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What do you hate most about school?


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I've never really liked how most of the people recognized as "smart" work so hard for their degrees because their parents told them to, and never really thought about what they wanted to do with their lives. Otherwise, school isn't so bad.








But put yourself in the parents' shoes, when you (if you do) became a parent, wouldn't it be nice to have a cute little robot bidding your will all his/her life? Tell him to get good grades, check. Make a million and give half of it to daddy. Check.








You are right though, most "smart" people only study because they've been brainwashed by their parents. I have to disagree partially though because when I was in school I did meet some truly smart people who studied and were good at it because of their own motivation.








I know, not everyone is like that. I just think one of the more important factors of education (or at least, one that makes it enjoyable) is wanting to learn about what you're interested in.








I once asked a previous high school Valedictorian why she wanted to become a doctor. "Uhhhh.....".

A mind not to be changed by place or time.

The mind is its own place, and in itself

Can make a heav'n of hell, a hell of heav'n.

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I've never really liked how most of the people recognized as "smart" work so hard for their degrees because their parents told them to, and never really thought about what they wanted to do with their lives. Otherwise, school isn't so bad.








But put yourself in the parents' shoes, when you (if you do) became a parent, wouldn't it be nice to have a cute little robot bidding your will all his/her life? Tell him to get good grades, check. Make a million and give half of it to daddy. Check.








You are right though, most "smart" people only study because they've been brainwashed by their parents. I have to disagree partially though because when I was in school I did meet some truly smart people who studied and were good at it because of their own motivation.








Yeah I know, they think.








Good grades->good job-> lots of money








But they don't think:








to make lots of money, spend time away from family->no knowledge about familiy->kids break off with you->divorce->sad...








Not saying this will happen, just that some people don't recognize that if they focus too much on one aspect, they grow blind and may damage/hurt others.

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I wish I could go back aswell. They always tell you that you will, and you always laugh. They're right, though.








The thing I hated was the pointless classes. The ONLY thing you'll ever need FOR SURE in life is math. Science is good to learn, as is History. English? Only a little. Honestly, I don't care what a verb or a noun is. Noone does. Gym? Snore. They need to rename it "Second Recess Babysitting". Lots of time wasted there. School's need to get rid of gym class and sponsor activities during recess instead. You think that if, at recess, you throw down a game of dodgeball that everyone won't play? Yea, whatever. Everyone would be all over that. I liked gym, but it's 40 minutes of time you should be spending learning.








Typing class was pointless...They FORCE you to type in a way that may not be natural to you. For instance, typing in the "proper" (home-row) fashion, I type like 20 WPM, but typing in my own way, I type over 90. Plus my teacher was a beached whale who dripped sweat on you when he walked by. Literally. Barf.








That's all I can think of. School's waste too much time babysitting and not enough time teaching. They wonder why test scores suck.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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I really hate trying to maintain my rep... i know what your all thinking, your only 13, you dont have a rep yet! but trust me, i do, i'm known as a tougher person... most of my friends are kinda afraid of me :? lol, but its tough cause im kinda depressed right now and i feel like crying a lot... it really sucks... :cry:








Hah, that explains the urge to color your text... 8-) Actually a 13 year old *can* have a 'rep', just make sure it's a positive one. In reality, nobody likes a bully. You don't have to be a coward either, just be yourself and help others in the limits of good taste and friendship. Genuinity sells in the school world.








Thats right, the colored text just brightens my day a little bit lol, thanks for the advice to

99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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Typing class was pointless...They FORCE you to type in a way that may not be natural to you. For instance, typing in the "proper" (home-row) fashion, I type like 20 WPM, but typing in my own way, I type over 90.








I thought they taught that style because when done properly, it's faster? Or maybe it just does less damage to your hands? Heard that somewhere.

A mind not to be changed by place or time.

The mind is its own place, and in itself

Can make a heav'n of hell, a hell of heav'n.

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Lets see.












Waking up at 5:00 AM.




Home Work.








My English teacher.




My Science teacher is on morphine or something.




My English teacher.




My English teacher.

