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How do you "try your hardest" at school?


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I try in some certain subjects, some of them I couldn't care less about. History and Biology are my two stronger subjects, Geometry and English are just useless. I know how to talk and I know how to add and subtract, there is no point in teaching them.








I've been told that I'm really smart but just too lazy to do work, which I partly agree with.

122 Combat : 99 Hits : 99 Attack : 99 Strength

97/99 Defence : 99 Fletching : 99 Woodcutting

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You're very grown up and mature, I think you should leave us kiddies be.








no, i'm just another kid just like you; the only thing different between you and i is that i realized rs was bs before it could ruin my life anymore than it already had








I don't know if you've realized yet, but OT people really don't play RS ;) So you have very little ground to stand on there...


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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wow open your eyes




all of you.












1) to the people who are pretending they have gotten masters/phDs/whatever the hell it was, and have tried to made an argument from the "i have experience" crap. stop. either you're lying or you're even more worthless than i thought you were. whoever heard of a 30 yr-old playing rs? get a life.








2) to the people who pretend they don't care about school/those who are so miserable that they have already given up: please, nobody wants your two cents here. if you don't care about school, your opinion is obviously worth less than you are, so please don't say [cabbage] when you have no clue what you're talking about. if you do care about school and are purposely pretending not to as to appease runescape players, then i pity you.








3) to the people who have used this topic to flaunt/lie about their grades/abs: WHY? do you feel any better knowing that you are better/smarter than everyone else? is it ANY accomplishment whatsoever to be better than rs players? cmon. if you really were as smart/athletic as you said you were, you wouldnt be HERE flaunting your grades/athleticism to people who clearly have no intellect nor athletic potential whatsoever.








4) finally, to those who actually manage to get good grades in school, are trying to make something out of this topic, but have somehow due to some odd misfortune found themselves posting on tip.it : please. these guys need more help than you can possible give them, so why bother posting?












with all said and done please just think about this topic and yourselves; reflect on the waste of air you must be, the pain you must have caused your parents when you were given birth to.








good day and good riddance.








I used to think you were a decent person, but lately.....












Did someone shove the stick up your [wagon]?








he had a bad day








but he is right; judging by the posts on this topic (/pukes), smores is ranking pretty high on the maturity level



















You're very grown up and mature, I think you should leave us kiddies be.








no, i'm just another kid just like you; the only thing different between you and i is that i realized rs was bs before it could ruin my life anymore than it already had








I don't know if you've realized yet, but OT people really don't play RS ;) So you have very little ground to stand on there...








change rs players to people who troll the OT forum of a rs fansite

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I put zero effort into school. I have very extreme opinions about it that I don't feel entirely necessary to express here :roll: My parents, on the other hand, go nuts if I get anything below a B-, so that's the only thing motivating me to actually do my homework, lol. Even studying would be pushing it.








I've only gotten my Chemistry grade so far, but I know what the other six are before the final exam is added into my grade:








Graphic Art: A (percentage not known)




Religion: B- (81%)




US History: B (85%)




US Literature: B+ (87%)




Algebra 2: A (97.5%)




French 2: B (84%)




Chemistry: A (97.8%)








On another note: lets try to keep this discussion a little more on-topic. i.e. no more ranting about other people's grades and flamming about whether or not they're liers :shock:

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- 99 fletching | 99 thieving | 99 construction | 99 herblore | 99 smithing | 99 woodcutting -

- 99 runecrafting - 99 prayer - 125 combat - 95 farming -

- Blog - DeviantART - Book Reviews & Blog

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English A 1 1




Science C 2 3




Maths B 1 2




Latin A 1 1




French B 1 1




PE B 1 -




Music A 1 2




History B 1 1




Geography B 1 3




Drama B 1 -




RS A 1 1




ICT C 3 -








I'm pretty sure those were all my marks though I can't remember all my subjects lol. (And the above is excluding Art and DT)








You play Runescape for a Scholo Grade? =P~
















































































Just kidding..But what does ICT and RS stand for??? Just wondering?

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I didn't try in Highschool. I slacked, was unmotivated, and couldn't care less about my marks.Luckily I Graduated with an 82% average.








