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Best movie of 2006


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I'm not taking a poll or anything, just wanting some discussion. I was looking at the top 250 movie list on imbd, and 2006 only got two movies ranked, while 2005 got 6, 2004 9, and 2003 7.




So not a great year for movies, apparently. I think so too - there have been some sleeper hits, but nothing great this year. Since there's not much left of 2006, and there aren't any amazing looking movies coming out before 2007, I think it's fair enough now to make our judgments for 2006.




In your opinion, what was this year's best movie? Personally, I'd have to go with The Departed, Borat, The Fountain, or Little Miss Sunshine. Since we're talking the best, I've gotta go with The Departed. It'll go down as a classic.

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Other than The Departed, I'm seriously struggling to find a movie that will be remembered in years gone by as 'great'.




Poor show from 2006 really.








I don't think I've even really seen many movies this year. I think snakes on a plane and that was about it. :oops:








If it counts for anything (even though this is a 'lil off-topic) it was a bad year for MMORPGS too. :wink:

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The Departed and Casino Royale.








I haven't really been thrilled with anything this year.












Although next year looks to have a lot more promise...








Spider Man 3




Harry Ppotter: The Order of the Pheonix




Shrek the Third




Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End




Oceans Thirteen (although I'll admit I have an uneasy feeling with this one)

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2006 was a pretty good year.








The Departed




Casino Royale (Got world wide release in 2006)












United 93




Children of Men




Il Caimano




The Fountain (new Aaranofsky haven't seen yet)




The Prestige (new Nolan, haven't seen yet)




Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest








Neil Young: Hear of Gold




Little Miss Sunshine












Buddhas Lost Children








Are on top of my head.








Seriously though, think about it. How many good movies do you know from lets say, 1968? We've got nothing to complain, it only gets better. Especially due to art-cinema becoming more and more popular and available.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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Other than The Departed, I'm seriously struggling to find a movie that will be remembered in years gone by as 'great'.




Poor show from 2006 really.








I don't think I've even really seen many movies this year. I think snakes on a plane and that was about it. :oops:








Ah, well, I excluded SOAP from the great category, because it will be remembered for all eternity as the most fantastic film ever made.

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Uh, I said (Got worldwide release in 2006) after Casino Royale, but I meant Romanzo Criminale...


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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I'm gonna have to go with A Scanner Darkly. Tho, I must admit I have not seen The Departed yet. And I agree that this was a pretty weak year for "great" movies.








*EDIT* - I'm revising to add Apocalypto, which I saw on Saturday. I thought it was very good, though I think I'll give it #2 behind Scanner.

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2006 was a pretty good year.








The Departed




Casino Royale (Got world wide release in 2006)












United 93




Children of Men




Il Caimano




The Fountain (new Aaranofsky haven't seen yet)




The Prestige (new Nolan, haven't seen yet)




Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest








Neil Young: Hear of Gold




Little Miss Sunshine












Buddhas Lost Children








Are on top of my head.








Seriously though, think about it. How many good movies do you know from lets say, 1968? We've got nothing to complain, it only gets better. Especially due to art-cinema becoming more and more popular and available.




But can you seriously say any of those are going to go down as classics that will be remembered in 40 years? Because 1968 certainly has a few (2001: A Space Odyseey, Once Upon a Time in the West). 2005 was actually a really good year imo, but 2006 hasn't really had anything worth leaving the house for (DVD rentals for me, mostly).

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Children of Men








According to the official site, that movie is not even out yet. I don't think it can be labeled good if it has not even been seen.








Babel, The Prestige, Casino Royale, and The Departed would be my picks that come to mind.

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But can you seriously say any of those are going to go down as classics that will be remembered in 40 years? Because 1968 certainly has a few (2001: A Space Odyseey, Once Upon a Time in the West). 2005 was actually a really good year imo, but 2006 hasn't really had anything worth leaving the house for (DVD rentals for me, mostly).








Without a doubt. United 93 will be remembered, so will The Departed and Children of Men. Perhaps even Babel, Borat, Casino Royale and Little Miss Sunshine. I've spend a lot of good hours at the cinema this year.
























Just because a movie didn't get a release in the US of A it doesn't mean it never got released.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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No love for The Da Vinci Code? I thought it was a great movie.








Really? I thought The Da Vinci Code was a terrible movie. I'll even go ahead and explain why for you.








First, we're going to look at the Da Vinci Code book (spoilers ahead). Dan Brown is a very formulaic writer. Don't get me wrong, he's good for the cheap thriller fiction that he sells, but as far as actual good writing goes, he's pretty useless. His books always involve a ruggedly handsome hero who's a professor of something at some acclaimed university, his extremely beautiful and intelligent love interest who also happens to be a scientist of sorts, a red herring in the form of a person who's been alluded to as the main villian the entire time and in the end turns out to not be at all, the real villian who ironically enough is the trustworthy father figure that our rugged hero and his love interest seek counsol from in their time of need, and the villian's minion, who's been running around doing all the dirty work all this time.








The plot starts off with the murder of some prominent figure somehow close to the hero's love interest. The minion then kills off several innocent people as the hero and the love interest tirade through a random romantic city in Western Europe where all the events take place. Eventually the hero saves the day just when all hope seemed lost and discovers some impossible theory to be true (The illuminati, Mary Magdelene mothering Jesus's child, cold fusion, the tooth fairy).








I just summed up the Da Vinci Code in about 6 sentences. Funnily enough, I summed up Angels and Demons too, another Dan Brown novel.








So where were we? Right. Ron Howard has a pretty dull and unoriginal script to start with, but at least he doesn't have a whole lot to screw up. It's an oft-copied tale reminiscent of mystery stories from our youth. But alas, Ron Howard fails us by casting Tom Hanks as the rugged intellectual hero. Not Christian Bale, not Russell Crowe, not Harrison Ford (20 years ago), not even Tom Cruise(*shudder*), he picked Tom Hanks. No one could've predicted the sheer incompetance of Tom Hank's portrayal of Robert Langdon. He bumbles around for 2 hours spouting off irrelevent facts about things no one cares about. In contrast, Robert Langdon's book character had the ability to coyly weave in factoids about his surroundings over the course of his travels. Okay, maybe it wasn't quite that subtle, but it was certainly more subtle than Tom Hanks, who would just need to catch half a glimpse of some pyramid lying casually in the background to start relating facts about it for 10 minutes. Facts that, amazingly enough, would become important later on in the film.








There are some really good films that I've seen that when I watch them the 10th or so time, I notice a small subtlety that contributes to the plot or foreshadows something later that I hadn't noticed before, and that all but the keenest of eyes would miss. Ron Howard uses Tom Hanks to take these subtleties and rub your nose in them.








What's more, the end of the film deviated from the book so far that it didn't even merit comparison. It was like Ron Howard read some different book. I understand that the director is allowed some graces in the name of artistic interpretation, but the book's ending turned out to be 100 times better than the disgustingly traditional Hollywood closure ending that this movie provided. I walked out with 5 minutes left to get a jump on the mass exodus from the theatre.








All in all, TERRIBLE movie.








Also, I vote for The Departed.

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