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Bring back Capital punishment?


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Sorry if this is already a topic, I did search, but no luck.








Due to the recent news in the Uk, A man who was arrested for downloading child porn was not sentanced to jail.
















Because there simply isn't enough room to put him away.








This is outrageous, Why should a convicted pedophile be allowed to walk the streets?








This needs to be seriously sorted out, Bring back capital punishment, Kill the serious offenders [Murderers, Terrorists, Attempted Sucide bombers etc..]




And make room for the minor offenders.
















Source to my opinion:





My dA account.


.retired, as of the 1st January 2008.

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How can you kill a Suicidal bomber... ?? They are already died








I do agree that some people should be killed for their crimes.. Killers and such but what if the police get it wrong.. they have to be 100% sure that its the right person..


Respect- Oy_the_Great, Lode, Bubsa, Weezcake, Thrash111, Gloric, Vmser, Pianofrieak2, Runemetsa

Sigs Made By - Pink

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Due to the recent news in the Uk, A man who was arrested for downloading child [Forbidden] was not sentanced to jail.








It wasn't because jails were full. One of my ex-teachers got caught doing that and all he got was an ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã850 fine. That sort of sentence occurs all the time.

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It wasn't because jails were full. One of my ex-teachers got caught doing that and all he got was an ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã850 fine. That sort of sentence occurs all the time.
A lot of sex offenders don't get jail time. Even some SERIAL sex offends don't get jail time.
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The solution to having less overcrowded prisons would be to reduce crime in the first place. How can we do that? Well, we could have prisons be centers of reform that educate inmates and teach inmates how to survive out there in the real world in a crimeless lifestyle. That would reduce crime. But we're too hellbent on having "justice served" (aka revenge crimes - putting someone in a cage, having them commit slave labor, executing them, etc - exactly what our current "justice system" is) to do that.

Everybody hug and spread the love :D



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Most criminals don't commit crime because they don't know how to live otherwise - they commit crime because it is easier than doing things the honest way. They do it because they want more than their dues. Rehabilitation won't solve that.

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Maybe if they didn't imprison over petty things like using drugs or possessing them they wouldn't have this issue.








Sure, if someone is shooting up on the park bench, lock them up. But if someone like to smoke some pot when they're at home, who the hell cares? As long as its not stuffing up other peoples lives leave them be.








As for capital punishment I am against it. Lock murderers in a 2x2 dark room for the rest of their lives. Sensory deprivation for the rest of their life seems good.








If there is a rapist, castrate him THEN lock him in a hole for the rest of his life.








A life for a life is not how it should work.


First and only pixel thinger I made.

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Most criminals don't commit crime because they don't know how to live otherwise - they commit crime because it is easier than doing things the honest way. They do it because they want more than their dues. Rehabilitation won't solve that.








I think that's just not true :D To a large degree, at least.

Everybody hug and spread the love :D



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As for capital punishment I am against it. Lock murderers in a 2x2 dark room for the rest of their lives. Sensory deprivation for the rest of their life seems good.








If there is a rapist, castrate him THEN lock him in a hole for the rest of his life.








A life for a life is not how it should work.












It's a waste of money, time and effort.








If they don't deserve to see the light of day again, Then there is no point locking them up for the rest of their life.

My dA account.


.retired, as of the 1st January 2008.

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If the guy actually raped a child, then I'd be concerned...But he 'just' downloaded illegal material. If there is no room, then who would you rather have on the streets? A murderer? Rapist? I think I'll take that guy walkin' around. :P








They could always let someone out who is in Prison for a stupid reason that doesn't deserve prison time...Like tax fraud or something stupid like that. Prison is a place for dangerous people, not dishonest people. :P

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Waste human life (no matter how bad they are) to free up rooms in prisons sounds wrong. Murder used to be the punishment here, but It didn't work! Thats why Silverman and the commons abolished it, it was a lousy deterent. People usually think that they can get away with murder or do it in the heat of the moment, or don't even think about it.








Our law on murder is so screwed up, it's in need of reform. The law Commission already suggested the 1st and 2nd degree murder, yet ntohing has been done.








Anyway, it's a vicious circle.








Government needs more prisons -> People get annoyed hearing their taxes are paying for prisons instead of education and things -> The current government thinks "If we build prisons, they will hate us!" -> Government doesn't build prisons, hoping the next party will.








And so on, there really should be a better way for getting issues like this resolved. There should be a board of experts assigned an amount of money each year to spend on ways the government don't like to. Only on issues that benefit society though. Utility!