Unfortunately for me... that attitude has followed me to University where the workload is that much more diffictult and my attitude is the same. I most likely should finish this semester with a 2.5-3.0 GPA, depending how I do on my final exams.








It was difficult doing the schoolwork this year because I was playing Varsity Soccer, so I was training 7 days a week, which then would take away like 6 hours of freetime a day. I have to keep up a GPA of 2.0 which is low so I'm glad for that.








Anyways, I regret not working harder, and I plan too next semester since it is the offseason and there is no traveling involved.

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I used to think it was cool not to try. After all, the really intelligent people are the ones that don't work for it, but still do well.








Alas, no. Plenty of smart people fail, and after a few years doing a pointless job, they'll become as stupid as everyone else doing the job.








There's no shame in getting the flipping work done, and getting it done well. Education is a wonderful thing, because for once in your life, the work you do and the achievements you manage, are for yourself... not for some employer who is making money off of you and taking the credit for your achievements.








Of course.. if you want a simple life doing what someone else tells you to do.. then that's your decision.. and plenty of people make it at school without realising it. You can sit in the pub with them every Friday night when you get your paycheque.. because that's the highlight of your life.








I don't think there's shame, either, in "a simple life doing what someone else tells you to do." And by not getting excited about academia, I don't think you are necessarily committing to drinking in a pub being the highlight of your life.








Surely there are other things besides alcohol and intellectual pursuit that can be important. Deep human emotional connection, perhaps? Romantic love? Eh?








You can choose an intellectual lifestyle, but understand that it is not for everyone. It's great if you enjoy it. But if someone truly does NOT LIKE doing schoolwork - why should they continue to do something they abhor just because it is "responsible?" Isn't that just as much "doing what someone else tells you to do" as getting an (arguably) "brainless" job later?








You are being incredibly elitist, and I think you should critically examine your judgements about other people :D

Everybody hug and spread the love :D



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I used to think it was cool not to try. After all, the really intelligent people are the ones that don't work for it, but still do well.








Alas, no. Plenty of smart people fail, and after a few years doing a pointless job, they'll become as stupid as everyone else doing the job.








There's no shame in getting the flipping work done, and getting it done well. Education is a wonderful thing, because for once in your life, the work you do and the achievements you manage, are for yourself... not for some employer who is making money off of you and taking the credit for your achievements.








Of course.. if you want a simple life doing what someone else tells you to do.. then that's your decision.. and plenty of people make it at school without realising it. You can sit in the pub with them every Friday night when you get your paycheque.. because that's the highlight of your life.








I don't think there's shame, either, in "a simple life doing what someone else tells you to do." And by not getting excited about academia, I don't think you are necessarily committing to drinking in a pub being the highlight of your life.








Surely there are other things besides alcohol and intellectual pursuit that can be important. Deep human emotional connection, perhaps? Romantic love? Eh?








You can choose an intellectual lifestyle, but understand that it is not for everyone. It's great if you enjoy it. But if someone truly does NOT LIKE doing schoolwork - why should they continue to do something they abhor just because it is "responsible?" Isn't that just as much "doing what someone else tells you to do" as getting an (arguably) "brainless" job later?








You are being incredibly elitist, and I think you should critically examine your judgements about other people :D








I agree very much, and that's similar to what I was getting at earlier. There's no shame in a blue collar job, nor do higher wages necessarily lead to a more enjoyable life.








I continue with my education not because I want a high-paying job, but because I love learning. With my grades and my intelligence (I don't believe the two are necessarily equal), I could do just about anything I wanted to do with my life. However, I find menial work, such as chopping wood, mowing lawns, or janitorial work just as satisfying as writing essays, solving complicated math problems, drawing Lewis structures, and discussing philosophy. There's a simple joy in getting a job done, and doing it well.








That said, I don't think dropping out of school to pursue a trade you love will ruin your life. (Though if you drop out because of laziness, that's usually a whole nother matter.) An extensive education is not essential to enjoying life. So long as you take satisfaction in your work, why should it matter what kind of work it is or how much you get paid for it?








