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Toshiba23 - The 1 million nature goal - Canceled?

Guest Toshiba23

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260k nats is still an amazing achievement :wink: good job








I got bored after 3k nats lol








anyways good luck with all of your future goals








I remember doing 50k nats for 70 rcing, i was board outa my mind, and friends telling me to come barrow/stake/fish didnt help eather








as i said a few post ago tosh, to be honest, 280k is a hell of an ammount you did accomplish more than what i thought you were going to, and even though you didnt make it, its an accomplishment all most none of us will ever achieve, no need to appologise to us. because in my opinion this is one of the sickest goals achieved that ive ever seen in the time of my 7 year gaming experience.













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No one is going to be made that you stopped, 261k nats is still crazy. Just enjoy runescape, no need to quit because of boredom, you made the right decision to stop your goal. Have fun on the shopping spree =p

My Main



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Guest Toshiba23
np tosh, always a winner in my book, gonna like this bank pic tbh ::'








Join the club, we got jackets.

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Toshiba? Not RCing? :-s *dies*








Nah I'm joking, you did great, not many people could last for 250k nats, have fun on that shopping spree.








Phr33 st00ph pl0x.

Proud owner of a Fire Cape, achieved on the 24th of August, 2006.


Feel free to PM me in game, RSN is Dlewa0.

3,849th Account to 99 Range. :)

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Guest Toshiba23
Toshiba? Not RCing? :-s *dies*








Nah I'm joking, you did great, not many people could last for 250k nats, have fun on that shopping spree.








Phr33 st00ph pl0x.








Hush you,

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Good Job, I think you did good enough. I mean i can hardly do 1k nats.








Your completely right, it's not worth losing the game for that!! Like the lvl anyways, have fun shopping, how much cash ya make? :mrgreen:


Retired as of August 23rd with 91 Firemaking and 6m xp in it.

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Wow, good job with what you did accomplish. Even if you didnt get all 1mil, 260k is still amazing dedication.








That's a lotta cash...phr33st00f?


Feel free to HYT me in-game =)

~~3,483rd to 99 Thieving, Feb 22, 2008~~

"There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want." - Calvin (& Hobbes)

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I wanted you to get 1M natures but now i saw you'r story.. =)








Still nice achievement, 260k :shock:

ooh eeh ooh ahah, ting tang wallawallabingbang m8

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Very nicely done, but if I were you, I'd get at least 99 Runecrafting. :wink: Maybe wait for Blood or Soul crafting since you'd only need to make around 260k of those. Stopping so close to 99 seems uncomplete. :?

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=D> You did the right thing Tosh. The game is about having fun. And dang, 260k is like :ohnoes:








:P well, enjoy ruining w2 fally ;)

99 ranged | 99 magic | 99 defence | 99 hitpoints

Remember, it's just a game

Feel free to add me on RS. :) Always ready for a chat.

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Aww, too bad to see you giving up on your goal, but as you said, losing an interest of a game because of some bloody nats isn't worth of it =)








I hope you enjoy your time and moments with other stuff you're up to do =)

[4Th in Finland to achieve 99 mining. 3Rd of June 2007]

Pixels make me horny.

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