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Guest AshKaYu
I go to a Catholic Jesuit school.








I HATE religion in schools. I don't mind the work, but getting religion shoved down your throat in high school... ack.








A wise man once said, "Everyone should have a bit of knowledge about everything" . Tell them to back off or else they'll become flypaper for lawsuits.

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Typing class was pointless...They FORCE you to type in a way that may not be natural to you. For instance, typing in the "proper" (home-row) fashion, I type like 20 WPM, but typing in my own way, I type over 90.








I thought they taught that style because when done properly, it's faster? Or maybe it just does less damage to your hands? Heard that somewhere.








They probably teach it because they like to give everything it's own system and discourage people from being creative, lol.








Personally, I never typed "properly" in the class. I passed doing it my way.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Guest AshKaYu



Typing class was pointless...They FORCE you to type in a way that may not be natural to you. For instance, typing in the "proper" (home-row) fashion, I type like 20 WPM, but typing in my own way, I type over 90.








I thought they taught that style because when done properly, it's faster? Or maybe it just does less damage to your hands? Heard that somewhere.








They probably teach it because they like to give everything it's own system and discourage people from being creative, lol.








Personally, I never typed "properly" in the class. I passed doing it my way.








I think it's because Frank Gilbreth Sr. taught his kids that system, and they became the fastest typists in the state(as well as being able to do two digit numbers in their heads faster then calculators)

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Typing class was pointless...They FORCE you to type in a way that may not be natural to you. For instance, typing in the "proper" (home-row) fashion, I type like 20 WPM, but typing in my own way, I type over 90.








I thought they taught that style because when done properly, it's faster? Or maybe it just does less damage to your hands? Heard that somewhere.








They probably teach it because they like to give everything it's own system and discourage people from being creative, lol.








Personally, I never typed "properly" in the class. I passed doing it my way.








I think it's because Frank Gilbreth Sr. taught his kids that system, and they became the fastest typists in the state(as well as being able to do two digit numbers in their heads faster then calculators)








Yeah, that sounds a little more likely.

A mind not to be changed by place or time.

The mind is its own place, and in itself

Can make a heav'n of hell, a hell of heav'n.

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Tentative Agreement Reached








To: All BUFA Members








I am pleased to report that at 6:00 a.m. this morning a tentative contract agreement was reached between BUFA and the Brock University administration. Later in the morning, the BUFA Executive met and passed a motion to recommend ratification of the tentative agreement by the BUFA membership. As a result, the possible strike announced for Thursday, December 7 has been AVERTED.








As per the BUFA by-laws, a Special General Meeting is in the process of being arranged, hopefully for Monday, December 11, where the details of the agreement will be presented by Chief Negotiator Terry Carroll and discussed by the membership. Voting will take place over the following 3 days to maximize member participation. Details on the time and place of the meeting will be announced shortly.








At this time I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to Terry Carroll and the rest of the Negotiating Team (Kimberly Benoit, Don Dworet, Tom Jenkyns, Derek Knight, Linda Lowry and Carol Sales) for all their hard work and commitment in getting BUFA a good agreement. Also, the Strike Action Committee, chaired by Miriam Richards, did an excellent job of organizing the membership for a possible job action. There is no question that the work of the SAC was instrumental in convincing the administration that BUFA was serious about its bargaining positions. BUFA Executive Director, Kimberly Benoit and Executive Assistant, Leslie [bleep], have done an incredible job under difficult circumstances. Without the tireless efforts of all of these people, and others too numerous to mention, we would not have a tentative contract today.








Best wishes,




Barry K. Grant




President, BUFA
















Exams are on!!!! This has been such a good day on so many levels :D








It's been interesting to see how the students and faculty came together. Something that kind of kept us all updated was this blog by a professor.

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hmm.. what do i hate about school...








    *Waking up when its still dark
    *Walking to school when its freezing cold
    *Sitting in a class when a teacher is talking something no one understands anything
    *Getting detention for no reason
    *Getting out of school when its dark again









[4Th in Finland to achieve 99 mining. 3Rd of June 2007]

Pixels make me horny.

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