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How I lost my items - by scamming, dying and others


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i got hacked today and the dumb [wagon] of jagex changed the recovires with my pass to the hacker...IN 1 MOTHER [bleep]ING DAY!!! wen i would always have to wait 10-15 to change them.... its so [bleep]ing retarted!! and now im stuck on my pure acc which has nothing on... (not begging for stuff) so guys... be carefull and make ur passwords really hard to guess....and DONT SHARE ACCOUNTS!!!!!!!!!! ITS GONNA GET UR ACCOUNT HACKED AND BELIEVE ME U DONT WANT DAT...




34,105th to 99 atk

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just got scamed, 2 times in a row, 1 sucessful,the other was not.


#1. someone said there was drop party, took a whole lot of peple to karamja, took us to the place with the people that can posion you, about 10 people died of poisoning.


#2. some got me to come to there house. he tried to scam me by getin me to put my rune smty on the table, so instad i put a fish( i was to smart for that trick)


the instant it was on the table, he expeled me. :shame:




right now, im [bleep] lost about 30k #-o

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i almost got scammed when this guy pmed me and said he would buy some grog for 10m saying it was a rare item. There was someone selling grog for 1m at the bank i was in and i was thinking get rich quick, but something told me not to do it. so i try to tell these two about each other trying to get a finders fee but the buyer pulled the "I g2g" card i looked what world he was on... non-members. i figured it out before i was scammed for all my good stuff
Whoa wtf???? I mutsve met the same person! Some guy PMed me saying I will give 100m for each grog you give me. Then a guy who said sell grog 700k. And im like OMG major money! Then i bought the grog for 500k cash and 200k worth of items, then I said to the guy who PMed me i got 1 ill come to your world. When i got to his world he had logged out. Oh and iI should mention that it was ALL my items and ALL my money which I had worked SOOO hard for! :uhh: :ohnoes: <.< :wall: #-o :x :cry: :evil: :(





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It wasn't really a scam, it was more of a deceptive trade. My youngest son, who is relatively new to Runescape, was duped by another player into buying Zamorak robes for 2k bowstrings. The poor kid thought he was getting the God robes from the treasure trails, instead, he got worthless red crap for his hard work. It takes a big person to take advantage of someone else like that. Things like this drive people away from the game. He hasn't played since this happened. A "thank you" to the immature [expletive deleted] for showing a young boy that scamming is far easier to get what you want than honest play.




Meta Mucil




SHHH, I am concentrating.....oh look, a paperclip!


Where was I again?

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I got lured into the zammy temple where the wine is... I was a noob and I was told to take the wine :wall: what did I know suuddenly hello lumby




Oh yeah Ilost full mith :XD:

Yeah that happened to me too except i lost full addy with 200 iron arrows diamond ring and power ammy. :uhh: :wall:





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0 o 00 o 00 (that wasn't the actual name)




OMG that N00b was the one that scammed me!




same here i said hi do u have full blk t i can buY? over pm(he was my mate for like 3 days) and he said ok can u come lvl 1 wildy just in front of blk knight castle its were i do merchenting


ill sell for 50k but can u bring all of your best items ill see wat i might wanna buy




(i thought wow 50k wen i was asking around for much more)




but then i thought hey either hell try pk me or someone else will




i said that to him he said,there a place in some trees noonell see you




i get der he says brb just getting a drink,i wait like 20 secs,bam! i look on my chat screen i got froze by ancients,(the noob logged on the spot he was on with his full ahrim and ancients using mage pure)i then saw while dying him walking out of the square i was also on i got pwned he then logged on his other acc and heres wat he said(you noob! i was taking a video of that for you tube! as my lureing video)i reported him on the account he logged in on after pking me (forgot name) and never been on since.(oh and edit did i say i didnt lose anything? lol i didnt bring 1gps worth of items \' )

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about a year ago all i had was like 5.3M. Some guy was offerng full veracs real real cheap. He had offered the veracs in notes and instead of giving me the helm he gave me another skirt. I was really excited so when i looked at the second screen all I read was the veracs part. I accepted and got scammed out of like 1.5M. But today my friend who is quitting gave me like 30M in items so its all good........

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about a year ago all i had was like 5.3M. Some guy was offerng full veracs real real cheap. He had offered the veracs in notes and instead of giving me the helm he gave me another skirt. I was really excited so when i looked at the second screen all I read was the veracs part. I accepted and got scammed out of like 1.5M. But today my friend who is quitting gave me like 30M in items so its all good........




Quitting, eh? Gives away 30m, eh? For nothing, eh?




I'd suggest starting writing that ban appeal right now... So when you find your char has been banned for "real-world trading", you already have something to appeal with. See if you can find a reason believable enough for Jagex.

Live free or die. First option is exhausted, so guess what remains?

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Well, I fell for the "My friend will buy your armor for 1mil" thing. I even knew what it was. :wall: But I was all "I'll bite" because I thought I knew what to expect. Wasn't expecting to get poisoned, though. #-o

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Well I thought I would never be scammed but they got me too :P




It was waay back in RSC, when you couldnt even see the other players combat levels outside wilderness. I was at varrock smithing iron or steel plates and I noticed besides me there was a very well known rune smither .. nope not bluerose13x, it was Iampenguin ( I think he quitted before rs2 came out. )




I was pretty sure it was him so I asked him gently can you please make my 10 rune bars to rune longs ( Nobody had 99 smithing back than not even Bluerose13x ) So I gave him the rune bars and he suddenly loggs out. I was surprised to get scammed by a very known player and a smither ( back then ).




So I was waiting there wondering what had happend, maybe he lost connection? maybe he scammed me? maybe that wasnt even Iampenguin ? So than I remembered that many scammers made accounts named Bluer0se13x or BlueroseI3x.




