop them.




:roll: is fully constituted.




Your mother.




No, seriously...I'm sorry, I didn't realize breaking laws was the normal thing to do. I wasn't aware that you and others seemingly feel that breaking laws to play a video game easier is somehow worth the risk of getting fined out the [wagon].




:roll: is fully constituted.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Also.. their "expansion pack". Honestly, in my opinion, it's the worst excuse for an Expansion pack i've ever seen. They added a bit of land, new flying mounts (only used in the new land), 10 levels and they coppied classes/races for the 'new' race and classes... Yipiee.....




And in my opinion, you're starting to get ridiculous. You're just belittling everything about the game and the update. "They've added a bit of land"? But... but... they're adding an entire new continent. :wall: Along with two new races (Blood Elves for the Horde, and Draenei for Alliance), a new jewelcrafting skill, level cap raised to 70, socketed items, hundreds of new quests and items, flying mounts (which you will be able to control yourself) - and how do you think it would work if you could use the flying mounts everywhere? Not at all. It's like whining that members in RuneScape can't use their skills in a F2P world, except in WoW there won't be a special realm for those who have the expansion and for those who don't. So it's very logical. Having people fly around on mounts all over Azeroth would make the game very laggy, and travelling around would be way too easy. You could get to your desired location like... 50x faster, and it would completely take away the challenge of getting around, you know.


There will also be new instances and new 20-40 man raids, and lots of other things.


I simply cannot fathom how you can call that "the worst excuse for an expansion pack I've ever seen".




Btw, you didn't answer my question earlier: have you ever actually played WoW? I mean, for more than a week.




Aren't the blood elves just a carbon copie pretty much of the Night elves. I can't remember what the other ones are too.




The new "classes" in the game are just the copie of what the other enemy side has for these new races.






No, I haven't played WoW for that long.








Anyways, when I said "the worst excuse for an expansion pack" I meant that, for a game thats been out for (2 years?) an expansion pack of that side is nothing. But, I guess this is coming from being used to a Lineage II expansion pack every 6 months or so, most which were quite large. :)






So, again, I don't think you will agree with me, but blizard is realy slow at doing stuff. This would be fine for a starter expansion perhaps... 1 year in? But 2+ years is a bit long to wait.

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Aren't the blood elves just a carbon copie pretty much of the Night elves. I can't remember what the other ones are too.




The new "classes" in the game are just the copie of what the other enemy side has for these new races.






No, I haven't played WoW for that long.








Anyways, when I said "the worst excuse for an expansion pack" I meant that, for a game thats been out for (2 years?) an expansion pack of that side is nothing. But, I guess this is coming from being used to a Lineage II expansion pack every 6 months or so, most which were quite large. :)






So, again, I don't think you will agree with me, but blizard is realy slow at doing stuff. This would be fine for a starter expansion perhaps... 1 year in? But 2+ years is a bit long to wait.




No the blood elves are not the same as night elves at all. Night elves cannot use magic at all (Sure druids and preists use mana, but in reality, its not magic). Blood elves thrive on magic, and cannot live without it, and m ost of the racial abilities focus on magic. Plus they are the only class not to get warriors.




The draenei seem to be a race that focus more on being a paladin or a shaman, seeing as they can be either.




And the switched classes just make the game more interesting, seeing as now both sides have the abilities of the other, leveling the playing feild in some areas.


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Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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Blizzard has released 12 patches full of new features and fixes. Their customer support system is amazing, especially the feature of Game Masters. I'm not saying other games do not have similar customer service but Blizzard has done a very good job of keeping the game up-to-date and pleasing its fan base (of what, 5.5+ million subscribers?). I personally think the expansion is worth it but if people have low opinions of the game (and company) to begin with, then of course they are going to have low opinions of the expansion pack. :) To each his own--still, don't let others influence you as much. Try it for yourself and come up with your own opinions.




