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I am very claustrophobic, and I fear being around lots of people, even if I know most of them. I also have a mild fear of heights due to falling off of a cargo net from the very top of it in fourth grade. The claustrophobia just scares me, because I always feel like I am going to die in a small room. The fear of large crowds happened when I was in sixth grade. There were a lot of people in a room and there was barely any place to walk, and that just scares me. I also consider myself mildly arachnophobic, since the sight of spiders just freaks me out. I can kill them though or go into the room again. :-w

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I'm not japanese, but yes, mildly (not accutely). I actually love going to parties, as long as there aren't to many strangers there.




I usually don't go to parties if I don't know most the people there. So it's all cool.


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I'm not japanese, but yes, mildly (not accutely). I actually love going to parties, as long as there aren't to many strangers there.




I usually don't go to parties if I don't know most the people there. So it's all cool.




I once went to a birthday party where everyone was a year younger than me, and I only knew 2 of the 25 people there. I left with 23 new freinds, that I never saw afterwards :lol: .












I hate having to call people, I get all anxious for some reason, prefer talking to people one to one








definately not a phone person, but im great at answering the phone if that makes sense lol..




I sometimes look at who's calling and stare at the phone until it stops ringing :anxious:

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It's not a phobia I know of (name wise)..








But I have a problem going fast on something without a roof, unless I'm controlling it. For example, rollercoasters don't give me that want to puke affect, they give me a fear that it'll go off the track, my heart races, etc. I have fainted on a rollercoaster before.








Motorcycles just scare me when I'm not controlling it. 60MPH is close to my limit, depending on road conditions, terrain, etc.



My Farewell thread. Please post nicely, or die. :^_^:

Yea, I'd vote for him too. But I don't think they let Iraqis vote :P
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It's not a phobia I know of (name wise)..








But I have a problem going fast on something without a roof, unless I'm controlling it. For example, rollercoasters don't give me that want to puke affect, they give me a fear that it'll go off the track, my heart races, etc. I have fainted on a rollercoaster before.








Motorcycles just scare me when I'm not controlling it. 60MPH is close to my limit, depending on road conditions, terrain, etc.








I assume then that you also don't like going in Convertibles? Or is that just taking it a bit too literally? :?

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It's not a phobia I know of (name wise)..








But I have a problem going fast on something without a roof, unless I'm controlling it. For example, rollercoasters don't give me that want to puke affect, they give me a fear that it'll go off the track, my heart races, etc. I have fainted on a rollercoaster before.








Motorcycles just scare me when I'm not controlling it. 60MPH is close to my limit, depending on road conditions, terrain, etc.








I assume then that you also don't like going in Convertibles? Or is that just taking it a bit too literally? :?








To literally :P








Anything involving cars, go-karts, quad's, etc, I'm fine.. It's relaly bizare.



My Farewell thread. Please post nicely, or die. :^_^:

Yea, I'd vote for him too. But I don't think they let Iraqis vote :P
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That would be the only thing I would consider to be a phobia, unrational fear of fish...




Irrational. Not unrational. I've got worse. :wink: Glitter? Escalators? Dogs?








THAT'S the word I was looking for.



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Apiphobia- Fear of bees




Spheksophobia- Fear of wasps








I only have the fear of wasps, but for some reason i've never shown that fear around other people. Bees I don't like so much anymore, but I always thought they were cute when I was young. (point of intrest. Bees and most all hornets [which look like big wasps] are not aggressive [though some bees can sting more than once] and actualy I think only maby half of wasps are aggresive [just the common ones])

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Issyphobia. The fear of Issy2... :ohnoes:








I have no phobias, but I think I'm a bit paranoid. :uhh:

~~Let The Dragon ride again, on the winds of time~~


I've always felt as if I'm the only person who can understand the concept of sarcasm on the internet.

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Hah..I'm a mental case if you ask me (I realized after looking up all my phobias)












Acrophobia - Heights, even though I can climb..very well.. :\




Ophidiophobia - Snakes, I_HATE_SNAKES, I bloody CRY if I see a snake next to me




Nyctophobia - Darkness, I'm 15 and I still sleep with my touch-lamp on the dimmest setting XD




Coulrophobia - Clowns, My cousin made me watch IT when I was 6..-.-




Spheksophobia - Wasps, Got swarmed on my 7th birthday o.O




Apiphobia - Bees, I'm allergic to them, like...2 years ago I got stung 4 times in an hour, had to go to the hospital -.-




Claustrophobia - Anxiety in small/enclosed areas, I don't really know how to explain it..I've just always hated that cramped/crowded feeling




Arachnophobia - Spiders, ~look for snakes ^_^




Xenophobia - Strangers, I was almost stolen (kidnapped) right from my mom's arms when I was 3..




Agoraphobia - Public, Unless I'm with friends I get extreme cases of paranoia




Glossophobia - Public Speaking, I break down half of the time..
















I also suffer from extreme cases of Paranoia (I think I'm being followed/watched). One time I got such a bad case I was sent home from school and forced to stay home for 3 days :\

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im afraid of heights and treadmills. heights was since like ever but the treadmill was when i was 7 i went to my cousins house. i started to play on the treadmill which was pushed up against a wall. i tripped and had my arm caught inbetweenn getting nearly 2nd degree burns. barely any blood though. now i think back to it but i can't remember the intense pain. just the oohhhh shiver feeling at the sight of the accident

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I have too many phobias...I've left quite a bit out of my first post. Bugs and "creepy" animals creep me. Calling people...I hate it. I stick to e-mail. Knowing me, I'm forgetting some more.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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I doubt these are really phobias people have, jsut because you're scared of something doesn't mean u have a phobia. This girl I knew in high school had a phobia of playing cards, which made no sense to me...
















I'll change the title, just for you.

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Yeh, heights...








Ladders ~ I'm OK going up...but then I can't get back down. The countless number of times I've climbed a ladder thinking, "Yeh, I'll be alright going up there" only to get stuck :oops:


The Poison Fairy

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Issyphobia. The fear of Issy2... :ohnoes:








:lol: I think we shouldadd that one to the dictionary.

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Group-o-phobia - Being scared of a really big group of ppl when I'm walkin alone.








Uncle-o-phobia - Just has to do something with my uncle, lol :XD:




Add me on MSN whenever you feel like talking, about anything.

It is like playing monopoly, and refusing to build hotels, incase you're called a "Hotel noob", as it might give you an unfair advantage.
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