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Loging out instead of just closing the screen


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Most people playing runescape usually use the cross on the top of the screen to close runescape instead of logging out. I was one of these people who did this and i cant remember ever logging out. Think about it "Do i log out?"








About a week ago i was killing hill giants and as i buried a b bone i was attacked by a shade. At nearly the same instant i closed the screen and because of my slow comp did not see the shade til after i had clicked the cross. A week later i log in to find myself in Lumbridge with 50k gone aswell as 1k iron arrows 100 law and nats and a wizzy (g) hat and d hide (g) chaps.








This is all because i didnt log out like i should of done. This is very rare and very unlucky, but there is a chance of this happening. There are also probably other reasons to log out instead of simply closing the page also.








What i have written is totally real and has taught my to log out every time i use rs.

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I had it on my pure once, i wanted to make the screen smaller but i clicked the cross next to it, to bad, i was pking in world 1 and i was in a fight. And i tryed to get back on then it happend 'Full'.. World 1 was full, 24 min. later i finally got on it and i found myself in lumby, dead.. :cry:

ooh eeh ooh ahah, ting tang wallawallabingbang m8

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This is why it says always warns you to log out first before shutting the window :P








I've wondered what exactly happens when you press the cross. I think, if you haven't been in a battle, you'll immediately log out. If you've been battling, your character will stand still until ten seconds after the battle to log out. It might seem clear, but I see people disappearing immediately after a battle sometimes (no, not lag).

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Folks, always use the Java Applet's "Log Out" Button to log out immediately!!! :shock: ... RuneScape leaves you LOGGED IN FOR AN EXTRA 60 SECONDS if you just close the Applet's window!!! -.- During this time, your character will not retaliate against any kind of attack against it, which means 100% chance of your character dying and going back to Lumbridge!!! :cry:








I can't believe anyone would be stupid enough to just "X" the window or "Alt-F4" it without logging out and hopping at least 2 pages away!!! #-o What are you trying to do, kill your PC and your RS Character?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? :shock:








Oh, and one more thing, the only reason anyone could log out immediately after a battle would be if their target has died. :)








~Mr. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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Most of the time when I play rs I'm at home and here's Iced being honest.








I've been into wildy once








lol so I guess I never have the problem of clicking out quickly. I always click log out if I can because I've already heard of such stories of losing items, and I'd rather not lose mine.








I hope you were able to get that stuff back and that it doesn't happen to you again =)

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During this time, your character will not retaliate against any kind of attack against it, which means 100% chance of your character dying and going back to Lumbridge!!! :cry:







Oh, and one more thing, the only reason anyone could log out immediately after a battle would be if their target has died. :)











I'm sorry, but both of those statements are complete rubbish.








If you 'x' out instead of logging out, it acts the same as it would if you just left the screen open and did nothing. End of. If you were to get attacked while your screen was open, if you have auto-retaliate on, you will retaliate, if not, you won't. To say that if you 'X' out and get attacked you will DEFINITELY die is just not true.








The second statement is again, complete crap. If are training and you kill the monster you were fighting, you still have to wait 10 seconds until you can log out. Exactly the same is true in the wilderness. The only place this does not apply, I believe, is the Duel Arena and Castle Wars.








Please do not post things that you don't know are true, it makes you look ignorant.








As a sidenote though, this is a good point. Whilst I have never 'X'ed' out, I have done effectively the same thing, and just left my account logged in. I logged in later and I had died, I suspect to an evil chicken, as this was the first day they came out. I lost 2000 law runes, full zammy and a red mask. So yep, definitely make sure you log your account out properly, it's just common sense!

99/99 Fletching, 99/99 Cooking, 96/99 Strength


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Hobgoblin, I've heard differently. Time I find a link containing the proof. I'll stick it up the moment I've got it.








~Mr. Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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I'm always safe. I must be the most item-loosing concious person in Runescape. I tuck away all of my items in my bank, everynight. Without fail! I have never been the the wild with any items that are valuable, acutally the only time i've been was during the spartan invasion.









Merry Crimbo!


Click on my signature to see my NEW blog!

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When I first started, on Penguinduck2, I used the "X". I tried to train magic on a guard, and when I found out that they would attack me, I "X"-ed out. And I died. And I lost everything. So thanks to that, I created Penguinduck3, went through Tutorial Island a little slower, and have the main account I have today.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Give a man a fish, and he'll choke on the bones. Result: You get the rest of the fish.




Teach a man to fish, and he'll catch a lot of fish, then choke on one of the bones. Result: You get all the fish he caught.




Teaching people is better.

hey ....

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I always use log out, theres no way of really telling what happens if you don't in my opinion.


Thanks Choas for the Avatar and Petry for the sig (You know who you are) :)

Optimistic Elder in Runescape's only cult, The Order of Cabbage.

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back in rsc i always clicked the cross in the wildy when i was about to be attacked, it is a little faster but you risk a lot (trust me, i was a lot in the wildy in rsc








People like you ruin the Wildernis :shame:








I always use Log out, it's a habit, and, well, it's more safe with all these random events and what not :wink:

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