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Runescape ruining the world


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I think someone just wasted money on a domain and time by writing that.




Ironic that they're telling people to get a life but they had time to do that.




Seems they also develop apps for runescape....mmm

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Most of that stuff happens to people who are OVERLY obsessed, and with the YouTube thing, they only did that because they wanted to remove the Hunter Cape emote and removed a bunch of other ones to cover it up... So you're telling us to quit Runescape, and go play Everquest/WoW? How is that any different? It has almost the same community, costs more (therefore making you poorer), and is the same type of game...




Runescape makes your stupid.




Enough said :-w

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That is the most exagerated and over-dramatic article ive ever seen about a game. The person who wrote it doesnt have enough details, and supporting facts, if i had never played runescape, for all i know this guy could be just lying....








anyways, runescape is fun, it was made so, if you don't want to play it then so be it...your decision :roll:


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That's the largest load of BS I've read in a while. Everything he says is exaggerated. Many aspects of the game actually improve your math/typing/. I'd be willing to bet that everyone here has had a positive effect on his/her typing from RS. This guy needs to get over his account ban, shut up, and stop wasting his money buying a domain name for a long, undetailed rant.


The code in my sig should say 1032 not 0132.

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Runescape Players have a 100% chance of going to hell, beyond the pretend magic




involved, disallowed by God and the bible, it contains three or more Gods that




players are asked to worship, even if in a game, and you God asks all people




to stay away from anything evil or anyone and anything that suggests other Gods or magic.











Looks like this was written by those insane people who burn the harry potter books. :XD: :XD: :XD:

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have a feeling that the person is either 6 years old or [developmentally delayed]








Off Topic: :D :wink: :!: :idea: =; w00t 200th post \:D/ :thumbsup: :mrgreen: ::' :XD:

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Not the greatest website in the world.. But either way, it doesn't belong in Off-Topic, as it's Runescape-related.

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