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Michigan Has pot in 2008?


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If they are already there is there not a cost for getting time on them? Or another, perhaps not monetary, cost associated with them not being able to do other tasks whilst they're being used to scout for illegal growing?








The DEA owns it's own satellites. They each have missions specific roles like drug interdiction in the gulf, a dedicated "marijanua" satellite, and so forth.








The satellites themselve cascade-scan the entire US, and "hotspots" are later anylyzed by agents, and if more intel is needed they wait for the next satellite pass, or have an FBI satellite devote some time. Whether the FBI or the DEA uses it at whatever time does not make a difference, since the Federal Government is paying for it either way.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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This is my problem with weed:








It stops the creativity. It's not what you're doing, it's what you aren't doing. It just makes you sort of a blob. Yes, some people say they get their creativity off of pot, but I think they can accomplish more if they weren't high.








Oh well, sucks for them.


Trix.--quit WoW as of 12/07

Thank you 4be2jue for the wonderful sig and avatar!

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Bloody hell. I hate Michigan. Well, I guess we can add this to our list of achievements, alongside the fattest, and second highest crime rate city, Detroit.








If I can't move to Europe when I turn 18, than I'm going to Ontario. It's perfect, it's not to far from home, there's even a good university in Guelph. I love Canada!!It's just expensive.








Well i wouldn't be surprised if it passes. Think of the economic and population boosts. God knows We need it. Deadlast in terms of Economic status in the United States.








People need to understand the only reason its illegal because its way to cheap, effective and fun and basically harmless [/sarcasm]








No but seriously, i wouldnt mind if it got passed.


Everybody lovin' it, but ain't no body touchin' it

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It won't get passed. I really do have to say that it's a stupid thing to do. Cigarettes, cigars, and alcohol are all bad enough and to add another drug is just stupid. People argue that pot should be legal because alcohol is but that doesn't really make any sense. Why make the bad worse?

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It won't get passed. I really do have to say that it's a stupid thing to do. Cigarettes, cigars, and alcohol are all bad enough and to add another drug is just stupid. People argue that pot should be legal because alcohol is but that doesn't really make any sense. Why make the bad worse?








Alright, how about this: why SHOULD it be illegal? It is not physically addictive. It is not deadly (or, not significantly more so than, say, chocolate doughnuts). It has significant POSITIVE effects (medical effects include pain relief and appetite stimulation; recreational effects include a "high" which some individuals find desireable.)








Like I said, I don't do marijuana. I just believe it should be legal.

Everybody hug and spread the love :D



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Well it can be helpful in medical treatment, but it still is a gateway drug.








It's illegal - so of course it's a gateway drug. People will try milder things before going to "harder" things. However, the vast majority of individuals who use marijuana never "move on" to harder drugs.








It would be like someone committing armed bank robbery, without ever having having shoplifted. Shoplifting is still illegal, but gets a much lighter sentence, because it is less severe. Most people who shoplift will never commit armed bank robbery. This isn't a perfect comparison, but you get the idea - just because marijuana and cocaine are both drugs, and most people who try cocaine have previously tried marijuana. You're confusing "If a, then b" and "If b, then a"

Everybody hug and spread the love :D



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At least in this state synthesized cannibinoids are legal for medical upse. Im prescribed this stuff called Marinol, it's an appetite stimulate and supreses nausea (psychological effects are more power than weed is though). Basically just THC in a pill


Gamertag: King Arizona

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Cannabis doesn't cause physical addiction, only psychological.








And the difference is...?








The difference is there won't be any kind of addiction for most of the people. Including me. Including ~5 of my friends. Including the vast majority of marijuana smokers. Maybe that? ::'

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Actually, it is an addiction. Anything and everything can be addictive.








Then there's the fact that it's still illegal, no matter how "harmless" it is to you.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Actually, it is an addiction. Anything and everything can be addictive.








Then there's the fact that it's still illegal, no matter how "harmless" it is to you.








