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I need help spending money.


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Hey folks,








I...have a bit of a problem. I had saved up quite a bit of money for the slave auction and now that the auction's over, I still have the same amount of money idling in my bank. I'm not really sure what to do with it, but I am open to all suggestions. Current gp totals just over 25 mil gp with 17.5k oak logs and 1k yew logs to work with if need be. Note that I would like to focus on either gaining more gp with my current savings or greatly assisting my current levels. I look forward to your ideas. :)








Please and thank you,












PS: I just had to add a bit of an addendum...the first tidbid is a request to back up your selections with reasoning, not just "Zomg! Buy a Santa!". Also, please note that this is not an invitation to ask me for my gp. I worked hard for this and wish to benefit from its use. Thanks again.

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Hey folks,








*Blah blah blah blah*








Please and thank you,












PS: *Blah blah blah blah* Also, please note that this is not an invitation to ask me for my gp. I worked hard for this and wish to benefit from its use. Thanks again.








Darn, exactly what I was going to do!








But really.. but maybe train your combat through Dagganoth Kings if you're the correct level or.. KQ.. any monster that has decent drops. Spend the money on Prayer Pots, Sharks... blah blah. stuff of the sort to help you out.








Or maybe spend it all on construction? I haven't checked out your stats so I can't really help you out all that much.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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It really depends on your stats.








I would personally say get 94 or 99 magic if you do not already have it (this can be reached with a mere 12 million to 94).








You could buy a cannon and tons of cannonballs and train slayer with the extra damage which will give you ranged and slayer exp at the same time.








The possibilities are endless, think of what you like to do most and just go do it :)

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Except donating it all to poor Scapers (*coughmecough*)...I could suggest buying heaps of runes and training Mage, buy heaps of arrows and train Ranging, buy heaps of wood and Fletch or do Managing Thy Kingdom.

Owner of Quest Cape since 11/9/2007 23:30! Working my butt off to get it back.



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Two (well two and some variations) ways you can go:








1. Invest in moneymaking, rares to merchant or just set aside, or non-rare produce. Gaining money but not levels.








2. Invest in skills, gaining levels but losing money.




2a. Invest in skills that reclaim at least some of the money spent on them, or provide other assistance.








3. Invest in items required, such as completing a barrows set if you have a partial set.








Buying into the new TT items now would be brave, maybe demand could make them a merchant's goldmine, or maybe the initial rarity and interest will subside. 3rd age could well end up in demand as a non-degrading (but no special effect) alternative to barrows. It may also result in barrows & dragon price shifting.

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you could always spend a little in each stat..like spend a couple mil on bones for prayer, spend a couple mil on barrs, little on gems, littles on runes, food/pots to train. thats what i would personally do so you level all your stats and not have just 1 high stat, especially prayer because then your stuck with high prayer n thats not making you a lot of money

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Go waste it on trying to insult someone as you attempted in your Slave Auction bid.








Dear Axemanjack (or Bigmoneyak),








You are receiving this message because I purchased you as a slave on the Tip.it auction. Enclosed below are the details of your labor during our time together:








On Saturday, the 23 of December at 1pm EST (I will make the appropriate time conversions as is necessary, should you desire) you will be in the party room near Seers Village wearing attire I will give to you at a prior date (if you are able to meet with me on another day, otherwise our first interaction will be me giving you the appropriate dresswear).








For the subsequent four hours, you will move as little as is possible to stay alive. In lieu of moving, you will type the following lines of text, one by one, in order, until your time is up:








"I wrote a halfway decent slayer guide, so I think that gives me"




"the right to walk all over other peoples' accomplishments"




"I am an unsuccessful person, so I need to highlight my runescape"




"triumphs to make up for my real life failures"




"12 year old children have matched my lifetime successes"




"I am a jerk to people who do not attain level 99 in a skill"




"I am an arrogant person who glorifies his silly runescape success"




"I waste my time online because I don't have any real friends"




"I enjoy arguing with little kids. It makes me feel like a big man"








The seperate lines are denoted by the quotation marks. When you type them, you will type them verbatim, but without quotation marks. Do not augment, change, or otherwise tamper with the lines of text i have provided for you. These lines will be typed in rapid succession and the entire queue will be perpetually repeated for the entire four hours. Excessive delays will not be tolerated. You may wish to commit these lines to memory prior to our time together. Memorization time will not be included in the 4 hours.








You are not permitted to do anything beneficial to your character whilst standing there saying these things. No experience points are to be gained by Bigmoneyak over the course of the 4 hours. Things you may not do include, but are not limited to the following:








Highalching anything




stringing bows




mixing potions




merchanting items




and so on.








I understand you may get a number of random events during this time. You will do everything possible to quickly return to your spot unscathed and not gain any experience or items. Any reward you are given from the random events will be dropped on the ground. This includes, but is not limited to:








Genie's lamps




Strange fruit




noted herbs




noted gems








frog tokens




















In the event that you are attacked by something potentially deadly, you will run out of range so that the monster disappears, and then return quickly to your post. There is absolutely no reason why you should die at any time over the 4 hours.








There may be a social event occuring at the same time as your slave time; suffice it to say that you will not be permitted to deviate from your task.








When there are less than 60 seconds remaining in your time, you will log out so I may inspect your high scores to ensure that you have not gained any unaccounted for experience points. Upon my satisfactory inspection of your high scores, you will be free to leave.












Looking forward to our time together,
















PS: Do check your calendar for the 23rd of December and let me know if that date works well for you. Whether it does or it doesn't, please do let me know - if it doesn't, kindly check the subsequent month or two and suggest several dates on which you are open. I would like to stick with 1pm on a weekend day if at all possible, but if that time is difficult for you, let me know, please. Thank you.








Failing to find someone willing to entertain such a stupid request you would probally be wise to invest it in a rare and forget about it for awhile.








Having hosted many high value drop parties in the past, I have found you feel more frustrated with the greed of the attendees than any possible feeling of goodwill you had hoped to obtain.








You could invest it in barrage runes and have fun in castlewars.








Buy a bunch of yews to burn.








Buy a bunch of sharks to cook, sell, and repeat until you max out cooking.








Or, of course, find another high level to harrass and insult in an attempt to shame them and make them quit RS. You have the GP that means you are all powerfull! But when the monies are all spent and you are left with only your thesaurus and that empty feeling, you can always take up Hunting. :thumbsup:


The Slayers Guild a Slayer Clan led by Axe Man Jack

Proud to have written the most plagiarized Slayer guide on the planet.

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