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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Prison is a place for dangerous people, not dishonest people.



















Also, a large proportion of the people in prisons have mental health problems. They need to be moved to the NHS and cared for, rather than punished for something that they had little control over. This would free up lots of prison space.

For it is the greyness of dusk that reigns.

The time when the living and the dead exist as one.

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The solution to having less overcrowded prisons would be to reduce crime in the first place. How can we do that? Well, we could have prisons be centers of reform that educate inmates and teach inmates how to survive out there in the real world in a crimeless lifestyle. That would reduce crime. But we're too hellbent on having "justice served" (aka revenge crimes - putting someone in a cage, having them commit slave labor, executing them, etc - exactly what our current "justice system" is) to do that.








i dont know what kind of idealistic world you live in, but in the REAL world, it's been proven over and over that the majority of times, this doesn't work.












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You may think my views are harsh, You may disagree, But this is how I'm thinking.








Anyone who takes someone elses life on purpose deserves to have their own life taken.








Anything less than this, Sexual abuse [Children, Adult, Word that sounds like tape] Should be locked away for life. And I mean life. Until they die.








Things like Fraud, Burglery, Drug dealing etc.. Should be locked away for a period of time only, Whatever suits, and then helped with rehabilitation.








Of course, If whomever is being charged suffers from a mental illness, Then ok, There should be somethings taken into consideration.








That way, If you take someones life, Expect your life to be taken.

My dA account.


.retired, as of the 1st January 2008.

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I heard about this too, and then following that was a story about how a girl put a cardboard box next to a cardboard recycling bin, because the bin was full, and was asked to pay a fine, and if that wasn't paid, a six month jail sentence would be ensued. What the hell...



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You may think my views are harsh, You may disagree, But this is how I'm thinking.








Anyone who takes someone elses life on purpose deserves to have their own life taken.








Anything less than this, Sexual abuse [Children, Adult, Word that sounds like tape] Should be locked away for life. And I mean life. Until they die.








Things like Fraud, Burglery, Drug dealing etc.. Should be locked away for a period of time only, Whatever suits, and then helped with rehabilitation.








Of course, If whomever is being charged suffers from a mental illness, Then ok, There should be somethings taken into consideration.








That way, If you take someones life, Expect your life to be taken.








see, now i pretty much agree with this, except that in cases of sexual abuse, i think it should be up to the victim(or victim's family) to decide the punishment, but nothing less than life in prison should be accepted. crimes like this are so horrible that anything that can be devised by the human mind is much less punishment than that individual deserves.




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How can you kill a Suicidal bomber... ?? They are already died








I do agree that some people should be killed for their crimes.. Killers and such but what if the police get it wrong.. they have to be 100% sure that its the right person..








some dont get their bomb to kil like the ones in london did some time ago those could be kild thoug i am not for killing em! that is just plain dumb but maybe make those terrorists sit in cages with only enough room for a toilet and a sink and let em rot that be a real punishment cause dieing is the cowards way out for them! let the rot al their lives!

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How can you kill a Suicidal bomber... ?? They are already died








I do agree that some people should be killed for their crimes.. Killers and such but what if the police get it wrong.. they have to be 100% sure that its the right person..








some dont get their bomb to kil like the ones in london did some time ago those could be kild thoug i am not for killing em! that is just plain dumb but maybe make those terrorists sit in cages with only enough room for a toilet and a sink and let em rot that be a real punishment cause dieing is the cowards way out for them! let the rot al their lives!








Suicide bombers came straight to my head after I wrote terrorists, I did mean 'attempted' though, Which has now been changed.

My dA account.


.retired, as of the 1st January 2008.

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Build more prisons.








My views on capital punishment are have changed a lot , but at the moment i've settled against it. Especially to simply free up space in prison. Taking someone's life shouldn't be taken lightly.








If life sentences really meant life for certain things i'd have a lot more faith in the system. I think muderers, rapists and other general nasties should have to live out the rest of their lives in prison, with their liberty deprived.








Rehabilitation rarely works, and frankly in a lot of cases I don't think they deserve it.








Build more prisons, don't make them very nice, just basic. Put all the nasties in there, and throw away the key. Life doesn't have to be taken, and the new prisons act as a deterrent.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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We don't need to bring back capital punishment, we need to end the dangerous war on drugs which turns average americans into criminals. Marijuana is one of the safest substances known to mankind, it's lethal dose being higher than that of the potato. Spending on the war on drug is astronomical compared to spending on rehabiliation and programs to help addicts, addiction should be treated as a sickness not a crime.

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