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Just saw this movie. While it was good on its own, it felt very rushed and inconsistent. They cut out about half of the book including a few important scenes (the Ra'Zac were reduced to having mere cameo roles) and some things were presented way out of order (Arya getting rescued before Brom dies). The ending was completely changed, leaving out two important events that became huge plot points of the second book (Eragon's wound from Durza, and the vision telling him to go find his tutor in "Eldest"; I forget his name). However, it was quite an okay movie. I give it a 72%.


You only have to type four extra keys for me to not think "ur" an idiot.


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I completely agree. I just returned from seeing the movie. It felt very rushed... and there were a few continuity errors... Like, Eragon just ending up with a bow somehow after he left Carvahall without one.








Overall, it was good though. ^_^

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Oh God.








Eragon :evil:








I was serenaded throughout the day by my Christopher Paolini Obsessed Friend with Happy International Eragon Day!








My friend made this book evil. I read it earlier this year but only got by the 2nd chapter before I put it down.




I don't like fantasies.












I'm reading For Freedom now. It's about a 13 year old French girl who's a spy for the Resistance during World War II.








I just read a part about a beach (I think in Normandy) getting bombed by the Germans which the girl and her best friend were on. There was a lady they were talking to who they knew as well. The lady was pregnant. She ended up dying, her stomach (and ovaries I guess) split open and the baby fell out never born in a puddle of blood. The woman's head also decapitated off and was lying a good amount of feet away from her :lol:.








Now that's a good movie! :anxious:

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I should tell my friend, he said that he was going to see it this weekend. I heard it was bad too. It didnt really look good in the preveiws (not to bring up how little there were). I bet that if the writer had help to do with the movie it would be a lot better. You have to remember that if they make the whole movie about the book, then the movie would be really long. Like the Harry Potter movies, (i luv them <3: ) they have to make them shorter than the book because with every detail, the movie would be really long and no one would want to see it. The lord of the ring movies are long but they have action packed scenes that make them easy going. What i mean by that is that it helps you follow along better when it has more action/the type of movie you like in it. They made the dragon in Eragon have a sorta small head. I just think that if movies are to long then the movie is bad (without your type of style in it).


Hate is a strong word<3:


need 130k willows for 99 fm, or 3 mil to buy them "sniff"

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I heard it was horrible. :P








My mate descibed it as " a [crappy] LOTR knock off"


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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i agree with you all that said it was rushed, and brom died too soon in the movie i felt, you barely even knew who he was before he died... as well, you didn't really see murtagh a lot either. still, the special effects were fantastic and the movie itself was entertaining.

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jeremy irons played brom really well but he died too soon




people should try and kill christopher




the movie was too rushed and they cut out some vital parts




i would only rate it a 2 1/2 upon 5

liam neeson rox!!!!!!!!

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The s*xual tension between the kid and the princess was so apparent, and so hilarious. Like when they were dressing in armor: "You look... ready for battle!"








The son of the evil dead dragon rider dude looked emo.








The plot was a rip-off of Star Wars, much how Pirates of the Carribbean was from Big Trouble in Little China. Think about it - Luke (Eragon), the Lightsaber (the dragon), Obi-Wan (Old guy), Han Solo (emo kid), Princess Leia (hot chick)...








Shouting random elfish words kills your foes? "TREE BRANCH!"








The evil wizard guy - give him a black BC Rich guitar and put him on stage with Metallica or Ozzy Osbourne, and get him to headbang. Would he look so out of place?




















Seriously, I laughed through the entire film. It sucked, and my brother said they butchered it from the book, but he too thought it was hilarious.


handed me TWO tissues to clear up. I was like "i'm going to need a few more paper towels than that luv"
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I heard it was horrible. :P








My mate descibed it as " a [crappy] LOTR knock off"








That's what I thought when I saw the trailer when I went to the new Bond movie. The score was the same genre, the darkness of the film is exactely the same atmosphere as in the lotr films, the concept is also kinda the same. But comparing a movie like that to Star wars BTTF? Come on... All fantasy stories are the same then.




Star Wars: Luke/lightsaber/Luke's friends/obi-wan/Han Solo/Leia




Lotr: Frodo/ring/Frodo's companions/Gandalf/Aragorn/Arwen




Harry Potter: Harry/wand/Hermione & Ron/Dumbledore/Father & Mother Potter








Notice how much all stories are built up as well. All dark and gloomy but eventually it all turns out for the best, even though some people had to sacrifice themselves.

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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I saw it too and was very disappointed. I had just finished reading both books, so the story was very fresh in my mind. It was very, VERY loosley based on the book. They didn't set up for a 2nd movie (no mention of Roran's girl Katrina, no mention on Eragon going to train with elves, Ajihad didn't die, etc.), tho I guess it could be possible. What really ruined it for me actually, was the kid that played Eragon...I just didn't like him. He was ok for the 1st half, where Eragon is supposed to be young, innocent, and weak, but by the end he still looks like a little pretty boy.








On the other hand, I also Apocalypto this weekend, which was fantastic!