Waited about 20 mins and he logged back in and then I notice the difference this dude wasnt a very known player and a rune smither it was another scammer named Iampengiun #-o

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i got hacked bad






not even gonna post how but long story short








world 78 if you see him in wild PK HIM!!!!!!!




if not in wild tell him to add me im minicliepr13 so i can tell him he still owes me whats now could be far over 1 mil




this was liek 2 yrs ago and not 1 gp back




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While I was droptrading (yeah I know, illegal) a guy came up. His name was "Wedde ik pak" which in Dutch means as much as "you bet im gonna get it". He jumped up, took my 400 iron ore and was gone again. I guess he is a hacker.




It served me right I guess, but I didn't really like it.

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I was in varrock one day, and some guy comes up to me.


"Hey, wanna be in a youtube video?"




"Deposit everything but your whip. We're going to wildy.


I thought that nothing could POSSIBLY happen. He got me to low damage, gave me 4 drag baxes, and killed me. The three items i kept:






Dragon battleaxe


Dragon battleaxe


Dragon battleaxe


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Clicky Clicky here for my Blogeh

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I didn't actually get scammed, but someone tried it.




I tried selling my Red Mask... I'm muted, so I had my friend find me a buyer. He found one, who told him to go just east of varrock. "Kind of by the lumberyard" In otherwords, just north of it, in lvl 1 wild. So my friend accompanies me there, and when he's in wild, trading the scammer, her friend attacks him. I'm just below wild, because I have the mask, and I'm not stupid enough to fall for this.




So my friend is fighting the scammer, and low and behold, he kills him. Splitbark top, mystic bottom, gloves, and boots, rune boots, full rune, obby shield, and whip.




Can you say "Owned"?


Whoa, nice. :thumbsup:




I remember the day quite vividly.


I was about level 35 back then, with only 20k cash. I was doin the black knights fortress quest when I met a guy, slightly lower level than me, also doing the quest. We added each other and completed the quest together. A few weeks later, he PMs me about a glitch in the game and how he needs my pass to do it. :^o At first I never intended to give him my pass, but he mocked me and pretty much word-forced me to give it to him. Then he said "come to my world". I didn't think of much of that, so I logged out and switched worlds. When I logged in, it said that the password was incorrect, so I thought I made a typo. Then it occured to me: I lost my account. :wall: The next day, I told some people who also play Runescape, but apparently weren't very nice, that I got scammed out of my pass. They laughed and joked about how they were the ones who stole it, and I was as gullible as you can get back then. Later, I sent a query to Jagex, apparenly telling them of the people in school. From tht info alone, I wouldn've gotten it back, since, ironically, I didn't mention the actual scammer. However, I did have 2 old passwords, which I used to get it back. I got the query ID, and I checked it once every 5 to 10 minutes. After about 3 days of anxiety, I finally got it back. When I logged in, all I had on me was a wizard's hat and gloves, and when I looked at my bank, my heart skipped a beat. He stole all my cash, strength potions, amulets, armour and weapons, runes, pretty much anything of worth. He left me with items that probably would've bought for 1gp in the general store. He also left me with my red spider's eggs, which I assumed he didn't know could make strength potions. When I logged in, the scammer was also logged in, and I still didn't realize that he scammed me. I was quite the idiot back then. I told him of how I got scammed, and he said of how he had 120k and now he has 140k. I asked him if I could have some, but he said work for it. Oooh the irony. After a while, he got banned, and I then realized that he scammed me. Oh, I did make comments like "you scammed me, give my stuff back" to him, but I didn't really believe it until he got banned. #-o




After that, I decided to turn a new leaf. (wierd) I set my reoveries, set my bank PIN, I even looked through every coner and crevice of the knowledge base. I learned about commn scam items such as charcoal, and I reported every single rule-breaker I see. Once, I had a chat with someone who JUST lost 600k in a scam (wish sliced bananas...lol) and I told him what I did, and he listened. I told himn how I lost 20k and now I have 161k, "losin a nickel and gainin a quarter", and I told him pretty much what is mentioned above. He was inspired and said "next time, I'll have enough money to buy a partyhat", or something to that extent. The odd thing was, I saw him get scammed with my very own eyes. I never saw him ever since.




I have an idea: Lets list all common scam items, whether they be p2p or f2p.




Empty box


Poilshed buttons (3 of the most common ones)


Sliced bananas


Well? Anyone got more?

F2p 4 Lyfe

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I fell for the old 100k-10k(except it was 200k-20k) scam(before 100k+ appeared in white)




It was Black(g), and he switched 200k to 20k, and i checked second trade window, but didnt see the difference

Mizzou is ballin'!

Illini are fallin'!

Kansas is dead.


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i lost everything......


someone says that they will give me free membership


i bite because its my low lvl account...




but then i realised:


thats my onyl accoutn taht can talk...


i put all that effort into it... now for nothing...


and... i dont have a bank pin...






.... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:






















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Ok, I was about a lvl 39 and I was finishing up Dragon Slayer quest.I had some runes and a whole bunch of swordies and this guy was killing some lessers and he said "Take off your anti-dragon shield you'll be better off w/o it" and I was really stupid so i took it off I lost a lot of runes all my swordies and my useless armor lol. Hey! I was a stupid noob then =]

Nick Jonas <3

You've Been Marked c(^:!ÃÆââââ¬Ã¾Ãââ



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reverse scams are cool, and my friend once did it in school, in front of everyone in the computer lab. that was in rsc though.


**buying white phat**


noob puts up a phat


friend puts up 6m


noob changes it to a chef hat


friend takes away 6m, noob accepts.


seriously, have no sympathy for those scammers. They ask for it.






omg a chef hat soo expensive what a good reverse... lol :wall:

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