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A fast 3d sig .


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Didn't know you did 3d sigs..








Very nice, but the handle blends into the shadow of the sword alot, it looked like the handle was very large widthways and not far lengthways. Map is perfect, but the BG on the right looks kind of weird.. Nice :P .

Lowgravity, I want to be just like you. But...I never will be as 1337 as you. :(
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He can't change the model Lowgravity, he didn't make them.








Sorry but the lighting (mainly on the sword) is horrible, as is/are the textures on it and the background. It looks like everything is sitting on the side of a planet or something. The map looks pretty good.








The view could use some work, kinda boring. Overhead blah blah boring...

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That is a sweet sig.








The thing that bothers me is the sword though. You oughta' highlight it in someway. Other than that, I really like it. Especially the texture on the map! :)
















// Azvi.


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i love that sig, wanna sell it to me? :D








I gave it for free to a friend till i can make her a pixel one... Will be free in like 2 weeks i think ? :)








@ Azvi : I wanted the sword to look old, dusty and rusty...so i didn't use any reflective texture...but i'll try adding some highlight maybe. Actualy the map is brushed, not textured, not a huge work but ended up pretty well i think.

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The sig looks preaty good in all, but the fact that you used stock renders (which basicly is the sig) kinda bothers me a little bit :)








But looks preaty good i guess :)

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The sig looks preaty good in all, but the fact that you used stock renders (which basicly is the sig) kinda bothers me a little bit :)








But looks preaty good i guess :)












I used stock models more to lack of time (should have reinstalled 3dstudioMax and wasted some time on it due to the 1 year inactivity on real life object modeling)...rendered it myself. And again it was just a quick try...but since it didn't come out that bad i posted it for a bit of c&c even if i mainly knew myself where the probs are :).

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The sig looks preaty good in all, but the fact that you used stock renders (which basicly is the sig) kinda bothers me a little bit :)








But looks preaty good i guess :)












I used stock models more to lack of time (should have reinstalled 3dstudioMax and wasted some time on it due to the 1 year inactivity on real life object modeling)...rendered it myself. And again it was just a quick try...but since it didn't come out that bad i posted it for a bit of c&c even if i mainly knew myself where the probs are :).








yeah, i know. And you should do a 3d model :) Lol you could do one and pixel over it :lol: it would be cool lol :)

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The sig looks preaty good in all, but the fact that you used stock renders (which basicly is the sig) kinda bothers me a little bit :)








But looks preaty good i guess :)












I used stock models more to lack of time (should have reinstalled 3dstudioMax and wasted some time on it due to the 1 year inactivity on real life object modeling)...rendered it myself. And again it was just a quick try...but since it didn't come out that bad i posted it for a bit of c&c even if i mainly knew myself where the probs are :).








That's fine, but I don't think you can sell it. I"m glad to hear you gave it to a firend for free, but keep it free. Looks good but hard to judge since you ddin't make the model.

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Cool. I like the map, and the models, even though you didn't make them, except the shadows are a bit overdone. If i were you, i'd soften them up or fade them. Though i'm not sure if those shadow effects are possible in bryce :|








And the ground looks more of a overhead kind of view instead of a tilted one, making it look like really strange.

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I say get rid of the sword, put instead a sextant or a watch (RS style) and you'll have an excellent treasure-seeking sig.








I don't just say it because the sword looks worse then the rest of the sig, lowering it's whole value (although that's important too).








Remember, for a sig to sell well, it not only has to look good, but to relate to RS in a specific way and context, and focus well on a subject (in this case treasure hunting).

Live free or die. First option is exhausted, so guess what remains?

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I never thought I'd say this...but...stick to pixel. :P








You need to practice some more....a lot more...








I'm staying on pixel for a while more...don't worry...




However it's not a matter of practice only.




Still gotta see me trying to do something nice with the right amount of time and will :P

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