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Cruelty to Animals


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Look at this, I am absolutely shocked! Ever seen anything this stupid? Post here if you have, or post any animal cruelty you've witnessed.











Cropping ears and docking tails on beagle puppies?




My girlfriend's beagle bltch just had a litter of pups, and she and I thought it would be really cute if we made their ears all pointy and docked their tails so that they would look more like crazy, silly pit bulls. So we tried it on the girl puppy first, and what a DISASTER lol! We docked her tail with pruning shears, and she kept yelping and running around the house like it HURT or something!!! WTF, do they have nerves in there or something?!? So basically she bled a lot and died, before we even got to do anything to her ears. So before we try this on any of the BOY pups, does anybody have any advice??? Thanks in advance.























Absolutely shocking, i am about to cry for that puppy, and if I knew that persons address, the police would already be at their house.








What experiences do you have ith animal cruelty?

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I can tell by the way that is written that it was obviously a joke.








And someone...didn't...get it.








Exactly. It was clearly posted to provoke a reaction and you graciously provided one.

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There's no need to report this post as long as it's a discussion about this subject, (cruelty towards animals) which is actually a real issue. But yeah, obviously the chunk of text you wrote was meant to be humorous (though perhaps not so funny).

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There's no need to report this post as long as it's a discussion about this subject, (cruelty towards animals) which is actually a real issue. But yeah, obviously the chunk of text you wrote was meant to be humorous (though perhaps not so funny).








I didn't find it funny in the slightest. Cruelty to animals is sick and sadistic in my opinion.

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Animal cruelty = human cruelty








No difference what so ever. The sick bastards that do that should be taught by doing human cruelty on them. :evil:

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Who cares about animals. They don't function like we do, so why should be care at all?




Lets go to Shin's house and tie her up! Woot!

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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If you want real cruelty, check out the videos on PETA's website... Meat has not tasted the same since watching. :shock:








You mean Meet your Meat? That's required watching in all Agricultural classes. Then you go on a field trip to a burger joint!


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Well it was obviously a joke. Check out his other questions...








"My wife is amish and says we need to eat her placenta?"




"How old before my baby can get tattoos?"




"How many alka seltzer tablets for a seagull to explode?"
















(Those were the semi-appropriate ones that I remember off the top of my head)

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Who cares about animals. They don't function like we do, so why should be care at all?




Lets go to Shin's house and tie her up! Woot!




Why do I have to be the girl???










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I don't like people who post these stupid things, expecting people to respond at all. I also don't think that it's a good idea to respond to them considering it's what they want. But the people who post these jokes have issues...

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