Here's another tangent. Why is being a garbage man, a janitor, or a lawn worker any less dignified that being a doctor, lawyer, or business man? Surely the job of a santitation worker is even more important than that of a doctor. If there were no one to prevent the buildup of trash and waste, disease would be so rampant that doctors would be practically useless.



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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I'm not saying that there is any 'shame' in being anything, and I'm definitely not saying that there is any shame in doing things other than academia. The people who stay in academia tend to be the weird ones..








Your working life is long, so it would be a shame to be doing anything other than what you really want to be doing. I just generally find it difficult to imagine someone who would choose to spend their life doing something mindless and easy. To me, you might as well say that your ambition is to spend your whole life staring at a blank wall. People sleepwalk into those kinds of jobs because they didn't do anything to avoid them, such as work hard at school. If you have a big plan to drop out of highschool and work as a wood carver or something, then go for it - because that's skillful and not mindless. But if you don't have a plan, then work hard because otherwise you'll end up somewhere you don't want to be.








Also, "Deep human emotional connection, perhaps? Romantic love? Eh?" - I think that they are poor examples, because there is no reason you can't have a decent fulfilling job, and a deep emotional/romantic connection.

For it is the greyness of dusk that reigns.

The time when the living and the dead exist as one.

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I don't. I procrastinate.








To me its not what you learn, its what you need to learn.








wow...thats exactly how it should be












yes i procrastinate...but i try to get as good grades as i can :wink:


Listen to the mighty words of Bloodredsword.

Tip it MGC Xbox live leader board!

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I didn't try in Highschool. I slacked, was unmotivated, and couldn't care less about my marks.Luckily I Graduated with an 82% average.








Unfortunately for me... that attitude has followed me to University where the workload is that much more diffictult and my attitude is the same. I most likely should finish this semester with a 2.5-3.0 GPA, depending how I do on my final exams.








It was difficult doing the schoolwork this year because I was playing Varsity Soccer, so I was training 7 days a week, which then would take away like 6 hours of freetime a day. I have to keep up a GPA of 2.0 which is low so I'm glad for that.








Anyways, I regret not working harder, and I plan too next semester since it is the offseason and there is no traveling involved.








Definitely. I never had to try in high school, and was way ahead of everyone else intellectually. Then I went off to college, and the previously unfamiliar "Pset", "all-nighter" and such became ALL too familiar.




Without averaging in the D that wasn't averaged in (They have some pass/no record for the first term thing here for freshmen), I ended up with about a 3.7/4.0... after LOTS of work to stay there. I'm pretty sure some of my profs were getting annoyed with me asking for so many review sessions ::'

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I'm not saying that there is any 'shame' in being anything, and I'm definitely not saying that there is any shame in doing things other than academia. The people who stay in academia tend to be the weird ones..








Your working life is long, so it would be a shame to be doing anything other than what you really want to be doing. I just generally find it difficult to imagine someone who would choose to spend their life doing something mindless and easy. To me, you might as well say that your ambition is to spend your whole life staring at a blank wall. People sleepwalk into those kinds of jobs because they didn't do anything to avoid them, such as work hard at school. If you have a big plan to drop out of highschool and work as a wood carver or something, then go for it - because that's skillful and not mindless. But if you don't have a plan, then work hard because otherwise you'll end up somewhere you don't want to be.








Also, "Deep human emotional connection, perhaps? Romantic love? Eh?" - I think that they are poor examples, because there is no reason you can't have a decent fulfilling job, and a deep emotional/romantic connection.








Maybe some people actually do enjoy having more free time to do what they like, more than intellectual stimulation (or having a non-mindless career). There is nothing wrong with that. You SHOULD spend your time how you like. If a career isn't spending it how you like it, then... :D

Everybody hug and spread the love :D



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Maybe some people actually do enjoy having more free time to do what they like, more than intellectual stimulation (or having a non-mindless career). There is nothing wrong with that. You SHOULD spend your time how you like. If a career isn't spending it how you like it, then... :D












Easy jobs pay less, so you need to work longer hours to make a living.

For it is the greyness of dusk that reigns.

The time when the living and the dead exist as one.

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