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Giving or Receiving?


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This just in.








"About half of Americans have decided to buy gift cards for their loved ones this year. The other half are women."








If someone is going to get me a gift I'd rather it be cash/gift card unless it's something meaningful. Otherwise I don't need anything or if they insist I'd rather just have money and save them the trouble of going to the store to find something for me..




That's an interesting idea, but the concept of a gift is the meaning. They're giving the gift, so you shouldn't worry about them going to any trouble. It's a gift.

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i am giving one/ maybe two gifts to each member of my immediate family, (or as much as my job supports) and sending cards to close family members on my mom's side, and a couple on my dad's side.








i am also recieving a few, but it makes me feel bad that i cant give more. i am also giving a gift to each of my friends

Never take life too seriously, nobody gets out alive.

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This just in.








"About half of Americans have decided to buy gift cards for their loved ones this year. The other half are women."








If someone is going to get me a gift I'd rather it be cash/gift card unless it's something meaningful. Otherwise I don't need anything or if they insist I'd rather just have money and save them the trouble of going to the store to find something for me..




That's an interesting idea, but the concept of a gift is the meaning. They're giving the gift, so you shouldn't worry about them going to any trouble. It's a gift.








Yeah, but when I really think about it I realize I don't need any gifts to make me happy. I find joy in seeing others smile and making sure their happy. So on the opposite side I could see how me being happy could make others happy, though I have trouble showing joy in receiving a gift so the most they're able to get out of me is a smile and a thank you (I even have trouble pretending to be happy).

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This just in.








"About half of Americans have decided to buy gift cards for their loved ones this year. The other half are women."








If someone is going to get me a gift I'd rather it be cash/gift card unless it's something meaningful. Otherwise I don't need anything or if they insist I'd rather just have money and save them the trouble of going to the store to find something for me..




That's an interesting idea, but the concept of a gift is the meaning. They're giving the gift, so you shouldn't worry about them going to any trouble. It's a gift.








Yeah, but when I really think about it I realize I don't need any gifts to make me happy. I find joy in seeing others smile and making sure their happy. So on the opposite side I could see how me being happy could make others happy, though I have trouble showing joy in receiving a gift so the most they're able to get out of me is a smile and a thank you (I even have trouble pretending to be happy).




Ooh! Good attitude! You should be a Buddhist! :D

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I bet'cha half of these people are lieing. Be truthful.








I was just about to make the same post :P








Although, I was going to put 90%+ :D








I don't know, it seems like everybody's answers have been pretty reasonable :? .



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Either way, the person's motivation for doing either is for him/herself. People wouldn't give gifts if it didn't make them feel good - the same result as getting them. I happen to feel better receiving gifts than giving them.

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This just in.








"About half of Americans have decided to buy gift cards for their loved ones this year. The other half are women."








If someone is going to get me a gift I'd rather it be cash/gift card unless it's something meaningful. Otherwise I don't need anything or if they insist I'd rather just have money and save them the trouble of going to the store to find something for me..




That's an interesting idea, but the concept of a gift is the meaning. They're giving the gift, so you shouldn't worry about them going to any trouble. It's a gift.








Yeah, but when I really think about it I realize I don't need any gifts to make me happy. I find joy in seeing others smile and making sure their happy. So on the opposite side I could see how me being happy could make others happy, though I have trouble showing joy in receiving a gift so the most they're able to get out of me is a smile and a thank you (I even have trouble pretending to be happy).




Ooh! Good attitude! You should be a Buddhist! :D








Heh, I have yet to put my faith into a single religion and Buddhism is one I tend to like ;)

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This just in.








"About half of Americans have decided to buy gift cards for their loved ones this year. The other half are women."








If someone is going to get me a gift I'd rather it be cash/gift card unless it's something meaningful. Otherwise I don't need anything or if they insist I'd rather just have money and save them the trouble of going to the store to find something for me..




That's an interesting idea, but the concept of a gift is the meaning. They're giving the gift, so you shouldn't worry about them going to any trouble. It's a gift.








