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Fiji Water, Is There A Difference?


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My little brother only, I mean only, drinks Fiji Water. He thinks it is as good as drinking milk because it has like 17mg calcium a litre, what do you think? I really don't care about what my water is, onlly so long as there aren't bugs swimming in it.








What do you think about bottled water versus tap water, or fiji water versus regular water? Do you agree that my brother is crazy?

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It's nasty. Plus, most tap water has more calcium than a bottle of fiji. Especially water collected from the water table as opposed to resoivours (I can't spell the word, sue me).


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Tap water's better for your heart, apparently.








I hate bottled water. Waste of time, money, plastic, etc.

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My friend pays ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã0.90 for a bottle of volvic mineral water saying its better for you than cola. I dont get why he doesnt buy a can of fruit juice for ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã0.60...

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I can't drink the water out here (it's so full of calcium that it is nasty).








I buy a 5 gallon jug of Ozarka for 2.40 US and drink that.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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The best two kinds of water (in my opinion :P) are as follow:








- The tap water in my bathroom




- The bottled (freezing cold) water in the soda machines at Great America (don't remember the brand, lol) =P~








I remember tasting the Figi water once, and I didn't really like it. Probably just my taste buds expressing their individuality though :P

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i dont care reall, i hate water <.<








much rather apple juice, fizzeh drinks, ice tea


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Fiji water is average, just a nice waterfall design on the bottle 8-)








It's a waste of money to buy bottled water IMO. But still...








My friend pays ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã0.90 for a bottle of volvic mineral water saying its better for you than cola. I dont get why he doesnt buy a can of fruit juice for ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã0.60...








Fruit juice can actually be less healthy, since it most likely contains lots of carbohydrates. If you can get your vitamins naturally from salad, fruits etc., water is the best drink.

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I can't taste the difference really. Where I am the tap water is "hard", so I like it as much as anything bottled, especially when it's chilled. When I go on holiday in Cornwall though the water is a lot "softer", so bottled water is generally nicer, but i'll still have the tapped stuff.

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my tapwater (in university halls) is pretty poor, and has tasted strange for the last week or so... im not about to go and spend silly amounts of money on bottled water YET though.

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I like bottled water or tap water. Sometimes I leave a case of bottled water outside overnight so that it gets really cold during the winter. Then the next day when it warms up to 50-605 degrees I have a cold bottle of water to drink, and I didn't even have to pay for refrigeration! I also love drinking Vitamin Water, especially the dragonfruit kind.



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I hate bottled water unless it's freezing cold, like Aquafina...<3:








I drink water from my Poland Spring water cooler at my house. It's goooood water...::'








The only time I buy bottled water is from the drink machine at our school (and that's if there's nothing else in there and I'm thirsty. :P) and it has a really good freezer in it... so it freezes the water really fast and makes it lovely to drink. ^_^

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I hate bottled water unless it's freezing cold, like Aquafina...<3:








I drink water from my Poland Spring water cooler at my house. It's goooood water...::'








The only time I buy bottled water is from the drink machine at our school (and that's if there's nothing else in there and I'm thirsty. :P) and it has a really good freezer in it... so it freezes the water really fast and makes it lovely to drink. ^_^












Warm or room temperature bottled water is nasty...It's like drinking plastic! :-X

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Warm or room temperature bottled water is nasty...It's like drinking plastic! :-X












Tell me about it! I hate when a bottle of good water is ruined because I accidentally left it in the sun! The only good thing to do with it is to water a plant. They don't mind what temperature their water is!



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I hate bottled water unless it's freezing cold, like Aquafina...<3:








I drink water from my Poland Spring water cooler at my house. It's goooood water...::'








The only time I buy bottled water is from the drink machine at our school (and that's if there's nothing else in there and I'm thirsty. :P) and it has a really good freezer in it... so it freezes the water really fast and makes it lovely to drink. ^_^












Warm or room temperature bottled water is nasty...It's like drinking plastic! :-X








Yes! Yes it is! I've always been looking for a way to describe that taste and feeling... You have helped me out, sir! :D

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I have a half gallon jug that i have with me during the day. I just fill it up at the tap. I hate cold water by the way. I like it room temperature. I drink like 2-4 of those a day. You suppose to drink at least 1 gallon a day.

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I have a half gallon jug that i have with me during the day. I just fill it up at the tap. I hate cold water by the way. I like it room temperature. I drink like 2-4 of those a day. You suppose to drink at least 1 gallon a day.




:shock: :o :? :-s :-X








What?! Are you telling me that you hate a nice, cool glass of water on a hot summer day?








Explain yourself!

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I have the best tap water. Michigan tap water FTW!! <3:








However, without a filter on your faucet, tap water does contain tiny fragments of dirt and clay from the pipes it traveled in, which are usually a 100 years old, or around that.


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The town I grew up in has the purest tap water in all of western Europe. Frankly, I don't understand people paying money for bottled water, as tap water is drinking quality in the entire country here. The other day I was at a convenience store inside a train station, and the cheapest half a litre of water was ÃÆââââ¬Ã¡Ãâì0,99, whereas half a litre of milk was ÃÆââââ¬Ã¡Ãâì0,69.

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The town I grew up in has the purest tap water in all of western Europe. Frankly, I don't understand people paying money for bottled water, as tap water is drinking quality in the entire country here. The other day I was at a convenience store inside a train station, and the cheapest half a litre of water was ÃÆââââ¬Ã¡Ãâì0,99, whereas half a litre of milk was ÃÆââââ¬Ã¡Ãâì0,69.








That seems very expensive for water. The water that I get is about $0.60 a liter. I don't know how many ÃÆââââ¬Ã¡Ãâì's that is though.



you know there is a place called outside, better graphics 100% pvp and no fee to play :-w
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