My opinion? (lol)


Go with WoW. Just try it out. You can always come back to RuneScape. You aren't at a disadvantage. If you really can't stand WoW, most likely you'll have a lot of new content to come back and master in RuneScape. But I really do think you will enjoy WoW. It's a great game with a lot of content that takes a long time to experience. I played an Alliance mage to 60, did some end-game 60 stuff, then rerolled a Horde character. It was a completely different experience - new flight paths, new towns, zones, etc. The replay value of this game is very high - and if you aren't into that, there is a lot to do at 60 (and even more after the expansion). :)




Someone posted about the system requirements and cost being high for WoW. That's completely true - it's something you have to accept if you are interested in the game. But I think it was worth it in the end. If you're interested in the community aspect of the game, I think Blizzard has added a lot of fun features making it very easy to interact with others--and have it be a positive experience! While you will come across some stinkers and "noobs," you will also make a lot of new friends and maybe join a guild.




Good luck with your decision :)

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Aren't the blood elves just a carbon copie pretty much of the Night elves. I can't remember what the other ones are too.




Except unique racial abilites, they're own dedicated starting zone and their own list of classes to chose from. Basically, aside from the way they look, they're about as a close as trolls are to night elves. But hey, surely the new race should've looked more exotic to warrant it's inclusion into the game.




The new "classes" in the game are just the copie of what the other enemy side has for these new races.




Have you seen the talents? Read enough about WoW to even realize what it means that each class will have three 41 point talents added, new talents and several old ones reworked? I'm not going to cheer that much about the alliance getting shamans, no - although I can see the game balancing logic - but the sneak-peaks at the talent changes they're adding is just plain good. To put it mildly, all existing classes will be recieving a substantial upgrade.



Anyways, when I said "the worst excuse for an expansion pack" I meant that, for a game thats been out for (2 years?) an expansion pack of that side is nothing. But, I guess this is coming from being used to a Lineage II expansion pack every 6 months or so, most which were quite large. :)





Which is perfectly inline with Blizzards usual policy; "If it doesn't work properly, we ain't releasing it". As an ex-Sony customer, a company who actually went ahead and said "Sorry, we're not gonna be fixing these issues atm because we're devoting our resources to the OPTIONAL expansion pack", I appreciate that. Believe it or not, the quality of a game nor the company that makes it is not decided by how fast they can spit out expansion packs *cough*Everquest-has-it-been-a-month-and-a-half-already*cough*. Simpl put; I vastly prefer slow and steady to SOE's sloppy routine that had them fixing crap they broke faster than they could introduce new crap - which they tended to break as well.






To skip back a bit to what you said about raiding...




I suggest you look up how many guilds have killed Kel'Thuzad. Kel'Thuzad is currently the "endboss" of the entire game. Then figure out how many % of WoW players always have a new boss encounter to attack. And even then, knowing the strategy of an encounter and executing is not something that becomes "easy", you still have to 'play proper'. Not to mention that some encounters have rotating random abilities; From Nefarian and Chrommagus rotating colours and breaths, to BWL and AQ40 trash (Thunderclap + Shadowstorm = Sucks. Totally.) where the biggest difficulty lies in adapting to their special abilities fast enough to actually kill them.




(As for playing MMORPG's... Since I started playing RS back in 2001, I've done six months of AC, two years of SWG and like 10-11 months of WoW. Basically, MMORPG's have been my genre of choice since the first time I logged into RS from home, more than five years ago. Of these five years, ever since I got SWG, I have never once spent a month not paying a subscription fee to one company or the other.




I'm no nub to the genre. I'm not lauding WoW because of the advertising hype on it's release - I stuck to SWG until they effectively killed that game - or because it's a Blizzard creation.)

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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One aspect that probably defines each game is the fact that WoW is more group based. Sure in Runescape you can get a group to kill King Dagganoths or the Kalphite Queen, but in WoW there are 19 instanced dungeons for five to ten man groups for all players 15-60. Once you hit the level cap of 60 two 20 man dungeons and five 40 man dungeons open up to expand game play. In Runescape in order to defeat the fight caves it requires personal skill where as in WoW you need to have 40 competent players to down the Nefarian, C'Thun, or Kel'Thuzad.




WoW also has a more complex gameplay compared to Runescape. In Runescape you attack, eat, and wait til the monster is dead. In WoW you need to execute spells/abilities subsequently in order to kill something. There are also talents that you can use to improve certain aspects of your gameplay which can help give you an advantage in Player vs Player (PvP) or Player vs Environment (PvE) situations. This can help remove the bore of doing the same thing over and over as seen in Runescape.




Overall, if my two cents mean anything; WoW is a much better game than Runescape.

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