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wow, look at this picture


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If that is paul he looks like a carrot.








i lol-ed irl








anyways here's one of the water altar





I either see nothing.. Or I see a really big lip :ohnoes:








its upside down












anyway karamja volcano anyone? looks somewhat like a devil

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There are a lot of places that look like faces in the game if you look hard enough. I am especially gifted at that. I can find a face in almost any random area of the game. :P




I'm the same. :lol: All my life I've always been good at finding 'images' in all sorts of things including, clouds, wallpaper, tree bark etc. etc. :lol:



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Moon clan island looks like a moon!








Wow how'd you figure that out?[/sarcasm]








Thats like saying Waterbirth Island is surronded by water.




It is??


do u wow?

Cassiius|Level 70 Night Elf Preist|Runetotem

Sambora|Level 37 Tauren Shaman|BurningLegion

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Before you know it, they will make a quest about finding the Giant Mutant Face Island :shock: Maybey, there putting the faces of Staff members in the game! So there is someone's face who works at Jagex who looks like a shoe! :shock: :ohnoes:

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Very cool! I never acually seemed to notice that before! From now on ima keep an eye out.








What I wonder is if they accidently came out like that or if the staff acually wanted the face shapes?









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