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Here is a character design I'm working on, I've got about 7 hours invested in this right now. His name is Displaco, he is a superhero who can displace particles around him and literally pass through objects, rearrange matter, etc...




His mask isn't finished, there is alot of detailing to be done there where his powers will be more obvious through the things on his mask. Also his hands were done, but they looked too realistic and I want a more cartoony feel, so I'm going to be redoing those when I get a chance.




Let me know of any comments/crits/concerns you might have.









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This is pretty darn sweet Keiphus. I was actually thinking about IMing you the other day to see how you were doing. Still got the same screen name? I think I remember it lol. Also what 3d modeling program are you using?




Actually this was done in XSI




:wink: .




Looking good so far Keiph, can't wait to see the final version.

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Worked on it a bit more today.








Still not entirely happy with the feet or the mask... alot of tweaking left to do. Also going to model the eye under the mask so he would be able to take it off if he wanted.

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hey i like that, reminds me of the ice guy from The Incredibles movie




maybe try make the skin look different from the costume, cos they look the same texture-wise


but other very nice




and yeah purple would look cool

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I understood the second part, he's saying it's a very clean mesh (thanks) and he's asking if I'm going to rig it - which the answer to that is; yes, I will eventually. Probably not until early next year though, I have a few other characters I need to do.




If the first part of what he asked was "what's it made of" then the answer there is that it started as a low polymesh and was converted to subdivision surfaces. It was done in Softimage XSI (http://www.softimage.com)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's what he's looking like... I'll probably rig him sometime over Christmas, until then he's pretty much done.... maybe a few minor tweaks here and there.

































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Awesome work so far, the colour scheme is great. I've been having a go at 3d myself, making simple things with straight edges lol. Only bit i don't like is his calfs, i no that it is cartoony but it looks kinda silly, with the tiny knees. Will you be making an animation? that would be cool. It would be easy in c4d i f you had the mograph plug in for him to go through a brick wall.


"A disbelief in magic can force some poor souls into believing in authority and business"

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Wow, nice update. Love the ne colours and the texture on his shirt.




What's "rig" thou? :oops:








Fairly sure it means giving him the ablity to move, like making certain points bendable. IE telling the computer his elbow can bend at this point.

"We'll bring the sexy back to judging >_>." --Nadril


Bleh, once I get off my lazy bum and go to Imageshack, there will be a picture here.

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i second making him black again, looked better.








i dont like his top, well, yeah i do, it looks great what i mean is that due to the top part spreading out soo much it makes his shoulders look way too abnormaly weird and big, i know its not ment to be realistly whatsit. but yeah it just looks weird.








sort it out if you can...










100% my own work, i make my own brushes: set 1 set 2

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He's super exaggerated and super lean and buff, that's how these characters are built.. it isn't supposed to make too much anatomical sense.. ;)








Also, he was never black, that was just the shader because it wasn't rendered or lit, just a screen grab from my software package.








On a side note, the top part of his costume is made of Carbon Fiber, that's why it looks like that.

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