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"Special Needs" Kid Stabbed to Death


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this is so sad :( i go to the local Middle School and heard about it around 10:00pm :cry: its so surprising that people do such things like that :? i was so scared, because when i heard about it i was thinking it was going to be one of my friends that got killed

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Wow, traumatic and sad at the same time. :(








Well to be honest, I don't know what to say. Stabbing is a first at school for me, I've seen guns and bombs, but never stabbing, which is more brutal than all of those other forms because it tends to be a slower and more painful method of murder.


Me doing staff.

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He also said his client has AspergerÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s Syndrome








*bleep* i need to watch out i used to have that i hope i wont go murdering people :roll:








come on how stupid to put that in the text that has seriously nothing to do with the whole issue unless he was bulliest because he had it

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Do we really need a new thread everytime someone gets killed?








Repost after repost after repost... I mean what more can a thread like this generate other than numerous 'Wow, that's so sad, poor kid,'








Still... my sympathy. Poor kid.

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Do we really need a new thread everytime someone gets killed?








Repost after repost after repost... I mean what more can a thread like this generate other than numerous 'Wow, that's so sad, poor kid,'








Still... my sympathy. Poor kid.








You took the words from my mouth.








And FunPhish, if you're just going to be an arse don't even bother posting.

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Its sad that he got stabbed. Living in the area i do, there are atleast 5 murders in my local newspaper each day, so i hear about them all the time, ive kinda got used to them :(.








Wow. That's more than Hawtford. :lol:








I hope you aren't next :(








That must be pretty scary. Me, personally, I'm extremely paranoid, so I can't go a week without thinking terrorists' will fly over my house.

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Its sad that he got stabbed. Living in the area i do, there are atleast 5 murders in my local newspaper each day, so i hear about them all the time, ive kinda got used to them :(.








Wow. That's more than Hawtford. :lol:








I hope you aren't next :(








That must be pretty scary. Me, personally, I'm extremely paranoid, so I can't go a week without thinking terrorists' will fly over my house.








i am pretty unparanoid people can carry guns with them without me thinking they are sucpisous

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i used to have that








Used to have Asperger's syndrome? I think you must be confused, you don't grow out of Asperger's. Maybe you had something else?








Sadly, people with special needs become the victims of bullies all too often. They're an easy target.


The Poison Fairy

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i used to have that








Used to have Asperger's syndrome? I think you must be confused, you don't grow out of Asperger's. Maybe you had something else?








Sadly, people with special needs become the victims of bullies all too often. They're an easy target.








noo i ve gotten in that past 5 years 3 different psychlogists ( spelling??)








and the last one finnaly said i didnt but 2 other's said i did








i am still not really sure but official i dont have it anymore

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There have been a few stabbings at my school. One at a school I used to go to. It's no surprise to me that there are kids stabbing each other, but it certainly is very sad to hear of a death. :(








the worst thing happened on mine school the pas 20 years is mayb ethat a girl was bullied so bad she went to a diffrent school








people at my school arent really agresive

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Wow, traumatic and sad at the same time. :(








Well to be honest, I don't know what to say. Stabbing is a first at school for me, I've seen guns and bombs, but never stabbing, which is more brutal than all of those other forms because it tends to be a slower and more painful method of murder.








That is depending on whether the person with the gun is a good shot or not.



~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~

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So the special needs kid was the murderer? That's what the article says (I think) but the title of this topic states otherwise.








Anyway, it's a shame this had to happen. Especially in a school.

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So the special needs kid was the murderer? That's what the article says (I think) but the title of this topic states otherwise.








Anyway, it's a shame this had to happen. Especially in a school.








Yeah that's what the article is telling us. Surely you'd be able to fight off a "Special Needs" Kid, or at least outrun them?

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Asperger's Syndrome. It's not, like, retarted drooling unable to stand up properly total moron. (No offense to anyone)








I have Asperger's. I've gotten in fights before. Like, three on one. If I feel that I'm being threatened, things get...nasty. The kid was, I'll bet, incredibly upset about something.

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So the special needs kid was the murderer? That's what the article says (I think) but the title of this topic states otherwise.








Anyway, it's a shame this had to happen. Especially in a school.








Yeah that's what the article is telling us. Surely you'd be able to fight off a "Special Needs" Kid, or at least outrun them?




they were both "Special Needs" kids :?

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So the special needs kid was the murderer? That's what the article says (I think) but the title of this topic states otherwise.








Anyway, it's a shame this had to happen. Especially in a school.








Yeah that's what the article is telling us. Surely you'd be able to fight off a "Special Needs" Kid, or at least outrun them?








Not necessarily. The article said that the murderer had Asperger's Syndrome and that it's a form of autism. Autism doesn't always mean that you are completely disabled. There's a kid that my bio teacher went to school with who had Autism but he was in honors classes and made straight A's.

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