Yeah, but when I really think about it I realize I don't need any gifts to make me happy. I find joy in seeing others smile and making sure their happy. So on the opposite side I could see how me being happy could make others happy, though I have trouble showing joy in receiving a gift so the most they're able to get out of me is a smile and a thank you (I even have trouble pretending to be happy).




Ooh! Good attitude! You should be a Buddhist! :D








Heh, I have yet to put my faith into a single religion and Buddhism is one I tend to like ;)








You should do what I do and study, Islam, Hindu, Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, etc. It's a great way to learn about other cultures. :)


Me doing staff.

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i like giving the best just to see the looks on their faces, but receiving is always good lol. i'm happy with just getting money cause then i can go and get what i want when i find it. my grandparents and such find it hard to shop for me cause i'm not really positive what i want so they just usually give me cash. my parents always get me and deloria presents though....and yes, we get them something to lol

99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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well i suppose it works both ways though i usually just end up getting more for myself then i do for others.








i bought my dad a Curtis Martin Jersey, got his gf and my mom a gift card to a clothing store, i ordered myself a DS Lite w/ 4 games and a Wii Nunchuck :)








though i also went in on a 2 day getaway with my mom for my grandparents.

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I only like giving and receiving gifts when they are unwarranted. Christmas and Birthday gifts are more about an obligation rather then a celebration, who cares about gifts when all that matters is that a person showed up to exchange them in the first place. I prefer gifts to be little surprises which are actually meaningful (for example getting sold out concert tickets for a friend's favorite band).

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As dusqi said, I like giving when I've got something special for whoever it is. However I don't like feeling obliged to buy things for people just because it's that time of the year, and I don't like people feeling obliged to buy things for me. So once i've gone through the list of what I want i'll just tell people to donate something to charity on my behalf.








But I won't pretend I don't love receiving something I want. <3:

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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Both, I'm not bothered if I don't get presents but it's always fun! :D




But I think I prefer giving. Choosing presents or making them is so much fun, and to add to that, see their faces when they find it's something they really wanted.

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I rather recieve, I'm greedy I know but I'm indian, india don't do Christmas.








I find how when it's Christmas, people think "Ahh let's give something to the poor" and they give money but that's the only time they give money, just because it's Christmas. Maybe for example, if there wasn't Christmas, then maybe some of those people who do that may not give money .. I think that that is a rather large percentage.



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well i suppose it works both ways though i usually just end up getting more for myself then i do for others.








i bought my dad a Curtis Martin Jersey, got his gf and my mom a gift card to a clothing store, i ordered myself a DS Lite w/ 4 games and a Wii Nunchuck :)








though i also went in on a 2 day getaway with my mom for my grandparents.








Curtis Martin is about to retire. :shock:








Anyway, I don't like the Jets :P








Watch out for those Steelers!








Btw, Hardcore Pats fan right here. Went to the game versus the Lions a couple of weeks ago. :P

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I enjoy receiving more, even with the simplest gifts.








Ditto, but it seems im giving more than recieving this year ... given about 10 out, revieved 2, neither of which are from people i've given gifts to.


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Currently Listening To ~ Hotel California / The Eagles

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given about 10 out, revieved 2, neither of which are from people i've given gifts to.








Not that you're counting of course ;) hehe :)

For it is the greyness of dusk that reigns.

The time when the living and the dead exist as one.

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Guest AshKaYu

We were asked that in school today, and it was written on the board, when our music teacher came in, circled "receiving" and said "Anyone who says otherwise is a liar"

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We were asked that in school today, and it was written on the board, when our music teacher came in, circled "receiving" and said "Anyone who says otherwise is a liar"








Well I'd be the one to prove him/her wrong. I know the majority of the people anjoy receiving gifts more than giving them but I'm the opposite. I live my life trying to make others happy and if giving a gift makes them happy then I'm doing a pretty good job. Of course I enjoy receiving a gift but I don't find as much joy in it as I do in giving.








I'd really like to smack all of these teachers who keep writing such bias things on their boards and telling their students that what they're reading is right.

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