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Last Name?


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my last name means "Freedom" in Czech








Then it would be ironic to force it to your wife in case she doesn't want it... :lol:








This caught my eye though.








Pretty much yes, it's the way things are supposed to be done








According to who?








lol... :P

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I'd like to change my name to my husband's. Double-barreling it gets so messy - I think I'd like to keep it simple. Also, my last name begins with "W," which is quite annoying because you're always one of the last to be called for anything ;) Also, I'm kind of a traditionalist when it comes to gender roles (for my own personal life - not to force those standards upon others), and would like to live the role of a good, traditional wife.

Everybody hug and spread the love :D



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Ugh, lots of male chauvinist pigs on this forum.








I don't plan to marry (I'm telling you, marriage does strange things to people's nature), but even if I did, I would expect to keep my surname. I wouldn't mind being Mrs for formal stuff, but there is no way under this sun and on this earth that people would generally call me Mrs . Eww. I'm not a hard-core feminist, but I'm not 's property either.








I wouldn't want my children to walk around double named though (think of the trouble when they get married to another double named person), so they can be Kid . I think that is very generous of me, so he'll have to give me the right of giving the kids their first name :wink:

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I fell out with my family years ago. So much so that I'm actually very ashamed of them and am actually considering taking on my partner's (wife to be) name when we get married.








This is unusual since I'm male lol. However, of other guys who've done this.








I hear it's a total hastle though, since companies and business have procedures in place for when a woman changes her surname since it's to be expected at some point however, I it's a total nightmare if like me, you're a bloke. That's the only thing that holding me back.








I think it's important regardless of your gender that you assume the name of your partner. It's an important symbol of your matrimony.








On another note... maybe a bit off topic.




Women use Mrs when their married and Miss when they're not (or Ms if it's none of your business lol). This way others are aware of their marital status and can avoid embarrassing mistakes.




So why isn't the opposite true for men?

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Honestly, do you guys realize how much less of a man you'd feel like if you were forced to take your wife's surname? Let's be honest, your friends would get, bare minimum, quite a few weeks of jokes out of that.








And do you realise how much less of a man saying such an inane thing makes you?








You make it sound like women are a terrifying race that is after your balls and takes great pleasure in whining. Ever considered that if the surname is such a big deal to you, it might be important to your future wife as well? A wife is a partner, not a boxing opponent. 'Forced', sheesh. And if you have friends that would mock you for that, you're in need of different friends.

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Well, whichever my wife, when I get married, wants to do I wouldn't mind. Although I'd rather have her take my last name and not double barrel it.








yea, same thing for me aswell, i would rather her take my name, even though it is a rather boring last name ::'

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Honestly, do you guys realize how much less of a man you'd feel like if you were forced to take your wife's surname?








Again, that's cultural. Where I come from, that's absolutely normal. In scandinavia it's not "funny" or "weird" for the husband to take the wife's surname. People don't really give a damn about that kind of things there.








Yeah, I can imagine in a stereotypical conservative country like Spain or Greece, it would be a laugh for them to take the wife's surname (or even, for the wife not to take the husbands surname).








Still, those (stereotypical) people in the example aren't thinking rationally. They're stuck in their macho image of life, largely caused by the culture.

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Just for the record, incase anyone missed it in their fit of rage while reading my posts, I think that you're cultural points are right. Women should be able to have equal rights when it comes to picking last names. I'm just not enough of a man (irony ftw) to go against my whole culture AND my own personal opinion AND wishes AND my duty to my lineage as an VIII. I could go against maybe one of those at a time, but not all four at once.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Your last name is just that - a stupid peice of text. It means nothing. You're not even royalty and never were, so it is even more worthless! Why would it make you feel like less of a man if you took your wife's last name?








Absolutely ridiculous. I hope you guys don't grow up into macho wife-beaters, but that's how it starts. :lol:

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Your last name is just that - a stupid peice of text. It means nothing.




Would you guys stop underexagerating it? Honestly, it's the name that will stick with you for the rest of your life (until you and your wife start fighting about it), it is a part of you. My math homework is a stupid piece of text. My name is in a different league.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Would you guys stop underexagerating it? Honestly, it's the name that will stick with you for the rest of your life (until you and your wife start fighting about it), it is a part of you. My math homework is a stupid piece of text. My name is in a different league.
I'm quite content to change my name. Even though I may be the last male in my family to "carry on the name", I couldn't care less about it.
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Yep, they owned Hong Kong.




Yeah seriously right?








MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY. :lol: But I thought I better just leave it.








Anywhooooos...Mr. Rebdragon, if you hold your last name in higher reguard than your math homework, I have nothing else to say to you. :lol: Have fun with that last name...Afterall, you'll have it all your life. It isn't like you'll have math, which is directly responsible for your future success, for your whole life, right?








Again, your last name means nothing. You're just being macho weiners.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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So you'd be content with changing your whole name to anything if someone told you to? That'd be true if you felt that names are pointless. You'd don't seem to care about your name at all.








And that's math homework as in the 5 minute log homework I just did, not all of my mathematic intelligience :roll: .








Honestly, I'm not sure if anyone else here thinks this, but personally I belive one's name becomes a part of them from the moment it is chosen. I think I'd be fine with my wife keeping her name and me keeping mine (though that'd be a lot of confusion legally lol), but I'm not so willing to give up my name.

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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So you'd be content with changing your whole name to anything if someone told you to?








Now you're on the right track!








Now, all you have to do is put yourself in the female's shoes and you'll almost have it! SO CLOSE!

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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I'm just curious how wealthy the OP is if his family really were to own "large parts" of Hong Kong. Hong Kong is considered the most prime real estate in the world today, and in 10 years there won't even be anymore left to build on, sooo...If his family owns large parts of it, they'd be...Wealthy...:lol:

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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but I'm not so willing to give up my name.




But then read further down.








What if the woman is fine with keeping her name and you keeping yours, but "not so willng to give up [her] name" ?




If she's adamant about it, we can always have different surnames.








I'm telling you, if more females start moving towards this custom surnames could really get confusing :lol: . Double barreling, different surname spouses, actually having to debate about how the surnames are thrown around could make this next century very confusing :lol: .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Perhaps if people want to continue the discussion on the physiology of men and women they can take it elsewhere...



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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