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Do your friends Think Runescape is lame?


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I know my friends do. Most of the people who know I play Runescape, use it to make fun of me. Someone else I know (not my friend) even calls me names. But anyway,








Do your friends, and other people you know, think RuneScape is a lame game, and would make fun of you for it? Would they make you feel bad for playing a game that you like? -.-

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"what do you do when you get home (stilev)"




"o just play battle front (thoughts: runescape...)"








yeah, no one basicly talks about it since there is no one that is idiotic enough to say they play lol, but besides me, im like the only i know that still lives here that plays, basicly everyone talks about WoW especially since the new expanstion came out

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Most of my friends don't realise I still play RS. But to the few who do know, they simply say - Hmm... - and get over it. We respect each other for our different tastes and hobbies. But occasionally, if a certain someone calls it a lame game in front of me, I ensure I put my debating skills to good use and give them a good lashing.

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Similar threads have been created thousands of times, and your probably going to get the same answers each and everytime.








1.) Yes, my friends think runescape is lame.




2.) Yes, my friends think runescape is lame, so i dont tell them i play.




3.) No, my friends dont even know what runescape is.




4.) No, my friends are all so cool they could care less what games i want to play.

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No, they don't, they are interested in it. If they didn;t like it, they surely wouldn't make fun of me, as I would just make fun of them about something, something that is actually embarrasing, lol.




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Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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Runescape was cool in my town about 2 years ago, now if you even say you play it you get made fun of. :-w

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my friends think online games/video games are ...i'm a jock..but i also love hand-eye coordination and messing with computers. Pretty much i just don't care what they think about me.

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Most of my friends don't realise I still play RS. But to the few who do know, they simply say - Hmm... - and get over it. We respect each other for our different tastes and hobbies. But occasionally, if a certain someone calls it a lame game in front of me, I ensure I put my debating skills to good use and give them a good lashing.










^ Blog.


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Runescape is "Lame" in a sense that it isn't really all that great.








But it has unique factors that make it different from other games. (Party hat party hat party hat party hat party hat)




Most people don't recognize the real value of RS.








My friends know I play RS sometimes. They don't know that I play it frequently. If they did, they'd probably mock me for a day and it'd end.




The friends I have that do play RS, they're all not that good at it. One of them sells goblin mails as a main source of money... But they're just starting out anyway, so I guess I shouldn't say anything... Or maybe warn them that RS is a lame game.

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Yep, thats why i feel it's better to avoid telling them at all.



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Most of my friends quit Runescape, infact all of them quit about two to three years ago. I quit to, the only difference being I came back. So yes I do get mocked but i'm not ashamed of the game I play. However i'm ashamed of the people that give Runescape a bad name, the 9 year olds, the noobs and the all in all morons. But im not ashamed of the game. That's usually my comeback anyway.

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Similar threads have been created thousands of times, and your probably going to get the same answers each and everytime.








1.) Yes, my friends think runescape is lame.




2.) Yes, my friends think runescape is lame, so i dont tell them i play.




3.) No, my friends dont even know what runescape is.




4.) No, my friends are all so cool they could care less what games i want to play.








Not sure which thread has been posted more.. This/Summoning/Horses


Respect- Oy_the_Great, Lode, Bubsa, Weezcake, Thrash111, Gloric, Vmser, Pianofrieak2, Runemetsa

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My girlfriend is always trying to get me to quit. :uhh:


Pretty much what Dragon said.

Thread terminated.

I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


No Tip.Iters were harmed in the making of this post.

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Oh dear me yes. As some of the others said, Some of my friends don't even know I play. I don't want people to think I'm an obsessive player or a weirdo because I play a game that I enjoy.

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[url=http://www.imagehosting.com][img]http://www.imagehosting.com/out.php/i773526_stingtag.gif[/img][/url] [quote name="Capone_Sabre"]People in the wilderness will [b]always[/b] insult you no matter what you do. Just ignore it and kill them.[/quote]
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heh, my girlfriend used to make fun of me for it.








However, I am proud to say....we will have been going out for two years this march...and she has been playing RS now for about 3 months.












Yea, thats right....I got her addicted 2. Now she cant complain when I play it :twisted:

"The greatest joy a man can know is to conquer his enemies and drive them before him. To ride their horses and take away their possessions. To see the faces of those who were dear to them bedewed with tears, and to clasp their wives and daughters in his arms."


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Asking this question is as good as asking whether can a blind man to appreciate sunshine or whether is the air clean in a vacuum space or can a lame person run a 100m olyimpic race or whether is paper made of metal or is it faster to watch grass grow or paint dry...

International Society of Lunatics And Murderers.

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Asking this question is as good as asking whether can a blind man to appreciate sunshine or whether is the air clean in a vacuum space or can a lame person run a 100m olyimpic race or whether is paper made of metal or is it faster to watch grass grow or paint dry...








.... What? :-s

"A time comes when silence is betrayal" MLKJ


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