Why do you base things that bad around things that are "illegal"? Legality has NOTHING to do with the ehtics of the situation. It is impossible to say that all things that are illegal are bad. How? Because someone that passed it while you weren't alive pre-formed your opinions on the subject.








So please step back and dont judge things on the legality of them. Many eople confuse this issue and decide that since its illegal or frowned upon that it is bad.








Legality has no effect on the negativity of it. Think about it.


Everybody lovin' it, but ain't no body touchin' it

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Actually, it is an addiction. Anything and everything can be addictive.








Then there's the fact that it's still illegal, no matter how "harmless" it is to you.








Why do you base things that bad around things that are "illegal"? Legality has NOTHING to do with the ehtics of the situation. It is impossible to say that all things that are illegal are bad. How? Because someone that passed it while you weren't alive pre-formed your opinions on the subject.








So please step back and dont judge things on the legality of them. Many eople confuse this issue and decide that since its illegal or frowned upon that it is bad.








Legality has no effect on the negativity of it. Think about it.








Correct. And laws are just (mostly) based on the publics opinioin, and the publics opinion can be easily changed with enough money. (and power(but money is power too so))

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Well I have never smoked weed nor do I intend to (just incase I like it and get addicted - yes I have an addictive personality) but I definately would like to see it legalised. I think that it would stop a few of my friends from going down the path of harder drugs.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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Well, if you really think about it, legalising marijuana would make it less of a "cool" thing to use.








How can you rebel when what you're smoking is perfectly legal?








Sure, more older people may end up using weed, but legalising it should cut down on teenagers using it irresponsibly - which, I guess, is the main point to consider.








Besides, by legalising it, the government gains the right to regulate and tax it to hell, just like with alcohol and tobacco.

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Bloody hell. I hate Michigan. Well, I guess we can add this to our list of achievements, alongside the fattest, and second highest crime rate city, Detroit.








If I can't move to Europe when I turn 18, than I'm going to Ontario. It's perfect, it's not to far from home, there's even a good university in Guelph. I love Canada!!It's just expensive.




Why not Ann Arbor? That seems like your kind of city from what I can tell.








I'm interested in what'll happen with this. Most likely it'll just fade away though, never to be heard of again.

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Well, if you really think about it, legalising marijuana would make it less of a "cool" thing to use.








How can you rebel when what you're smoking is perfectly legal?











That's what people mean when they say legalizing it will stop it from being a gateway drug.

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Cannabis doesn't cause physical addiction, only psychological.








And the difference is...?








The difference is there won't be any kind of addiction for most of the people. Including me. Including ~5 of my friends. Including the vast majority of marijuana smokers. Maybe that? ::'








What?! First you said there's "only" a psychological addiction, now there's no addiction at all?








Let me see if I understand your logic here. Psychological addiction = your mind needs the drug, physical addiction = your body needs the drug. Either way, you as a person need the drug, so aren't they the same? Or are you stoned now?








I have no respect for people like you. I had a cousin that took money from his parents to buy drugs, and when his parents finally were able to prevent him from taking their money, he killed them. He was addicted, physically, psychologically, and any other way you can think of, and two of my relatives died because of it.

the russians are the best! Hands down!
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It won't get passed. I really do have to say that it's a stupid thing to do. Cigarettes, cigars, and alcohol are all bad enough and to add another drug is just stupid. People argue that pot should be legal because alcohol is but that doesn't really make any sense. Why make the bad worse?








Alright, how about this: why SHOULD it be illegal? It is not physically addictive. It is not deadly (or, not significantly more so than, say, chocolate doughnuts). It has significant POSITIVE effects (medical effects include pain relief and appetite stimulation; recreational effects include a "high" which some individuals find desireable.)








Like I said, I don't do marijuana. I just believe it should be legal.




Actually, it's proven that the health risks of marijuana are equal, if not greater, than that of a cigarettes. Many experts actually believe that marijuana is equal to 10 cigarettes in terms of health risks. Not only that, but it impairs your judgement.

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