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I just saw it. It was not very good at all. In the beginning it showed Eragon and Roran as twins! I don't ever remember them being twins. The story was VERY rushed and a lot of things happened out of sequence. It jumped around a lot and Saphira grew really huge in a matter of seconds. I was also disappointed with Saphiras voice, I thought it didn't suit her. Brom was well acted but had a short appearance. The Razak were taken out in the first 15mins of the movie! Tons of big points taken out. One day, Eragon knew nothing about magic, then in a few scenes later he knew tons of words, without any indication he learned them! Eragon never got the huge scar he was supposed too, he didn't meet Angela in Teirm and she only appeared once for that matter! It jumped around tons! I feel bad for people who haven't read the book but have seen the movie. They must be completely lost!








I somewhat enjoyed it but it was way to short.









You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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I saw it too and was very disappointed. I had just finished reading both books, so the story was very fresh in my mind. It was very, VERY loosley based on the book. They didn't set up for a 2nd movie (no mention of Roran's girl Katrina, no mention on Eragon going to train with elves, Ajihad didn't die, etc.), tho I guess it could be possible. What really ruined it for me actually, was the kid that played Eragon...I just didn't like him. He was ok for the 1st half, where Eragon is supposed to be young, innocent, and weak, but by the end he still looks like a little pretty boy.




I haven't seen it yet, and now I plan not to. No Katrina? Ajihad lives? Next someone's going to say that Galbatorix and the Forsworn danced out of his castle doing the can-can..


The code in my sig should say 1032 not 0132.

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Continuity nightmare, and the chopiest movie I've ever seen. They didn't take time to develop the characters very well, either. However, it had nice enough special effects to distract me temporarily from its suctitude. I was excepting it to suck entirely, so I was pleasantly suprised when it was half-way decent, despite its flaws.








And BTTF, you ought to read some Joseph Campbell. You'd be suprised how archtypical a movie like Star Wars is (espeically since Lucas intended it to be).



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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I never read books as they might be spoils to future movies.








Warning: Don't read this post if you don't want to, DOES contain spoilers.








Anyway I found the movie great. Especially how Eragon talked to the dragon through his mind.








That black dragon in the end, could it be some message like "To be continued"? :-k








I really enjoyed the movie, defintly deserves as good ratings as "Lord of the rings: The return of the king"

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It looks absolute crap and I definately won't be paying to watch that dribble.




Any movie that's released with a game at the same time drops hugely in brownie points for me. Remember going to the city on the bus and seeing a billboard poster for it and saying in that movie narrators voice: "AS DARKNESS FALLS, HOW MANY CRAPPY CLICHES CAN YOU SQUEEZE INTO A MOVIE."




It looks incredibly clicḫ̩̉̉ indeed. As darkness falls? The last dragon? Geez id rather just whop out my sega mega drive for a couple of hours...

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I read the first book and the movie was quite bad..




No bodies pile in Yazuak, no Teirm.




Eragon knew all the magic words, and I was like: Why he is going into gilead with no knowledge of magic ? :-#




Also, Razaks were presented more dangerous in the book then in the movie.




Brom was not killed by Durza anyway :notalk:




And the end was too quick.




Well, I dunno. Maybe someone liked it, I liked few passages(the beautiful landscape, for example)




but well.. :(




About the Luke/Han/Chewbacca/whatever philosophy you tal about... you Wont make any original fantasy without using at least a FEW of those specifics.




(Unless you are named J.R.R. Tolkien or Terry Pratchett)




Although i hate discworld <.<


^ my book :^_^:


I don't play anymore, but I'm grateful I played through the best RS times!

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The movie sucked.... I didn't read the book, but the movie sucked. And a part that made ma laugh was when he wanted to heal someone, he would say; PLEASE HEAL. lmfao

Lol I don't get it? What does 55 slayer have to do with barrows? Or do you just do barrows to celebrate goals achieved?


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I have read all your guys replies and no offence, yall are [developmentally delayed]ed! The dragon wasn't Lukes (eragon) Light saber, it was the force dumb@$$! Not only that but yeah they did leave out to many good parts, while speeding it up, being a fan of Eragon ( Hey! I just realize its dragon with an E) It was insulting.

Everyone Sucks but me!!!

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I have read all your guys replies and no offence, yall are [developmentally delayed]! The dragon wasn't Lukes (eragon) Light saber, it was the force dumb@$$! Not only that but yeah they did leave out to many good parts, while speeding it up, being a fan of Eragon ( Hey! I just realize its dragon with an E) It was insulting.








I agree this movie was great.








I don't think this is the place to disscuss the movie, I think a REAL movie site is a better place. Since there are so many people here that don't like it.

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I saw it. Its Lord of the rings with a dragon and bad acting. The "peasant" they got to play Eragon looks like he just came out of a modeling magazine. He's got like highlights and stuff, no dirt on him? Should at least ruff him up some to make him look like a peasant...








Me and my friend went to see it. We were in a room full of 6 year olds. I didn't really like it even when I have never read (or heard of) the book.

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